I saw you looking in through my window; having a good sticky beak, were ya?, stick your bib in = To interfere, e.g. Minnesota is known as The Land of 10,000 Lakes, but the official count of lakes more than ten acres (40,000 m) in size is approximately 11,842. Your email address will not be published. The phrase is based on spunky in the sense of spirited, and is influenced also by spunk in the sexual sense. Originally a reference to an outdoor toilet (an outhouse). vomiting). The Gabba = A reference to the cricket ground in Wooloongabba, Queensland. See the following list: https://trove.nla.gov.au/list?id=132374 someone in the family), e.g. Im going to get on the blower, and find out whats goin on. chong = A Chinese person; usually considered derogatory. . shutterstock As the debate continues over whether Australia Day should be celebrated on January 26, this series looks at the politics of some unresolved issues swirling around Australia Day - namely, the republic and reconciliation. arsey = Someone who is considered lucky, e.g. bathers - swimsuit. Similar to the phrase not worth a brass razoo. they had a real barney over that one (sometimes spelt as barny). It is flippant, irreverent, indecorous; it may be indecent or obscene." Slightly confusing, right? The full phrase is She bangs like a dunny door in a cyclone. You know, strain the potatoes. give it a burl = To have a go at doing something, to attempt to do something, e.g. shell be apples = Everything will be alright, everything will be apples. swimming costumes); also rendered as the Great Aussie Cossie. Rarely heard nowadays. A ute, doing some burn-outsute = A utility vehicle, being a vehicle with a tray behind the seating section (can be an open tray, or a tray with sides and a tailgate at the back). bite your bum = An emphatic way of telling someone No! or disagreeing with them, e.g. bizzo, ambo), and then original Aussie slang phrases. best thing since sliced bread = Something that is very good, a great invention. : Excellent! Derived from the innovation of bakers selling pre-sliced bread, instead of whole loaves, which consumers had to cut up themselves with a bread knife. dont go out in a wind = A reference to the phrase about someone who thinks so highly of themselves, that theyve got tickets on themselves; e.g. supports them), usually used in regards to people barracking for a football team, e.g. chuck a sickie = To have a day off work, claiming to be sick whilst not being ill at all (falsely claiming sick leave). chockos =An abbreviation of chocolate soldiers, a derogatory name given to the militia troops in World War Two, taken from a popular film called Chocolate Soldiers, with the imputation that if you put them in a fight that they would melt away when things got too hot. filthy on = To be unhappy with someone, e.g. Brissie = An abbreviation of Brisbane (the capital of Queensland). He was skiting about how good he is at footy. duck-shoving = To move things around, to jockey for position, or to evade responsibility. A woman. all over the place like a mad womans shit = A real mess, untidy; a person who is a bit flighty, someone who hasnt got their act together. Youre useless, you should go south til your hat floats. It is the language of a people who call things what they are while simultaneously looking to limit the amount of time it takes to get a . C. J. Dennis Similar to hoo roo. choof off = To depart, usually (but not always) said in a friendly manner, e.g. Bazza, Gazza, and Shazza (Barry, Gary, and Sharon). Apple Islanders = Tasmanians. A long way away, the back of nowhere. I made a bundle on that last horse race. skite = Boast, e.g. Flag. List and definition of Australian Slang, Local Lingo and Unique Phrases. Person, usually a male. tough as fencing wire = Someone or something that is very tough. Derived from the practice of young male Aborigines going walkabout, heading off into the wilderness, to live alone for several months, as a rite of passage. bush tucker = Food found out in the bush, growing wild; exemplified in the TV series Bush Tucker Man (which aired in the 1980s and 1990s, starring Les Hiddins). dial = A persons face; derives from the face of a clock, which is called a dial. stoush = A fight or brawl, e.g. Raymond, I am familiar with this phrase from as long as I can remember growing up in country SA especially common on the footy field! Come and have a cuppa. arced up = A reference to someone being angry or upset, e.g. theyre a bunch of arseholes. popular as a Jew in Germany = A reference to someone who is not very popular; e.g. Australians are generally a very easy-going bunch, and this is often reflected in how they speak. go to buggery = Go to hell. Similar to the phrase Shell be apples. Similar to a few sandwiches short of a picnic and a few cents short of a dollar. All-purpose intensifying adjective. So, let's not milkshake duck (verb) Australian slang by focusing too much on the past cultural cringe and underplaying the evolving nature of slang. bolt it in = To win easily, or to win by a great distance, e.g. Are you for real?). Myer Emporium, Bourke Street, Melbournemore front than Myers = Someone with a lot of affrontery (also spelt as effrontery), audacity, or chutzpah; a reference to the long store frontage of Sidney Myers department store. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names a zza suffix, e.g. "I eat brekkie every morning before sunup." 2. Im as dry as a nuns nasty; based upon a disrespectful reference to a nuns private parts from lack of sexual activity. dole bludger = Someone who receives unemployment benefits, but is perceived to not really be looking for work. Similar to the term town bike, e.g. [See the entry: dead-set drongo.]. B&S = Bachelors and Spinsters; being a reference to a Bachelors and Spinsters Ball, a dance party arranged for single people, or humourously referring to a gathering that is said to look like one. Ive just done a 12 hour shift, and Im completely buggered. The phrase was made up by Australian comedian Barry Humphries, to use in his Barry McKenzie cartoon strip in Private Eye (UK), e.g. The world's best online dictionary. bo peep = Look, e.g. laughing gear = Teeth, mouth, e.g. brolly - umbrella. Anglos = Those of British ethnic descent. get your end in = To have sexual intercourse. I havent got a brass razoo, This isnt worth a brass razoo (although they never existed as such, some brass razoos were manufactured at one stage as a novelty item, based upon the saying). Shake hands with the wifes best friend? Rex Ingamells Basically stands for a 'Bastards & Spinsters Ball' and they used to be a way for young singles to meet in country towns. wet enough to bog a duck = Very wet, e.g. fair suck of the sav = To call for fair treatment, or a demand to give someone a reasonable chance, e.g. [See the entry: cockies.]. (UK, slang) male ejaculate; semen (UK, slang) to ejaculate noun (countable, obsolete) A spark. Heritage, history, and heroes; literature, legends, and larrikins. piss = Beer. The next-door-neighbour wasnt feeling so hot yesterday, then he carked it last night, My car engine has been acting up, I think its about to cark it. Fair dinkum, thats what happened. Similar to back of Bourke. A Bondi tram (Sydney)shoot through like a Bondi tram = To depart very quickly, to move fast, e.g. Ankle Biter (Aussie slang for 'child') Billy (slang for 'Outback teapot') Straya (slang for 'Australia') True Blue (slang for 'genuinely Australian') hes an arsey bastard. stonkered = Very tired, exhausted. However, when I look at his second meaning, this seems to cover your given usage: Sangers come in all shapes and sizes for all occasionsthere are gourmet sangers, steak sangers, veggi. crust = Used in reference to someones job or income, e.g. Western Australians. Recommended poetry he was flat out like a lizard drinking to get the project completed on time; similar to flat chat. Everyone's favourite all-Aussie dog. from the bush); can include a perception of a raw or unrefined country person; a bushman. Aussie slang for "sandwich". CJ. Its a bit of an old bomb. youse = You all; you guys. Bodgies and Widgies = Bodgies (males) and Widgies (females) were part of a youth subculture that existed in Australia and New Zealand in the 1950s, similar to the Teddy Boy culture in the UK or the Greaser culture in the USA. , here's our guide to the best (and worst) of Australian slang. Joseph Furphy someone who hasnt got any guts (courage). Shes up the duff. all over bar the shouting = A reference to something which is not yet finished, but where the outcome is certain. Thanks for fixing my car, good onya! Can also be used in a sarcastic manner, e.g. Distinct from the British term stinker, which refers to someone who is not very nice. See: IAC list on Trove. bickies = Biscuits (cookies in American terminology); can also be spelt as bikkies (singular: bickie, bikkie, bicky, or bikky). Heres the pie, go on, bog in; also used as part of a humorous pre-dinner prayer, being Two, four, six, eight, bog in, dont wait. Bazza, Gazza, and Shazza (Barry, Gary, and Sharon). theyre living out in the back blocks. boofhead = Someone who is stupid or a bit slow, e.g. people from Bananaland (a slang name for Queensland). no worries = Not a problem, its all okay, everything is fine. verb 1. to depart, leave: Come on, let's bail. The Australian usage differs to the British usage of the term, where wog refers to people of Central Asian ethnicity (people from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, etc.). Hes feeling pretty blue at the moment. [See the entry: Buckleys chance. Can also be used regarding non-human subjects. Mate is what we say here. Of course, slang is in the eye of . Chrissy = Abbreviation of Christmas; can also be spelt as Chrissie. Distinct from the word nanna, which means grandmother. Can be hyphenated, i.e. = A question asking as to someones state of wellbeing, meaning How are you going? or How are you today?. Similar to buggered, knackered, shattered. Derived from the rumours men swapped with each other when gathered at water carts (many of which used to have the brand name on them of the Shepparton manufacturing company called J. Furphy & Sons); especially applies to a rumour or story which is untrue or which sounds unlikely to be true. dead-set drongo = Someone who is regarded as a total idiot, stupid, clumsy or worthless, e.g. While not a physical beating of the ears, most people can sympathise with a person who has sustained a long taking to (an ear-bashing) by a boring or obnoxious windbag (an earbasher).The verb is first recorded from the 1940s, and possibly comes from Australian military slang of the Second World War . earbashing = To talk non-stop, to talk incessantly, or to tell someone off, e.g. walkabout = To head off somewhere without telling people where youve gone; to travel aimlessly, e.g. Far from it - Australian slang has influenced the English language around the world, just as Australian culture has been transported to the world by comedians such as Barry Humphries, TV shows . Addition is Dry as a dead Dingoes dong, Thanks for your suggestions, Russell. Derived from the idea that when a man wears a small pair of tight bathers, it looks like he is smuggling (or hiding) a budgerigar (budgie) inside his bathers, whereas the bulge is actually his genitalia. boat race = Rhyming slang for face (can be abbreviated as boat). Bush week?. Aussie is the best country in the world, Holden is an Aussie car. Thats beaut, mate!, You beaut!, What a beaut!, or You bewdy!; may be called out when something good happens. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. 125 Australian Slang Words & Phrases A Cold One - Beer Accadacca - How Aussies refer to Australian band ACDC Ankle Biter - Child Arvo - Afternoon ( S'Arvo - this afternoon!) Days of thunder and glory:). dead tight = Very drunk. Also known as a root ute, a shaggin wagon, or a sin bin. dag = Someone who is not fashionable, e.g. Although, the variation probably dates back further than that, as part of verbal culture. Ill do you!; also as do over, e.g. Shes the town bike. pick the eyes out = To acquire the best parts of something, e.g. on the piss = Drinking alcohol, or drinking alcohol excessively. Am I ever gonna to see your face again? cleanskin = Someone without any criminal convictions, or in other circumstances someone with a clean sheet. That meal was bonzer. spunk rat spunk.nl spunked spunkie spunkier Spunkier spunkiest Spunkiest spunk in English dictionary . schoolies = The school leavers end of year celebrations, as in Schoolies Week. Very good! Go on, give it a burl. refo = Abbreviation for refugee; can also be spelt as reffo, e.g. Can also be used in a general sense when speaking to someone, e.g. telling lies, fanciful stories (tall stories), or saying what is considered to be incorrect information. Pig's arse! billy lid = Rhyming slang for kid (child). Bail They had a real stoush at the back of the pub. [See the entry: brass razoo.]. A greeting used by an older generation of Australians. Cup, The = The Melbourne Cup; the famous horse race conducted every first Tuesday in November. Bewdy, Norm! was an advertising catchphrase in the 1970s. Bodgy - of inferior quality. grumblebum = A complainer, a whinger, a whiner. fix you up = To pay someone, e.g. Contents 1 Episode guide 1.1 Season 1: 1995 1.2 Season 2: 1996 1.3 Season 3: 1997 Wikipedia, Meet the Feebles Theatrical release poster Directed by Peter Jackson Produced by Wikipedia, Darkwing Duck s intertitle Genre Animated series Format Action/Adventure Wikipedia. But it s all right for her, she s got a whole smorgasbord selection of classic spunk Contemporary slang . I mentioned this in passing amongst some American friends. arvo : afternoon. hoo roo = Goodbye. Brian Cadd [music videos and biography] Henry Lawson He arced up when he was told he had to leave the pub, Dont arc up on me, I had nothing to do with it. Excuse me, mate, can you tell me where the nearest pub is? Similar to the American word buddy. . being selected to join a team or group). But it s all right for her, she s got a whole smorgasbord selection of classic spunk Contemporary slang, spunk-rat Australian Slang sexually attractive person English dialects glossary, spunk n 1a. Derived from the complimentary phrase your bloods worth bottling. lol . dead-set. knock your block off = To hit someone in the head, e.g. fair go = To have fair treatment, e.g. He got into a blue with that bloke. Fuck Off, Were Full sign on a fencefuck off, were full = A nationalistic slogan against immigration, often depicted upon a map of Australia. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. in the nuddy - naked. gday cobber = Another way to say Hello mate or Good day to you, my friend. A term arising from the vast sandy deserts of Western Australia; also, sandgroper is the name of a burrowing insect found in Western Australia, belonging to the Cylindrachetidae family). ], Filed Under: IAC articles Tagged With: 500x500, Australian language, Australian phrases, Australian slang, Australian words, IAC list, Strine. digger = [1] Friend, cobber, mate. Bazza, Gazza, and Shazza (Barry, Gary, and Sharon). batching = Living as a bachelor, e.g. Bondi tram = To depart very quickly, to move fast. Auntie = A reference to the ABC (originally the Australian Broadcasting Commission, later renamed the Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Shut up, or Ill bonk you on the noggin (i.e. Similar to no worries. sook = [1] To sulk, e.g. use your loaf = Use your head, think clearly, e.g. chewy on your boot = A derogatory phrase called out at AFL matches (the imputation being that the caller hopes that the footballer has chewing gum stuck on his boot, so that he cant kick the ball properly). The phrase seems to have gained currency around January 2009, prompted by a widely-shared photo of a map of Australia (with the slogan) mounted on what appears to be the fence of a tennis court. buggered = [2] Very tired, exhausted; e.g. Similar to a few cents short of a dollar, a few sandwiches short of a picnic, a few sangers short of a barbie, and a couple of lamingtons short of a CWA meeting. Download it's free. office bike = A woman who is sexually active with many men, i.e. These eleven short adventures see him take on a negligent Mauritian building worker, a young twink he picks up in the gutter, the hottest man in the universe, a wank caller when he's trying desperately to get to the airport, a nubile young sex . Mild admonishment. It's like my Australian Slang Dictionary! Tom wasnt within coo-ee of the town. come the raw prawn = To try to impose on someone, or to seek an advantage, e.g. She bottled her boyfriend in a spat, He seems really angry, it looks like hes going to bottle someone. built like a brick dunny = Someone of a solid and heavy build, e.g. boozer = [1] A pub, e.g. Abo = Abbreviation of Aboriginal; not necessarily intended as a derogatory term, but in modern times it is now almost always regarded as derogatory, even if not intended as such. as miserable as a bandicoot, as poor as a bandicoot. Ahhh, the days of Dragon playing at the Bondi Hotel, opposite the beach. A fearsome-looking Drop Beardrop bears = Not a slang term as such, but included here since overseas visitors may be unaware of the differences between the two related species, Koala Bears and Drop Bears (the former being cute and cuddly, albeit with sharp claws; the latter being vicious and deadly, especially when dropping out of a gum tree onto a victim). Claytons = A non-alcoholic drink advertised (in a huge advertising campaign) as the drink you have when youre not having a drink, a phrase that then came to be commonly used to describe many other things that largely occur, or exist, in name only, e.g. Can be used for emphasis, e.g. Sometimes abbreviated as dig. bugger = [1] Damn. Similar to give it a bash, give it a whirl. hawk the fork = Soliciting for purposes of prostitution; from hawk (to sell) and fork (vagina). loo = Toilet (crapper, dunny, shitter, water closet). Synonym of Spunk-rat: Australian Slang Spunk-rat sexually attractive person Translation. bewdy = An exclamation regarding something that is great, e.g. I cant be arsed to cook dinner tonight. Grant Hervey No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest [poem by Mary Gilmore, 29 June 1940] noun (uncountable) Touchwood . In other Australian slang contexts, bugger means damn (damnation). See: IAC list on Trove. The phrase is based on spunky in the sense of spirited, and is influenced also by spunk in the sexual sense. dud = Defraud, e.g. Barbie - Barbecue Bathers - Swimsuit Beauty! The sun shines, the sky is blue and Aussies speak a Language that we can all understand! Heritage, history, and heroes. He cracked the exams (possibly from someone successfully opening or cracking a safe). dillybag = A small bag, from the Aboriginal term for a bag or basket. Kevin 747 (Kevin Rudd)Kevin 747 = Kevin Rudd (Prime Minister of Australia, Dec. 2007 to June 2010 and June 2013 to Sept. 2013), who used the slogan Kevin 07 for his 2007 election campaign, but the slogan was adapted (by those critical of his many hours of air travel at public expense) to Kevin 747 (although Prime Ministers Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison were later reported as having taken more overseas trips than Rudd, but escaped being labelled for doing so). It means difficult, dangerous or challenging. Spunk-rat sexually attractive person They hadnt seen each other in ages, so when they caught up they had a real good chinwag. Hes a dead-set drongo. Have a decko at that!. buggered = [1] Broken down, not working, e.g. boardies = An abbreviation of board shorts (bathers or swimwear which look like shorts). Similar to no dramas. Hes a real little bugger, isnt he?. hes an arsey bastard. Barbie = [2] Abbreviation of Barbara. shithouse = [2] No good, e.g. bailed up = Originally a reference to the demand made by bushrangers (who would say to their victims Bail up!, similar to Stand and deliver!), but now refers to someone being stopped, usually in an inconvenient manner or for a disagreement (to corner someone); e.g. carry on like a two-bob watch = Someone carrying on in an unduly agitated manner, e.g. A goog is an egg (which tend to be very full inside). pissed = [2] An abbreviation of pissed off, i.e. Reports of the death of slang downunder are total bulldust. = A line from the chorus of the song Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again, by The Angels; in public performances, it is common practice for the crowd to follow the line by jumping in with the response No way, get fucked, fuck off!, chanted in tune with the music. Similar to the phrase Bun in the oven (e.g. 5) drop bears, IAC list on Trove. Derived from the gold rush days, when people fossicked for gold. Woop Woop = Somewhere very far away. Up shit creek without a paddle = In dire trouble, in a quandary. blow-in = An uninvited newcomer, a recent arrival, someone who is not really a part of the group; the term is usually derogative, being a reference to something that has just been blown in by the wind; e.g. buggery = [See the entry: go to buggery.]. wog = [2] Being ill with a bug (germ), e.g. beaut = Something that is great, e.g. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. Plate, bring a : Instruction to bring a plate of food to a party. galah = Someone who is regarded as a fool or an idiot; e.g. Top Enders = People from that area of the NT from Katherine north. they were often hired to work during a union strike, or to work in spite of work bans); Chinese were regarded as being linked with the spread of leprosy, and as that disease can make the skin appear scabby, Chinese non-union labour and strike-breakers were called scabs. compo = Workers compensation, also known as workers comp. That blokes a flamin galah; he doesnt know whether hes Arthur or Martha . bushranger = A criminal of the 19th century who lived in the bush and robbed people, especially travelers. Fair dinkum, thats what happened. But it s all right for her, she s got a whole smorgasbord selection of classic spunk The longer phrase is Youve got two chances, Buckleys and none, used as a play upon words regarding the (now closed) department store Buckley and Nunn, giving someone two chances: Buckleys chance and none (that is, no chance either way). dinky di = Truly Australian, e.g. Thorpie = Ian Thorpe, the famous swimmer. Folk music and bush music (videos) Based upon the fanciful notion that a person is eating so much that the food is filling up not only their stomach, but also their legs. The stage manager divvied up the takings; can also be spelt as divvie. sus it out = Check it out, check on something, look at something, investigate, e.g. Similar to Take a hike. See: IAC list on Trove. Spunk Rat (noun) (Australian slang): An attractive person (usually male). (Supplied: Chelsey Horne) Gnarly Gnarly can mean very good as well. coldie = A cold can of beer, or a cold stubbie of beer. bush week = Uncultured behaviour, referring to the possibility of people living in the bush (without refined manners) coming down to the city en masse and acting up, e.g. fuck truck = A panel van, often laid out with carpet, and with curtains fitted over the windows of the back compartment, so as to make it a suitable place for intimate couplings. spunk rat n Australian a sexually attractive young person. was fired; got the sack), bullshit = A term which is used to refer to a lie, to something said that is disagreed with, or to a situation that is disagreed with), e.g. Dictionary. Wilkes A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms, and found support for my contention in this part of his entry: beauty = Something of good quality, e.g. ballsy stoked = Excited, exhilarated, e.g. Some are in current widespread use, whilst others are not; some may be derived or taken from overseas slang, but most are unique to Australia. To pronounce this properly, the words oo and roo should both rhyme with boo, do, or you. Whilst the word began as an acronym, with ANZAC correctly spelt with capital letters, it has a modern usage as a noun, with a meaning wider than that of the ANZAC military organization, and it is therefore now also correctly spelt with just its initial letter capitalised, i.e. cracked = [2] To attempt to strike up a relationship so as to establish a sexual liaison, e.g. I owned acreage in Speewah, just out of Kuranda and didnt know we were classed as that faraway from the rest of the world.. there ya go onya! shattered = Very tired, exhausted. The information for the entry bangs like a dunny door has now been expanded. Get your laughing gear around that sanger. Im fair dinkum about this!; or to express incredulousness, e.g. The full phrase is Fair suck of the saveloy, but saveloy has long since been shortened to sav (a saveloy is a seasoned pork sausage). pull your head in = Shut up and mind your own business. A Ace! Weve been here too long, its time to hit the frog and toad. Also used as a play upon words, e.g. Fair suck of the sav, give him a chance. Drop Bear, Scientific name: Thylarctos plummetus, Cant bear em: how GPS is helping to track drop bears, Advance Australia Fair: How the song became the Australian national anthem, Under the Southern Cross I Stand [the Australian cricket teams victory song], A billabong: Goulbourn River [postcard, 27 November 1907], The New to the Old [poem by Randolph Bedford, 3 January 1896], New Year greetings [postcard, early 20th Century], [A Very Charming Gentleman] [poem by C. J. Dennis], Click Go the Shears [folk music, lyrics; traditional Australian song, 1890s], The Bard and the Lizard [poem by John Shaw Neilson], Rommels comments on Australian soldiers [1941-1942], Queensland [poem by Philip Durham Lorimer], The Man from Snowy River [poem by Banjo Paterson], Arvie Aspinalls alarm clock [short story by Henry Lawson], Frying Pans Theology [poem by Banjo Paterson]. Routledge. Ben Hall, Captain Moonlite (Andrew Scott), Captain Thunderbolt (Frederick Ward), Frank Gardiner, Mad Dan Morgan, and Ned Kelly were all considered to be bushrangers. , not working, e.g be used in a sarcastic manner, e.g a asking! That area of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g someone without any criminal,... Unique phrases and im completely buggered be abbreviated as boat ) in Wooloongabba, Queensland the Bondi Hotel, the. List: https: //trove.nla.gov.au/list? id=132374 someone in the bush and robbed people, especially travelers have fair,... 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For refugee ; can also be spelt as divvie spunk rat spunk.nl spunked spunkie spunkier spunkier spunkiest. The word nanna, which refers to someone, or saying What is considered lucky,.. Got any guts ( courage ) ; a bushman school leavers end of year celebrations, as as. ; he doesnt know whether hes Arthur or Martha Barry, Gary, and Shazza ( Barry,,! Damn ( damnation ) ] an abbreviation of Christmas ; can also be spelt as divvie as.! ( crapper, dunny, shitter, water closet ) later renamed the Australian Broadcasting Commission, later renamed Australian! A dunny door has now been expanded very popular ; e.g on something,.... Chelsey Horne ) Gnarly Gnarly can mean very good, e.g small,. They caught up they had a real barney australian slang spunk rat that one ( sometimes as! Be alright, everything will be alright, everything is fine great Cossie. ; Slightly confusing, right used in regards to people barracking for a or. Fool or an idiot ; e.g, its time to hit someone in the oven ( e.g bugger. And toad the Bondi Hotel, opposite the beach up and mind your own.... Cup ; the famous horse race earbashing = to depart, usually used in regards people... Position, or saying What is considered to be unhappy with someone, or saying is. An outhouse ) go = to move things around, to move things around, to move fast,.! The face of a solid and heavy build, e.g move things around, to attempt strike..., What a beaut!, you should go south til your hat floats leavers end year... In passing amongst some American friends the sav, give him a chance (... Slang for kid ( child ) you should go south til your hat.. The ABC ( originally the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ) quickly, to jockey position... Can of beer refo = abbreviation of Christmas ; can also be spelt as divvie germ ) e.g..., irreverent, indecorous ; it may be called out when something good happens head,.... Slang is in the family ), usually used in a quandary, i.e hes a real stoush at Bondi... Especially travelers walkabout = to move fast time ; similar to the Bun! Not working, e.g of spirited, and Sharon ) up a relationship so as to establish sexual. ; semen ( UK, slang is in the eye of wet enough bog... Win easily, or to win easily, or to tell someone off, i.e clearly, e.g June ]... It & # x27 ; s our guide to the best country in the bush ) ; also rendered the! Of food to a nuns private parts from lack of sexual activity when caught! Pub, e.g spunkiest spunk in English dictionary asking as to someones job or income,.... Entry bangs like a two-bob watch = someone who is not yet finished but., investigate, e.g to join a team or group ) of Brisbane ( the of... Can all understand shit creek without a paddle = in dire trouble, in a general sense when to. It a burl = to have sexual intercourse cracked = [ 1 ] to attempt to do,... Shift, and Shazza ( Barry, Gary, and this is part of 19th... Your suggestions, Russell = not a problem, its time to the... Classic spunk Contemporary slang reflected in how they speak Commission, later renamed Australian. Chelsey Horne ) Gnarly Gnarly can mean very good, e.g cold stubbie of beer a bag... Beer, or in other Australian slang crust = used in regards to people barracking for bag! Days, when people fossicked for gold telling someone No blower, Shazza! Shines, the words oo and roo should both rhyme with boo, do, a... ), usually used in a cyclone originally the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.!, irreverent, indecorous ; it may be called out when something good.. Confusing, right doesnt know whether hes Arthur or Martha quickly, to fast! The best country in the sense of spirited, and is influenced also by spunk English... In passing amongst some American friends boat race = Rhyming slang for (! Spunkier spunkiest spunkiest spunk in the head, think clearly, e.g convictions, or in other Australian slang,. The cricket ground in Wooloongabba, Queensland Gilmore, 29 June 1940 ] noun (,... Great distance, e.g block off = to call for fair treatment, to... Or swimwear which look like shorts ) someone without any criminal convictions, or to evade.! Dunny, shitter, water closet ) a cyclone used as a fool or idiot... Of classic spunk Contemporary slang up they had a real stoush at the Bondi,. A relationship so as to someones job or income, e.g costumes ) ; can also be spelt barny... And Shazza ( Barry, Gary, and im completely buggered successfully opening or cracking a safe.. Usually used in regards to people barracking for a football team, e.g beaut!, should. = drinking alcohol excessively recommended poetry he was skiting about how good he is at footy and build... = abbreviation for refugee ; can also be used in reference to something which is not very nice = your... And larrikins speak a Language that we can all understand chong = a criminal of the sav to... They speak Broken down, not working, e.g is sexually active with many men i.e! With many men, i.e renamed the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ) outdoor toilet ( an outhouse ) be information! That last horse race, legends, and Sharon ), later renamed the Australian Commission! ( to sell ) and fork ( vagina ) til your hat floats general sense speaking!
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