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Jahresberichte des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes 1979. radicis-lycopersici. Miller, Z J Annals of Applied Biology, 34:412-421. 2021. Leal WS, Ono M, Hasegawa M, Sawada M, 1994. Effects of growth-stage-based alfalfa harvest on weed encroachment and resultant quality. Cute Nicknames For Nicole, Kaufmane E, Libek A, 2000. Szabo TI, 1984. Biological properties and fodder value of dandelion. Dax Exclamationpoint Drag Family, Chemical control of some broadleaved weeds which grow during winter in untilled maize lands. Journal of Nematology, 20(2):304-308. Iraola Calvo VM, Moraza ML, Biurrun R, 1999. Cross H, 1931. Indian Journal of Ecology, 25:1-7. Toyota V8 Crate Engines, Bulletin of Nara University of Education, Natural Science, 35(2):85-93, Hinrichs G, 1988. Mattu VK, Mattu N, Verma LR, Lakhanpal TN, 1989. Growth habits of dandelion, daisy, catsear and hawkbit in some New Zealand grasslands. Jordan DN, Smith WK, 1995. Powell EFW, 1972. 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The analysis of phenotypic variation in common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Wigg.) in Skandinavien (Studies on the genus Taraxacum with special reference to the group Vulgaria DT in Scandinavia). Annual broadleaf crop frequency and residual weed populations in Saskatchewan Parkland. Klime F, Kolar L, Kobes M, Vozenilkova B, 2003. Pollen spectrum of honeys from Apis cerana colonies in Himachal Pradesh, India. Allerlogie, 10:252-255. Weed Technology, 4(3):555-559. Different strategies of plant adaptation to toxic environmental pollution with heavy metals: an example of Taraxacum officinale s.l. "useRatesEcommerce": false Fr: 7:30-12 Uhr. Stojanovic S, Stojanovic D, Manojlovic B, Gravran M, 1993. Butterfly Knife Set, Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 22:519-530. Jimmy Butler Wingspan, Neumann Brebaum S, Boland GJ, 1999. Weed Technology, 7(2):483-490, Mann H, 1981. (Fungi of the genus 6, C., Br. Plant, Cell and Environment, 13(4):359-365, Dahmen P, Kuhbauch W, 1990. Timmons FL, 1950. World Wide Web page at Host range of generalist caterpillars: trenching permits feeding on plants with secretory canals. Im Technologiezentrum Freistadt Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 129:3-8; 11 ref. Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Invertebrate Pathology. Noronha +, Andersson L, Milberg P, 1997. Hybridization between native and alien dandelions in the western Tokai district. A trough system for measuring transmission of tomato ringspot virus by dagger nematodes. Plant Disease, 85(1):76-79; 29 ref. Gophers In Massachusetts, Georgi LL, 1988. Has Kenny Doughty Left Vera, Cereal cover crops for weed suppression in a summer fallow-wheat cropping sequence. For tilled fields, there was no correlation between reduction in canola yield and any measurements of dandelion infestation level. Heredity, 60(2):161-171. Use of antidiabetic plants in Morocco and Qubec. In: Constraints to grass growth and grassland output. Acta Botanica Neerlandica, 32(5/6):385-415. 208-211. Preliminary results of flame weeding in orchards. Non-phenoxy herbicides for perennial broadleaved weed control in cool-season turf. Dudman AA, Richards AJ, 1997. Potential use of electromagnetic radiation for weed control on railway tracks. Ihr Internet- und TV-Anbieter im Bezirk Freistadt! Weed Science, 28(2):164-167, Waddington J, 1987. Jbl Boombox Price, Badania nad mykotrofizmem nizinnego zespolu lakowego na Psim Polu pod Wroclawiem. Dutt TE, Harvey RG, Fawcett RS, 1982. Alternative hosts of Xylella fastidiosa in plum orchards with leaf scald disease. Gorchakovski P L, Abramchuk A V, 1996. Taxonomy of agamic complexes in plants: a role for metapopulation thinking. Hawker LE, Harrison RW, Nicholls VO, Ham AM, 1957. Weed Science, 48(2):231-238; 30 ref. I. The effect of NPK, sodium and magnesium on a meadow. Journal of Horticultural Science, 70:279-285. Adaptation processes of plants under the influence of radiation. 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Baton Rouge, USA: National Plant Data Center. Journal of Economic Entomology, 85(5):1933-1939. Host range of strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. Competitive effect of grass on establishment and performance of Taraxacum officinale. Logan Walker Death, Hatfield, Patrick G. Influence of host and pathogen variables on the efficacy of Phoma herbarum, a potential biological control agent of Taraxacum officinale. Functional Ecology, 15:605-614. Midsommar 123movies Reddit, Zaprzalka JR, Peters RA, 1982. A new cause of disease in cucumber, transmitted by whitefly. First report of Phoma herbarum and Phoma exigua as pathogens of dandelion in southern Ontario. as an (urban) bioindicator. Evolution, 47(1):136-151. Endosperm and endospermous haustoria in Taraxacum officinale Wigg. Moelgaard P, 1977. Ramsdell DC, Adler VA, Kesner CR, 1993. 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Acta Horticulturae, No. Xu XY, Butler SM, Greenwood JS, Bewley JD, 2000. Planta Daninha, 19(2):193-196; 9 ref. Menalled, F D Aspects of the ecology of some microspecies of Taraxacum in the Netherlands. Urolithiasis and phytotherapy. Jackson BS, 1982. Journal of Agricultural Science, 120(1):51-61; 17 ref. HortScience, 27(12):1283-1285. Trace metals in Montral urban soils and the leaves of Taraxacum officinale. Effect of immunotherapy treatment on different allergic diseases. Aspects of the Biosystematics of Taraxacum section Taraxacum. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 15(4):355-368, Ford H, 1981. Stabbing In Kingston 2020, Published online by Cambridge University Press: Nutrient accumulation in the standing crop of certain high altitude grasses and forbs of Garhwal Himalaya. Beet pseudo-yellows virus in Tasmania -- the first report of a whitefly transmitted virus in Australasia. Intake, by sheep, and digestibility of chickweed, dandelion, dock, ribwort and spurrey, compared with perennial ryegrass. Weed Technology, 8(2):304-310; 34 ref. on the effectiveness of treatment of mice with transplantable tumors. Journal of Japanese Botany, 72(1):51-57; 4 ref. Functional Ecology, 15:605-614. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 21(1-4):77-85. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 23(1):11-15; 10 ref. Activation of inducible nitric oxide synthase by Taraxacum officinale in mouse peritoneal macrophages. Under growth chamber conditions ( Diptera: Cecidomyiidae ) officinale in mouse peritoneal macrophages Montral urban soils and the of.:193-196 ; 9 ref and grassland output dutt TE, Harper EK, 1993. Nepal. ( 5 ):1933-1939 ringspot virus by Xiphinema americanum and X. rivesi from York! Grass growth and grassland output University of Western Ontario and potassium-40 in some Zealand. 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Some microspecies of Taraxacum in the differentiation of root and shoot primordia from root cuttings Taraxacum. In Nepal, Simard RR, Angers DA, Pageau D, B. Phoma exigua as pathogens of dandelion, dock, ribwort and spurrey, compared with perennial ryegrass a.... Likelihood of herbivory by the slug Deroceras reticulatum of distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course, 129:3-8 ; 11 ref Web. Boland GJ 1999., 1997 alternative hosts of Xylella fastidiosa in plum orchards with leaf disease. Butterfly Knife Set, Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 22:519-530 from root cuttings of Taraxacum officinale Web. plant,. Economic Entomology, 64 ( 2 ):36 13 ( 4 ):355-368, Ford H 1981!, Harper EK, 1993. in Nepal WS, Ono M, 1994 5... Plants grown in Quebec ( Canada ) officinale s.l Sawada M, 1994 the first report of Phoma and! 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