Yes, like that. Genre: Comedic. Thats the Greek word for hello, for your information. Downy Woodpecker, Alright, I can do this. By: Amber Rothberg, Massachusetts, USA Age 13 Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic Description: A teenager tells her therapist about the day her sister disappeared. No never mind its a long story. If you ask me, I dont think you want to spend your time engulfing yourself in some randos life. And that is the story of why I am laying in a hospital bed with a full body-cast. He had just reached the ripe old age of one hundred and three, although of course he'd only admit to 97. You go home to a big house, with working lights and food on the table. Butmaybe thats okay. Im gonna say I had to pee. As if she were contemplating something. I look around and try to figure out what on this good green Earth could possibly warrant such a horrible sound when the childs mother looks at me with the tired eyes of one who deals with a three-foot-tall chimpanzee all day. Jessie? But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers No! Honestly, its kinda creepy. I promise that its not really a big deal. Why cant I go into stores without being stalked as if I was going to steal something? If I have to answer that then Ill take my sash, and my baton and Ill leave. Ive seen it all buddy. Can I be that for him, forever? I read the label on the front of it aloud. Okay. He calls them big ideas. If he brings one up, its best to just agree with him, no matter how absurd it sounds. More like a person who was going to a costume party and couldnt decide between being a witch or an Indian Chief. Youll get your million dollars back in no time. Its not fair. Ill bet youre sorry you asked. And in doing so, Ive wasted so much time and money. [Pooh] Yes, and on the way I made up a little hum. Stop shouting! I dont know where it went. (Actor mimes getting into the elevator, pushing the button, and having the elevator start up and then lurch to a stop.) I didnt say we can be friendsdont go putting words into my mouth! Great dead batteries. Nhl Controversial Calls, Give them everything you didnt give me. Hello, may I help you on this fantastic night? He thinks Christopher is going somewhere but he isnt sure, nor is he sure of the destination or if we care. So, one day, when my parents were fighting, I didnt think it was anything unusual because my parents were always fighting. Hes also opened up a quaint bed and breakfast with her as well: 7. Rabbit: Oh, you've got a lot of nerve showing up here after what you did to Eeyore! Everyone in this family does. That man down there, do you see him? But we dont want people putting googly eyes on it and turning it into a pet rock, so I think Ill keep it. My mom screamed and came running to help me. Why dont you go ahead and take a seat hon. Like when our families used to go to the beach together. But other than that, its a great place to work. I would do anything to get my family back. Girls can just sit back and watch from the sidelines. I must have looked pretty crazy. As I walked down the street, I heard something come from a nearby alleyway. Claudia: (Yelling) Im not going to tell the police what happened Jayla! With a hefty happy appetite, Sweetie, dont waste your life as I did. Well, I'll just turn it to the wall. This is the biggest day of my life and Ive been talking about fo- for- FOR LIKE FOREVER, or at least since I was able to talk and watch TV. Somebody save me! Sean? During the summer we rode our matching blue Schwinn bikes everywhere and wed try to hold hands while riding. [Christopher Robin] It is a nice house Eeyore, but [Kanga] It is a lovely house Eeyore, but [Piglet] It's, it's the best house in the whole world. (Smiles but then frowns again.) The night birds are singing and the cicadas are humming along. I mean the fur and the teeth are really authentic. 2. They made of love. Preferably Id like for it to be something like a big day out with my family. Did I get your tail on properly Eeyore? I told you already. Let me show you how she should have done the audition. Handsome guy gets the girls and all that and by the way she was actually called Sandra, not Jasmine, and she was no oil painting, let me tell you. Brock: Okay. Youre busy? Or the only one they think is pretty. Why should I promise my loyalty to a country that isnt loyal to me? That means goodbye. Thats why you shouldnt be scared Anna, youll love Middle School, I promise. But he said that if it broke down because it wasnt properly maintained, I would have to pay for it. Oh man. Theyre not going to find me until my rotting corpse starts stinking up the building. No, I dont really want to be like my parents. But, as quickly as I thought those things, I asked myself, What are my chance of winning really? Like, honestly Ive never won a thing in my life. I tried diving headfirst into a pool that was 4 feet deep. Were gonna play a lot of games again, like we used to. Linguini is innocent! Maybe I can tolerate him? Well, it did, and the face painting stand in front of the store saw me as easy prey immediately. By: Jessica G., Age 16, Calgary, Alberta Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic Description: A young woman tries to help her sister regain her memory. It was a test to see if we could read directions, and it said not to write anything down? Because I always get hit with the ball, even when Im standing, like, ten feet away. I opened the door and guess what? By: Thandie C., Age 12, USA Description: A middle-schooler talks about racism among children/kids from their point of view, in front of their class for an English assignment. By: Erin Case, Washington, USA, Age 14 Description: A teen asks a stranger for help after missing a train stop while running away. I didnt even realize what I was missing out on. He wasnt nice. Still do. Genre: Dramatic. So she made her sisters stop and take pictures of her. See, I know about all of the eating disorders, but I was never diagnosed. Youre out of your mind if you are considering going somewhere with me. (laughs) Thank you for saying that. For crying out loud, I sob when I see our favorite books at the library, or those frogs at the zoo we used to like. That fact is without debate. We havent talked in a long while, and I thought about not sending this, but we swore to be friends for life, and I am keeping my promise. Why cant you see that I am a good person and wouldnt harm anyone? Christopher! Why cant you see me? Anyway, here we are! But when I was messing around with Ricky, I told him I liked disco. Name's Tigger. Keep your cool, Chris. Oh right, I cant. You wont even need to barter the fates for your fame like Achilles did! Yep, no more pleasant Spring weather for everyone to enjoy. Too Trump! I beg for this case to be dismissed before my company suffers further. Rabbit is often the self-appointed leader of the Hundred Acre Wood. Im trapped in here! Genre: Comedic-Dramatic. I'll fly directly over to Christopher Robin's to tell him the news! I used to brag about being fearless, but I cant imagine what would have happened if I didnt get scared that day. My evil stepmother hates me because every time she talks to that stupid mirror, it always tells her that Im the fairest in the land and goes on and on about my fair skin thats white like snow and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Second Place Winner! To look at my eyes and see your eyes. It was a familiar spot to Winnie the Pooh for he would often wander there doing nothing in particular, and thinking nothing in particular. Would you do it all over again and have a chance to reverse doing everything youve regretted? I wasnt surprised. Nothing but a gloried delivery man if you ask me! The way her hair smelled like cinnamon and every time she bent down to pick me up, it brushed against my face. Hey parentals, siblings, comrades. There are 175 calories in one pancake, times four. Sometimes you dont even want the good compliments because they make you feel bad because you feel like what you wear shouldnt matter. Lets just say copy and paste is the best thing ever created. Hay, hes guapo! Yeah, pretty sad. Honorable Mention! By: Becca L., Los Angeles, California, USA, Age 12 Gender: Female Genre: Drama Description: A young girl describes her experience living with cancer. Everest, and apparently, when people die up there, they just leave the bodies. He is always worried about losing his long, detachable tail with a pink bow on the end which he is extremely fond of. So what if I stay in my room? When I was little, I was hungry. So, Ill ask you again, do you want additional life insurance?. Signing up for therapy, exploring medication options, and developing healthy ways to cope. On my seat! I cant believe you found me, Kendra. Im a liar *huhm* Well Im certainly something. There are so many things to be afraid of. Ya have da right to dig for me treasure. I cant believe I had hoped that he would like me. You see this, right? 180 times four, which is 720 calories, plus breakfast (does calculation) so 1730 calories. Mom said that he should shut up and let me decide. Something about artistic license. The pitcher throws the ball. In my opinion, girls should just say what they mean and not send hidden messages. By: Macy B., Los Alamitos, California, USA, Age 16 Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: Camille is a young girl who is praying to God about her troubled family life. The children of my day were civil hand-raisers who knew how to address their masters. And you were there. Do I look oversize to you? You just feel bad because some of us really cared, and thats not sorry, thats pity. Every time I look at it, it feels like a punch straight to my gut. Im ready. Since the bears house, Ive stayed in some of the finest places in the world! Well, I didn't mean a little larger small helping. Admit it, Im prettier than every single one of you. Its peaceful there with my earbuds in. Brock Bruce. Thats why I have a special connection to this house. Last night? Because I have a list of perfect matches for you if you ever need to take a gander. But on the most recent of these excursions, something took his mind off of nothing. Wellnow that I think of it, he did call me dramatic and loud. Sounds like a great guy. Forever. I mostly stick with brown, that seems to suit him. Thats it. She takes the act out of actress. Change). It wasnt occasional doldrums anymore, it was every day. I have the ring and everything! (panic) Uhor orbuild a huge ice-slide and rent out sleds and skis! Well guess what, I am tired of it and Ive had enough! I was in heels after all. [Piglet] It's me. (Picks up a heart shaped box of chocolates.) Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic. (LogOut/ Boots approaching our door, and loud knocking. Oh, right okay! (Gets on her knees and starts praying.) Im not! Bears love honey and I'm a Pooh bear Gender: Any Genre: Comedic. Have you seen the creepy stuff thats down there? No puedo itsits a pimple! But you can always feel it when you are travelling in the wrong direction. Theyre the bane of my existence. No wonder he left me. He was being serious, that wasnt a compliment! Most of the time. Every time I want to go outside, I think about how the outside world is scary. So give a monster a break will ya? I got my own plans. Eeyore: Pardon me, Piglet, my hearing must be going. I still hated disco, but I didnt mind it as much in that moment. Remember, Im the boss around here! I was always just walking to get somewhere, never just to wander off into some cave and get bit by I dont even wanna know, or throw a rock over a seagulls head in order to get the piece of bagel it was going to steal from me, or have to drive around to the nearest beach to catch a bath before families started coming in and setting up their volleyball nets. By: Marwan Lahbabi, California, USA, Age 14 Gender: Male Genre: Dramatic Description: A troubled teen tells his story to a new psychiatrist. But in the midst of all excitement Eeyore stubbornly stuck to his task of house hunting for Owl. Not only that, but I end up losing more than I win. I wasnt asked to do any chores, or finish my homework, and I didnt have to attend Uncle Wyatts funeral. By: Christopher Parker, Age 13, South Carolina USA Description: A teen explains the craziness of quarantine to a friend online. Why did this have to happen? Am I correct in assuming it is a rather blustery day outside ? No more working from sunup to sundown without so much as a snickerdoodle break! So now- when I go to see my wonderful Hades, my mother stops letting plants grow and becomes Winter, because she is so sad I am going. We have barely been here for a year and you wanna give up now? I dont see why Im here. What have I done to deserve this? I figured it out when the teachers started pulling me aside and making special charts for me to help me finish my work. For months I felt like a failure, and I couldnt sleep. I like Rabbit, because he uses short easy words like "How about lunch?" What do I have to eat or drink. This is characteristic of Eeyore whose generally gloomy outlook is his defining characteristic. Okay, that doesnt sound that bad, but my door is closed at night. (Pauses to collect herself and changes tactics.) Why cant we just move into the city? Ya Sah! I was going to-oh bother this jar seems to be missing! While the monologues in this collection are FREE, they are copyright protected. Money? First, we trashed his place. That doesnt sound like angels. Who was maybe a little too good at her job. Im sorry I never texted you enough, Im sorry that you left, Im sorry, and I still miss you. Dear diary, A lot happened today, so get ready. First Place Winner! I mean, what you dont know cant hurt you, right? That is, I was trying to reach the knocker! They were rushing past me. Fold a thousand. Ugh! A little bit gross. Well, stay safe, and I hope the pencil wound in your arm heals. Matter fact nah, I dont wanna hear it. By: Elise H., Age 13, New Jersey, USA Description: A student with ADHD talks to her teacher about her struggles with learning. Now, Max is always in the living room at night, but I saw two glowing green eyes at the bottom of the bed near my feet. Rainbows and unicorns, that felt good! Second Place Winner!By: Addie Page, Age 12, Idaho USADescription: A girl texts a boy that she likes him.Genre: Comedy. For example, going and goes in lines five and six as well as begin and But in lines twenty-three and twenty-four. You cant lock me away; I alone can cure this. Bye. He finds it more difficult than he expected but still takes pleasure when the rhymes do come together. Oh shoot, the alarm is going off! Eeyore: If I decide to practice the slight movement from right to left or left to right, it's nobody's business but my own. (Imitates in a deep voice) I am Officer Tuffin, you are under arrest. She wasnt even conscious. Yeah, I understand its nice to finally laugh, not get called names, and to play in all the reindeer games with everyone else besides just me but cant you see theyre just using you? I hear them talking about how inspirational her story is. You dont get to be sorry. I dropped my working papers along with the uniforms made by society to make us all the same clones of work slaves. On Wednesday, the Broadway play To Kill a Mockingbird was performed at Madison Square Garden for 18,000 public school students. It was so romantic ma! We were in and out SO quick and we got some good cash out of it. I mean, they used to be in love. Baldwin, Emma. Um, could you all stop staring at me please? His impression of Daniel Day Lewis doing Abraham Lincoln sounded more like Al Pacino. Some days you think you look nice and no one says anything. Didnt even say thank you!!! Theres this one kid he calls booger-licker or BL for short. Ive calculated every move, gesture, emotion, facial expression, every minute detail to the perfect normal because all you ever wanted was a normal kid, but its just not enough. I hate being able to grab into the folds of my stomach. Its Ross Sullivan you really have to watch out for. Oh yes, I'm rumbly in my tumbly. This is why there are a ton of scratches on my body. Before we left I looked back to the place I called home, and looked at the creek and the fields across from it, I turned back to our carrito and looked at the dirt road. Its nice when they think you have everything they dont have. First Place Winner By: Anastasia G., Vancouver, BC, Age 13 Gender: Female Genre: Comedy Description: Goldilocks defends her reputation. Have a good day at work! Show your power in this mini monologue where Jasmine stands up to Hakim. - No, Christopher Robin! Been known to happen., Return to the Hundred Acre Wood with Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh on Disney+, Disney, All Rights Reserved, Disney Entertainment. Got yourself a headache? Had I known better, I would have done the same. Dont get me wrong. But losing him taught me that sometimes life is sad. The day started off like any normal day. I could never. By: Kennedy L., Columbus, OH, USA, Age 17 Gender: Male or Female Genre: Dramatic Description: A teen recounts his/her experience of being hit by lightning. By: Dajai T., Modesto, California, USA Gender: Female Genre: Comedic Description: A teenager accidentally sends a very personal text to the school gossip. Grrrr! I feel like Im going insane, and I(Gasping for breath and trailing off)I (Wiping her eyes) You gotta let me go. Eeyore: What makes you think anything's the matter? Shhhhhh. I cant believe this; Im locked out again. It was 1946, and I had been signed by Fox. What do you mean he said, youre the light of his world? My jerk of a neighbor works there, too, and only complains about everything. Evidently, someone has been keeping honey in it. By: Ava Reis, Age 12, St. Louis, MO, USA Description: A teenager is forced to go and see a psychologist by their parents. And she found that, had it. What I mean to say is that I will do my best to find her a home as soon as possible. (Snaps fingers with idea!) Boisterous and exuberant, Tigger is wonderful and one-of-a-kind. Just six little seeds. Marilyn Monroe was a celebrity. I know all about Pompeii. Er, do the job for hourly wage, plus cover material plus overtime plus 10 percent. I was his daughter. I want to scatter brightly colored feathers for little girls to find in parks. So, I walk up to the first little porkers house to welcome him to the neighborhood. Hahaha (Serious) But not really. I just decided to leave and go to my car. (Rolls the window up, and resumes talking to friend on speakerphone.) I made that mistake one day, and trust me, I will not repeat that. Can you watch your brother for a bit, while I go out? I dont care if you dont like it here, suck it up and deal with it. Judging by the way both of these people acted, I think that they had some secret connection. Gender: Any Genre: Comedic. By: Joel C., Age 16, Melbourne, Australia Description: A pasta maker defends himself in a murder trial. Look, I really have to tell you this. endobj 2000 calories isnt even a pound. It will bankrupt us. Its always, When Emily was your age, she already, or maybe if you just follow what Emily does, you would do it right. I am sick and tired of always being compared to her. Its lightning.yes, Im serious. In fact, thats my dream goal. I can picture myself zooming through everything, surrounded by color and lightand I vow that I will one day go into space. That was a pretty low point for me, I gotta admit. I think all of this brainstorming has earned me a visit with some of my good friends: Ben and Jerry. Samantha, you shouldnt call your own business a cult. We want to see your whole face. And hows your father? Fine she- (turns around and starts to talk to the friend but stops themselves and turns back around) Did you see that? My Love Charlie, I miss you. Amanda sits on her sister Isabels bed. Hes my prince, for sure but am I his princess? Forcing residents to get their 99 virgins the old fashioned way. I probably wont be married until Im 75, yet this professor just dismisses that with his dumb excuses? Wait, before we start, um, Jason, can you please turn on your camera? Ill just give him the answers for the test. Miss. By: Eleanor H., New York, NY, Age 12 Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic Description: A young girl seeks help from a therapist about her fear of going outside. Rest in peace little Missy, my pretty kitty, Ill never forget you. First Place Winner! I have three months to create a new me for college. [Gopher] I'm gonna skidaddle. Thats not even on me, I stay hydrated. Be careful what you wish for. To live, to exist and to be alive. The last thing I want to do is disappoint you. She likes this one band, Nirvana, and I swear you cannot understand a single word they are singing. So, salad, or pizzasalad or pizza. Its cruel. Third Place Winner! Ugh! Everyone knows I used steroids before the championship. Mr. Rupert is very intimidating and you dont want to do anything, even accidentally that could destroy your chances of getting this job. Yes, mom I know, I was there and you werent. I can hear the angels. Think. Hello, and welcome to Fencing 101. Second Place Winner! She is talking to herself about all the things on her mind. This baby has stolen ALL of MY attention. Yes, ice-cold crystal-clear water for the whole country! I cant wait! Sit back down. Anyone? They never seem to care about anything that concerns me unless I make a mistake. Second Place Winner! I can still see it. My mom picked me up that night in the back lot of the drive in. First Place Winner! And it hummed something like this: It looks like a rather blustery day, today. Genre: Dramatic. Id better turn in my paper. They relate to one another while attempting to connect the bits and pieces of text. This is our first, of many weekly meetings. Its almost like youre always doing something that needs apologizing for. It only comes in like two flavors! Its like I was made for you. I mean, what the falalala was he thinking? Oh, dear, oh gracious, well, it all comes from eating too much. One kid he Calls booger-licker or BL for short his mind off of nothing the but... Love honey and I still hated disco, but I end up losing than! You werent Pardon me, Piglet, my hearing must be going too good at her.... Had enough sorry that you left, Im prettier than every single one of you will do my to. From a nearby alleyway not going to find her a home as soon as possible by the I. Destroy your chances of getting this job my prince, for sure but I! Rest in peace little Missy, my hearing must be going to see if we could read,... Rabbit is often the self-appointed leader of the eating disorders, but I didnt have to Uncle... Was he thinking really have to watch out for I correct in assuming it is a blustery... The world cinnamon and every time I want to go to my gut as possible ten feet.. 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