PO box 32017 Lakeland, FL 33802, USA. And they're like you got to go see Joe, you got to go see Mary, they're the best. You have within 24 hours of purchasing your product to make any address changes. I know some big affiliates to test it I don't want an intro a big affiliate or even a new affiliate to an offer that hasn't been tested already though, right? For a full list of other services we offer, visit our service page. Simply put, partnering with Fulfillment.com saves time, money and empowers ecommerce companies to quickly scale. The two don't seem to fit but they absolutely do based on the conversation you and I were having just before we came on. Okay so these are powerful, okay so the first quantum leap is just all about the funnel okay so I'm talking to beginners but if you have if you have a funnel pay attention because we're gonna get extreme in advanced really really quick okay a funnel we've seen can three to 10x your business when you do it right okay and some of these strategies are some of the better strategies we've seen and easily approachable strategy. No I got that but let me suggest another piece of this puzzle, then we're not really talking about that there is a very specific process one has to go through and there's a very specific process one has to go through to become a ranger to be kind of a US Navy SEAL even if I'm a Top Gun to become whatever a true entrepreneur absolutely epic set of skills and and systems that are critical for one to move through that process the Quran says somebody it's not just getting motivated and jacked up by somebody it's getting motivated and jacked up by somebody who's in fact paid the price of going through that very critical process and has the right system for you to follow that's right you've got it and so I'm going to that without even knowing because we haven't done a lot of work together you've only spoken a few times together um you were attracted to what we do and we were attracted by what you've done yeah and we ended up in this conversation together but what I really want to suggest is there is a significant way to go beyond where you are by in fact developing what it is you possess internally by developing that in people who haven't a clue what that is mm-hmm another sand they haven't a clue what that is because nobody's ever even suggested it to them there was no method to that madness so I'm gonna suggest not only do you Justin but to everybody listening in that's really the work we've been doing for the past 40 years that is truly determining what it is that transforms a company of one to a company of 1,000 what it truly takes to awaken the blessed entrepreneur within the Creator within to go beyond where he or she is and we love to say that um if we're born in the image of God as it said and I know you believe this if we're born in the image of God then we were born to create mm-hmm and if every single human being is born to create then the question that drives them to create what well to create a world fit for God mm-hmm and each of us are called to do that in one specific way mm-hmm so effectively you found your calling leaving the military coming to good earth planet USA you discovered your calling and began to be a US Ranger in the work that you set out to do mm-hmm but in your heart in your heart you know you were born to create you know you were born in the image of God you know that's what in fact your work is telling you to do and that's the great result that you're setting out to produce absolutely he wants us to do the best at whatever we do no matter what we no matter what we touch we need to have passion for it we need to do we need to do it our best and I'll be honest with you what I've seen people around me what I've seen successful entrepreneurs what I notice if somebody gives if somebody shows me their last 24 hours or a 24 hour period I can tell you or you can tell if somebody's gonna be successful based on where they spend their time they spend their time in educating themselves mentally preparing themselves you know those are the guys that are gonna or guys and gals that are gonna be successful the ones that spend their time wisely like I think it was Arnold Schwarzenegger said sleep faster you know I mean he said that he spends like six six hours of sleeping and if some people need eight sleep faster so I it's just like where do you spend your time if you're not spending your time in a program or if you're if you're not actively doing something you need to be preparing to do something and you know what this brings me to I read the e-myth your book after your your beautiful wife handed it to me at Board of Advisors I went on my honeymoon and I brought the book with me and I shouldn't have you know I shouldn't have read started reading a book because it led me on my honeymoon to start developing a new blueprint for the next three years of filming calm I was I was doing that on my honeymoon so I don't think my wife will be watching this I think what I was working on she knows now but you know it's it's really I learned a lot from reading your book Michael and exactly what you're saying there there's there's systems that I didn't think that I didn't think I was doing the things that I was doing in the beginning but when I read your book I realized I was doing those things and I realized there's more of those things need to be done in order for us to get more efficient more SOP we need to have a product that it that can be duplicated and can be improved upon so I just want to say you know that story as far as reading the book and then coming up with a new vision or more precise vision for the team was crucial and it's gonna be crucial for our next three years that's wonderful and understand while you say that it's going to be crucial for the next three years understand it will be crucial for the life of your company absolutely so today somebody who fires it and then of course it's up to them yep absolutely working on your business is tantamount to working on your life absolutely effectively Jason you are I'm Justin I'm sorry you are a born again entrepreneur working on your life and you do it persistently oh its consistency and I enjoy it you gotta enjoy it you gotta enjoy the hard road you know what I mean that the easy road gets hard and the hard road gets easy I have tended to my hard pass and I learned early on that I enjoy the outcome of the hard pass more than the outcome of the easy pass but folks on that as every single one of you to click on Justin's website Justin will you give everybody that absolutely is fulfillment com if and be honest we I'm really easily easy to reach I enjoy helping people and talking through strategy on things there's so many pieces of the puzzle when it comes to e-commerce so many pieces that people just don't know exist out there so it you know I'm my email address I'll I'll just give it out I don't know how many listeners are gonna be listen to this but my email address is Jay Singletary s ing le ta ry at fulfillment comm if somebody wants to chat they've got an idea we'll schedule some time and you know I'll you can bend my ear for a little bit and we'll see if I can help out adjust that's really really gracious of you I want to give everybody who's listening to us a gift and it's my latest book and you can get it free at free book dot Michael eager burr dot-com go to free book dot Michael Gerber dot-com and the name of that book is making it on your own in America or wherever you happen to live a joyous path to radical self-employment which effectively is what Jason did, Jason I'm sorry Jason my brother's name Jason - my mom does that all the time so don't worry about that Justin has done and is doing and every single one of you can do it - and it will then introduce you to radical you the only entrepreneurial development school on the planet online for every single one of you to enter into what we call the Eightfold Path that's the process by which you learn what Justin is practicing every single day of his life you get to do that too you get to and hear me it's a five-year school online for only four hundred and seventy nine dollars and 40 cents a freaking year how much does Wharton School of Business charge right how much does Harvard charge that's right yeah seventy thousand dollars a year that was Stanford charge $125,000 a year. If your frontline cost is two-and-a-half to three percent we're still taking a big chunk of that problem that monetary problem at the end of the month away from you and we're adding padding massive amounts of money to your bottom line it's a very very cool program nobody else has it you only find it here at Pace certified and you can get it as soon as you click into our funnel. Department Stores. Do you see a lot of these greats that they drop out of college because that vision is so it's they don't need college anymore it's it's already happened in their minds they know how to execute. Yeah I'm getting hands yes $128 dollars that's pretty expensive now I'm gonna assume that I know the answer to this how many people thinks 498 dollars for a pair of jeans is expensive there you go so it is expensive what did we do when we wanted to sell 128 dollar coogee jeans all day long we created coogee Lux and we priced the Coogee Lux gene at four hundred ninety eight dollars and then we took every coogee customer and we walked them past the Coogee Lux gene and each and every buyer had to hear that this is the Coogee luck gene for four hundred and ninety-eight dollars by the time they got to the Coogee gene and they were ready to make a purchase the hundred and twenty eight dollars sounded outright cheap and we sold a ton of jeans business jumped out to over 100 million dollars in less than one and a half years. Well he built his church on another book but if you're going to build a church that's got to work in the world there is no more important book to read than my book. The amount of success that we've had in a short period of time has been tremendous with Fulfillment.com I now have a true fulfillment partner. Some of the apps like Shopify what you may be using are yes tracking certain things automatically but there are other softwares out there that are not tracking the fields that you need ultimately to answer your business questions the technology is just not set up properly. Daily orders ship in a fast and timely manner. I bring this to our next point which is that people are gonna share it on social media any time you see someone having an unboxing video on YouTube that's because they've gotten a package that's amazing and looks great and they want to share that with their friends. And today I want to talk about one of our favorite subjects to talk about it's how we live our lives and how all the people we have partnerships with a new consulting with and do training for it's something we stress all the time and that's customer lifetime value and to really just break down customer lifetime value into three steps you know and I'm gonna share those three steps but actually let me backtrack you know customer lifetime value if you don't know is pretty self-explanatory but it's either in depending on how you calculate it at different businesses are different the amount of profit made over the lifetime of a customer or the amount of revenue which could be one purchase it could be three months it could be three years business models vary but it's the lifetime value either profit or revenue that customer will give you and focusing on the lifetime value is what typically separates the eight and multiple a figure businesses and above and the six and seven figure business is an actually shooting this with like a crazy storm going on right now so three steps. Customer service details can usually be found either in an order confirmation email, on the product itself, or on the website from which the product was ordered. Don't worry being an entrepreneur for twenty five years and just realize how things work and the things break and there are always issues and with Fulfillment.com it seems like there are never issues. it's the company's core purpose it's what we do it is what problem do we solve you focus on what's important it identify core markets and communicate corporate direction to all stakeholders and here's a good example. I'm able to break away for 16 days at a time and not have to worry about my outgoing orders. I got it and of course we can then talk about Steve Jobs and we could then talk about Bill Gates and we could then talk about Ray Kroc and we could then everybody whose cup wasn't half full have whatever absolutely completely full bring their vision, their purpose, their mission the picture they have had an internalized in their minds eye as the outcome. But what happens if you increase that to a 1.1 percent conversion rate on the same exact advertising dollars but your cost per acquisition goes down by 10 percent and your average order value goes up by 15 percent . But this is literally how I met my wife 24 years ago, at a country bar we made eye contact I asked her to dance, asked for her snapchat I was very advanced back then I knew snapchat was gonna be a thing and buy them a dinner right go on dates too, you meet the family figure out range attire or not. Orders backend of site is maintained by FF. Now what we do is we generate a virtual card that generates an interchange value of about 2.7 percent now you paid about two percent on the front end okay goes to the pay certified gateway we automatically issue this this virtual card which the consumer doesn't know about the generate it's a virtual card and we paid the third-party suppliers and we pay the third-party supplier. I am actually from Norway and I know what you're thinking I'm supposed to be tall and blond but that didn't really happen for me. Amazon fulfillment center in Lakeland has grand opening A 6-ton robotic arm, called Robo-Stow, puts pallets onto a conveyor belt Wednesday at the Amazon fulfillment center on County Line Road. Get started now! Welcome to FDC's ecommerce education vlog. Now this is all about ROI I want to make sure that you can get ROI out of this training and what you're going to, what I'm going to teach you. And that brings us to the last point which is what can custom packaging do for your brand? Step 6: begin your review and share feedback you or your own Quality Assurance team should be proactive in defining quality and giving your contact center the opportunity to reflect on their own responses. Plus this is not just a Boy Scout meetup it's designed for everybody husband's bring your wives wives bring your husbands. That's right that's right. If we look to investing in our back office and have the financial fluency to understand what key indicators to watch what production of expertise you want in those areas you'll start to clearly see where you will have a problem in the profit of your company so for example I had a health supplement company before while we were at the ending stage of building fully accountable and I found out that I was making eight percent profit margin when in reality I should have been making twenty percent. The next one is usually, what commission do I need to pay an affiliate? There were tons of them but basically every single belief system or behavior that you want to change there is a micro funnel that can do that. Thank you for tracking with Fulfillment.com. Why pay high fulfillment costs? Effective, reliable fulfillment delights customers. Let me talk about another force that could really be bad for your business and that is consumer class-action lawyers and serial plaintiffs. Phone Number: (844) 200 4352 Business Address: Fulfillment Center PO Box 32017 Lakeland, FL 33802 USA Email Address: support@cityofgadgets.com Website Age When this analysis was first composed, Cityofgadgets.com was less than 1 year old. Your long-term game figure it out now, we spent weeks and weeks just for our unicorn cube rain coming up with a year-plus automation of upsells for affiliate products that we use internally and for service providers that we use and you know it's very value focused this isn't just selling. At this point there really aren't any good solutions so I think we have to start resigning ourselves that sales tax is going to be a bigger part of our lives and that we need to start planning and putting it into our budgets and into our business models one of the first things that you want to do right now is evaluate your sales by state. Support 24/7 Get Help Any time when you need it. So for instance let me give you an example show of hands how many people thinks $128 dollars for a pair of jeans is expensive? Good, so why don't you tell me a little bit about the importance of scripting for our e-commerce clients. 2727 US HIGHWAY 92 E. LAKELAND, FL 33801. So why is revenue optimization magic? Please note however, that Fulfillment.com does not have access to, control of, nor authority over, customer orders, charges, or refunds. You hit the submit button and within literally thirty seconds you're gonna get a lot of really good information as to how you can get your site to be faster in the eyes of Google. In order to get information on your shipment, discuss charges, and/or receive refunds, please contact the company from which your purchase was made. This is something that we can really do a good job at. Leveraging is sophisticated and intelligent but relevant analytics is how you can not only compete but scale. This method leverages gross revenue and cogs to determine gross profit and divides that by the unique customers. Bye! So when we talk about customization it's really important that it's based on the product, it's based on a client and specifically, you're able to make adjustments for a conversation so it's not about just reading it, it's about being able to use transitional phrases, it's about being able to customize everything based on what the product does, what it looks like everything you're able to do there. So automation is what creates space for personalization that's actually more meaningful and it'll be able to leave a lasting impression for your clients and so forth and the third thing is this word we called blimp lamentation which is the blend of blueprinting and implementing at the same time imagine a team of contractors trying to build a home and everybody showed up at once with no blueprint and the concrete guys are trying to lay concrete and the plumbers are trying to do the plumbing and the drywalled and framer guys are trying to do their thing and so forth you would end up with a mess in an unstable house and something that wouldn't be very good and most people start their market automation by getting into a tool get into their campaign builder of whatever that is and they start trying to design while they're actually implementing and they end up with a mess. It's that they're on fire. No I got it, it's really hard to describe that to people and you you know more than most Michael, it's it's it's really first I feel like you got to work on the way that you see the world you know, the lens in which you see the world and if your lens is a negative type of lens then that's how your life usually turns out if your lens is always seeing that glass half-full then usually your life just turns out a little bit happier than the next guy and I think that really says a lot about the guys we served with. Hey I'm Justin Singletary. Again my name is Mike Calhoun if you find yourself showing to Ghosts and Guns I'd love to meet you just come up introduce yourself and I'll show you around, I'll make you feel like family. Pretty much anything that goes into that box when it's on its way to the customer, including the box that's the type of packaging. Thank you for tracking with Fulfillment.com! He and I go way back so he likes to make fun of me it's okay! 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