bertha rogers well

At the maximum rate, this would only account for 2200 m of sedimentation over two hundred million years . Ive drilled wells deeper than 20,000 in the Gulf of Mexico. In Arrhenius (1896, p. 237) we read: Science is the looking at and re-looking at theories and observations. Around the Caspian Sea and the Gulf of Mexico sedimentary basins are over 15,000m deep. Bertha was a lifelong resident of the Bristol area and a charter member of Eastern Heights Presbyterian Church. My name is Bertha Martinez-Carmona and I am here to help you find YOUR home and listen to your needs to best assist you! And thats not all. What I was getting at is that, as deep as the deepest producing wells are, the place where the original sediment exists is even deeper. John Livingston Grandin dug his well nearby using a simple spring pole but soon wedged his iron chisel downhole. But if they know something that is falsewell good luck. The bottom line isnt denominated in joules, watts or Btu Its denominated in $$$. Did the oil form directly under the sands and rock of the peninsula strictly due to sedimentation? Actually there might theoretically be a little bit of ex-dinosaur in oil. The most slots on a Spar platform is 20 on the Genesis A facility on Green Canyon 205 in 2,590 WD and on the Holstein A facility on Green Canyon 645 in 4,340 WD. The Anadarko Basin extends across western Oklahoma into the Texas Panhandle and into southwestern Kansas and southeastern Colorado. They are registered with several professional bodies, including the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), the British Psychological Society (BPS), as well as, BACP, UKCP and BABCP. Maybe slang isnt the right word, but its obviously a shorthand or informal way of referring to molecular breakdown. Way out of my comfort zone and not trying to speak for DM, but cracking I think is an industry term for the breakdown of long petroleum hydrocarbon chains into smaller ones, I guess which occurs at higher temperatures. They began drilling wells more than three miles deep in the late 1960s. The Bertha Rogers No. Last Updated: December 26, 2022. There is only one possible solution to make the paradoxes go away. 1 Sanders well near Sayre became Oklahoma's deepest gas producer at 24,996 feet. When the overburden consists of 8,000 of seawater and 2,000 of halite, 30,000 of overburden weighs a lot less than it does when its all composed of more dense rocks. All you need for a sediment to form is a place with a higher elevation, and then erosion, and then time. There is now no reasonable doubt that over the continental areas of the world the earth's crust is about 20 miles thick, but only about half that in the oceanic areas. It was March 1974 and the enormous investment of Lone Star Producing Company of Dallas, and partner GHK Company of Oklahoma City, was about to be lost. Bertha Rogers is a poet, translator, visual artist, and teaching artist. Now I hear they are leasing drilling beneath the gas pay zones. I recommend that you read up a bit on geology. During some of these processes, the whole continent was compressed and the lands lifted up, and what had been inland sea and deep areas of sediment got lifted miles up. The Pacific plate is not being subducted beneath North America at the present time. True vertical depth is how deep the well was drilled. Jonathon Moseley, American Thinker, flashy (apparently widely distributed) Michael E. Mann, Material on this website is copyright 2006-2022, by Anthony Watts, and may not be stored or archived separately, rebroadcast, or republished without written permission. A trip meant 8 hours around the rotatory table for each crew. Actually hothouses dont work like Arrhenius thought. The great expense and technological expertise necessary to complete ultra-deep natural gas wells at these depths made the Anadarko Basin the domain of the major petroleum corporations, explained Bobby Weaver, oil historian and frequent article contributor to the Oklahoma Historical Society. Denver, Colo : U.S. Dept. In spite of Arrhenius misunderstanding of Fourier, the Concise Oxford English Dictionary (11th Edition) reflects his initial opening description of the Greenhouse Effect: Most people will read that term and immediately misunderstand it. The oil formed after the source material was buried to a sufficient depth to raise the temperature to 60-175 C for an extended period of time. OH NO!!!! Interestingly, Fourier doesnt even mention hothouses or greenhouses, and actually stated that in order for the atmosphere to be anything like the glass of a hotbox, such as the experimental aparatus of de Saussure (1779), the air would have to solidify while conserving its optical properties (Fourier, 1827, p. 586; Fourier, 1824, translated by Burgess, 1837, pp. Other plates have been, and still are, doing so. Todays infographic comes to us from Fuel Fighter, and it helps to visualize the mind-boggling depths of the worlds deepest oil well, which is located in a remote corner of eastern Russia. Where they were digging, the Moho is 16,000 ft deep, so the team fell far short of their goal. The U.S. Labor Department describes an Oil Well Fishing Tool Technician (Occupational Title 930.261-010) as an occupation that analyzes conditions of unserviceable oil or gas wells and directs use of special well-fishing tools and techniques to recover lost equipment and other obstacles from boreholes of wells,, The government description adds that the technician plans fishing methods, selects tools, and directs drilling crew in applying weights to drill pipes, in using special tools, in applying pressure to circulating fluid (mud), and in drilling around lodged obstacles or specified earth formations, using whipstocks and other special tools.. This process requires high temperatures and high pressure.[1]. 1 well have been carried out: total organic carbon, Soxhlet extraction and silica gel chromatography, C15+ saturated and aromatic hydrocarbon gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, pyrolysis, kerogen analysis, X-ray diffraction and visual kerogen analysis. Some observers classified it as an ultra-deep dry hole.. I would wager that more is being mined right at the surface today than at any point in history again, its technology and economics, not being forced to look elsewhere. Specialties: Bertha's Happy Pets offers pet grooming, nail trim, nail buff, de-shedding shampoo, flea shampoo, ticks removal, tearless face shampoo,medicated shampoo, cat bath, breed hair cuts, free cage day-care, Asian hair cuts, pet groomer And just as compression can uplift the land, at other times this compression may slacked, and the uplifted terrain then gets stretched out and drops. The trouble is the ambiguity of Measured Depth, which is really the length of the bore and only vaguely linked to actual depth. My quick Web search only turned up a reference to isotope dating Alberta oil sand deposits to 112 million years ago: . U.S. petroleum history provides a context for understanding how to meet Americas future energy needs. This quote from Arrhenius establishes the fact that the Greenhouse Effect, far from being a misnomer, is so-called because it was originally based on the assumption that an atmosphere and the glass of a greenhouse are the same in their workings. How deep into the ground do we have to go to tap the resources we need to keep the lights on? The conditions for source rock formation were most prevalent in the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods. Measured depth is basically how far the well was drilled. The goal was to reach a discontinuity between the upper mantle and the Earths crust called the Mohorovicic discontinuity - commonly termed the "Moho." So the scientific ring leader alGore claims there are these incredibly hot rocks, several million degrees a couple of kilometers or so down. The average bottom hole temperature of those ten 20 million barrel producers was 197F. Amazing would be more aptif only this depth were true. Much of the oil off the coast of places like Santa Barbara, California is now reachable from onshore drilling. 2745 Hacks Cross Road UA is committed to providing accessible websites. Website Name: American Oil & Gas Historical Society. Significant oil and gas discoveries have been made throughout this region, including the Hugoton-Panhandle Gas Field of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas in the 1920s and numerous others in Oklahoma, such as the West Edmond Field, the Union City Field, and the Elk City Field, after 1950. Perhaps the most effective method has been from studying earthquake or seismic waves as they move from one sensing station to another. Consider sandstone reservoirs vs chalk reservoirs. If the Earth were an egg we havent even succeeded in boring through the shell. The Tiber wells depth - true vertical depth - was more than 35,000 feet. . The oceans were in a totally different configuration when most of the source rocks were deposited. Those are remnants of the original pre-Oligocene land surface the Medicine Bow Peneplain. Rotten dinosaurs, honest! The tops of the extensive squall line were well over 10000ft above me! 731-668-1818, Hendersonville / Nashville Campus The MD vs TVD issue even evaded the notice of the American Oil & Gas Historical Society. Even then, the oil & gas arent permanently trapped. Her most recent poetry collection, Heart Turned Back, was published by Salmon Poetry, Ireland, in 2010. Union's variety of organizations, events and sports offers something for everyone. 10.2523/IPTC-10573-MS. Handbook of Texas Online, Jeff Seidel, ENSERCH CORPORATION, accessed April 17, 2019, Day noted that the simpler types of fishing tools comprised horn sockets, corrugated friction sockets, rope grabs, rope spears, bit hooks, spuds, whipstocks, fluted wedges, rasps, bell sockets, rope knives, boot jacks, casing knives and die nipples.. Luckily, the oil industry does not have such human obstacles, and drilling deep into the Earths crust is instead limited by a different set of circumstances how deep can the machinery and technology go before the unfathomable heat and pressure renders it inoperable? We're home to five men's and six women's athletics teams and a variety of intramural sports opportunities. The materials provided on this Web site are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to provide tax, legal, or investment advice. But also keep in mind that the places where oil and gas are recovered are not the source of the material, but simply a place where the right conditions exist to trap a large amount of it as it percolates upwards, and also happens to be a type of rocked that will not only hold it in place, but also be porous enough to allow pumping it out fast to be possible. It reached 40,230 feet deep. Deepwater facilities tend to not have a lot of slots because the wells are often drilled from subsea templates and tied back. Did anything ever become of that effort? Theres probably a little bit of everything in crude oil Its just mostly algae and phytoplankton. Copyright to all articles and other content in the online and print versions of The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History is held by the Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS). A pipe connection might bend. It is not oil or gas that is being sought with the Kola well, but an understanding of the nature of the earth's crust., Its more like a very large trampoline where rivers dump enormous amounts of sand and mud, driving it down with their weight. That is quite some subduction. Whether the glass is transparent to IR or not is irrelevant. The fact that ExxonMobil geos identified the oil rims from seismic anomalies (multiple flat-spots) with sufficient confidence that they got the Chayvo-6A well drilled is possibly the most impressive thing. Among the fishing tools at the mans feet are 3.5-inch iron poles, each 20 feet in length and weighing 500 pounds. Its where the oil formed; not when it formed or where it was produced. Geologists knew far more about finding coal seams than characteristics of oil-bearing formations. In the Sweetwater Gas field ( Jct 6 & US 283 , north of Sayer, OK ) most of the wells in the field were drilled to 20k 25k ft. Sweetwater field is also the site of a huge blow out, the Apache Keys #1, in 1982, when the tree was blown off the wellhead. Once all well fishing tools failed, a final resort was a whipstock, which allowed the bit to angle off and actually bypass the fish to leave the operator with a deviated hole. UUAlerts And then, this year, someone called out all the media who carried the Fuel Fighter infographic on their mistake. Traces of octane and other heavier hydrocarbons, presumably formed by the Fischer-Tropsch process have been detected at the Mid-Atlantic Lost City hydrothermal vent. To effectively drain the east and west flanks of this reservoir, record-length wells beyond the current extended reach drilling (ERD) envelope were required. Kenny A. Franks, The Oklahoma Petroleum Industry (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980). The deepest well ever drilled for any reason, the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia, only went down 40,230 feet. New ocean crust is always forming at the undersea places called mid-ocean ridges. Or at least, such is my understanding, in a nutshell. No. But I invite scientists more knowledgeable than me to comment on this. Most recently, geologically speaking, the whole of the North American plate has been moving westward, and lands, island chains, small continents, pieces of ocean floor, etc, have been accreted onto the plate as it moved west and overran what used to be there. If so, then please explain the geological process by which sediments form above sea level, excluding the minor contribution of wind-born sand and dust. The well at Chayvo is, according to the infographic, also deeper than the world record for a hot-air balloon flight: 21,000 feet. Then again, are we not all reminded over and over again how many people there are who have pretty much zero actual scientific knowledge? Ah, ok so its more of a slang term in the industry. This has never been observed anywhere else. We were running a three inch drill string on the bottom section of the well and a four inch drill string on the top. Setting aside the fact that the oil & gas havent been trapped anywhere for 400 million years What does gravity have to do with oil & gas migrating upward? Any high school student could make the paradoxes go away. Fuel Fighter sells home heating oil in the UK Yet this has been treated as if it was an actual oil industry source. 10 miles is 52,800 feet. In 1980, the Oklahoma Historical Society and Oklahoma Petroleum Council dedicated a granite monument at Third and Pioneer streets in Elk City, Oklahoma. He won an official Darwin Award for that. Against all odds and employing the latest 1970s technology, Ponder was able to retrieve the pipe sections and drill bit from 30,019 feet down, bringing operations back on line and enabling drilling to continue even deeper into Oklahomas Anadarko Basin, at a site about 12 miles west of Cordell. Published by the Texas State Historical Association. The term fishing came from early percussion drilling using cable-tools. (Hmmmshould I close with a sarc/tag or a smiley face?). This is simply wrong. I think they are dangerous when not clearly marked as primarily wild eyed guesswork. This is almost impossible to explain to a freshman geology student, much less people with no understanding of geology. Nothing contained on the Web site shall be considered a recommendation, solicitation, or offer to buy or sell a security to any person in any jurisdiction. My apologies to all. Anyway, when I first saw the graphic, I immediately thought of the story of Joe Kittinger, who went all the way up past 100,000 in a helium balloon back in 1960. Helium is recovered from produced natural gas as a byproduct. Since then, numerous gas wells have been drilled there below the twenty thousand foot range, including the Lone Star Bertha Rogers in Beckham County. Most of the sedimentary column is composed of thick, organic-rich shale. It can take 100s of thousands to millions of years for oil & gas to form and then begin the long, slow process of migration from the source rocks into porous and permeable reservoir rocks with overlying impermeable rocks and lateral trapping mechanisms. In our close-knit learning community, top-tier academics and Christian faith are integrated in 100 programs of study. We were using elevators and a slide table instead of slips. Although, it remained the deepest hole on the planet for five years. You had to stand spraddle-legged all the time to prevent getting your foot/ankle being cut off when the tripple fell and hit the derrick floor. Science is not an argument. This also happened in the Western US in the recent geologic past, giving rise to what is called the basin and range province, as the crust broke into large blocks and some of the tilted a certain way. Promised rewards lying beyond the threshold of drilling techniques demand massive investment. Those are source rocks, not reservoir rocks. David Middleton, Yeap, Kyle M. Fischer, Randall S. Mathis, Exxon Neftegas; Michael J. Egan, consultant to Exxon Neftegas. I recall the interview I saw, in which after he stepped off his platform, he thought he was not falling and was going to die when his oxygen ran out, since he was so high there was no sensation of wind rushing past him. Couldnt have been an actual Darwin Award, which requires that the stunt kill you without progeny. I had a long, beer soaked discussion years ago about this with a friend who worked as a mud logger on the north slope. A 2014 geologic map of 50,000 square mile Anadarko Basin showing thickness of strata courtesy U.S. Geological Survey. Drilling stopped there at six miles (9.65 kilometers) when the bit hit molten sulfur. Im late to this post and made a comment that will appear above. Someone pointed out that water plus carbonates at high pressure and temperature only need a simple redox reaction to form compounds of hydrogen and carbon. which consist of Aristotle, Rogers, and Toulmin. Im not sure it is more close to reality than an Iron man action sequence and in fact it was created using the same technologies used to make the Marvel films. When wells are drilled, the depth is measured from a reference datum, usually the Kelly bushing (KB) of the drilling rig. Surface Temperature Record Reliable? The downhole tool assemblies could no longer be lifted and dropped. The greater the hole angle, the bigger the difference. It is not oil or gas that is being sought with the Kola well, but an understanding of the nature of the earth's crust. I think Ill stop (commenting, not reading). That record, of course, is over 16,000 feet. However, by digging, we have only scratched the surface of our Earth - literally. Christ-Centered BTW, that chart did list the highest height for a hot air balloon, but not for a guy in a lawn chair with a six-pack of Miller beer. On top of the range there is a strange, flat plateau. Basic fishing tools include the spear and socket, each with milled edges. For 20th Centurys final quarter the Basin remains the frontier of deep drilling technology centered on Elk City, Deep Gas Capital of the World. The overriding factor is economics which is frighteningly skewed today in the world of wind and solar. Saint Helens, I say Saudia Arabia peninsula. Would the error of using MD for TVD be picked up by Facebooks Department of Truth and all references to it removed? For now, the deepest man-made hole in North America is the Bertha Rogers oil well in Oklahoma. What is more so is when erroneous sources are quoted by others, including what one might think are more reliable sources of info. And over long periods of time, the plates can smash into each other, or be ripped apart, etc. This becomes the hydrocarbon source rock. When this happens, and part of the plate being uplifted is ocean crust, a situation occurs where ocean floor rocks and sediment get lifted onto land, and often these same collisions cause the plates to crinkle up or get fold and/or compressed, and the result is mountain ranges. Over most of the past 500 million years, the Williston Basin has experienced subsidence (sinking); however it has undergone several periods of uplift associated with episodes of mountain building (orogenies). It was completed as as gas well in the Granite Wash at about 13,000. [4], Oil-exploratory borehole in Washita County, Oklahoma, United States, "Summary of Deep Oil and Gas Wells and Reservoirs in the U.S.", "Oklahoma Corporation Commission completion report (form 1002A) dated September 3, 1974",, Buildings and structures in Washita County, Oklahoma, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 February 2022, at 07:42. Uploaded on June 12, 2010. I have been in the real estate industry for over 15 years and I love being able to find the perfect home for any family. Tabular salt acts like a radiator. Mrs. Rogers was born in Halifax County, VA on July 5, 1940 to the late Albert Nick Stanfield and Bertha McCargo Stanfield and was married to the late James Lowell Rogers. Become an AOGHS supporting member and help maintain this energy education website and expand historical research. It doesnt support the myth of abiotic oil in the slightest. Wells and K.L. Sixty years ago, I worked as a floor hand on daylights when the worlds deepest well hit the bottom at 24,0002 feet in dark gray Hunton shale. If the energy return goes to less than about 12X the energy invested we are in trouble. 1 rotary rig drill stem sheared, leaving 4,111 feet of pipe and the drill bit stuck downhole. The maximum bottom hole temperature (213F) was encountered in the Mississippi Canyon (MC) 777 TF001 well, drilled by BP. I know where oil does not come from, plants and dinosaurs at 40,000 feet. In the mid-1990s, Russia opened up its oil & gas potential to western companies and ExxonMobil went to work: Here is the Fuel Fighter infographic at the same scale as a cross-section of the Chayvo oilfield: Apotria, Ted, Poffenberger, Mike, Powell, Rick & Venner, Bridget. It was the deepest borehole in the world until June 6, 1979 it is not overtaken Kola ultradeep wells. Before starting out of the hole we spotted 50 sacks of bar and pumped it down to the diamond bit level. These descriptions of the Greenhouse Effect all evade the key question of heat transfer., The San Andreas is a transform fault, and the land on the west side of it, including Baja California and the southern coast of CA including San Diego and Los Angeles, is actually part of the Pacific plate. There is also a record-breaker in terms of water depth: Maersk Drillings Raya-1 well offshore Uruguay was drilled in water depths of 3,400 meters or 11,156 feet. Those are from the time when the Atlantic was just a rift valley or a narrow sea and vast amounts of sediments was eroded from the escarpments on both sides and deposited in the rift, together with salt from salt lakes and restricted hypersaline arms of the ocean. Even deeper oil reservoirs have been discovered in the oil window, many of these will be coming on production over the next few years. Roughnecking jobs today are for sissies and weaklings. al. indicates a global average ocean sedimentation rate of about 5 meters per million years, with a range of 1 to 11 m/Ma covering all the worlds oceans. Very happy to have the memory of this and many more close shaves but I have moved on to live a very full and exciting life. If you add in the pipe run horizonal over a mile or two you have a number of deep long wells. In re-energizing America, Anadarko will not yield its gas easily or briefly. Yosemite Park is a famous example of this. To scientists, one of the more fascinating findings to emerge from this well is that the change in seismic velocities was not found at a boundary marking Jeffreys' hypothetical transition from granite to basalt; it was at the bottom of a layer of metamorphic rock (rock which has been intensively reworked by heat and pressure) that extended from about 3 to about 6 miles beneath the surface. Indeed the reply is usually Well those are just your numbersand if I push the point further that they are not my numbers but the real data the reply is usually either that I work in the oil industry so am automatically biased or that they do not want to discuss this anymore with a denier or finally I get the nail in the head, the infantile consensus argument. Merchant of Record: A Media Solutions trading as Desperate GHK executives called a Houston fishing company. The well was halted because it struck molten sulfur. Anytime a graphic purports to equate altitude with depth in the Earth, you know the person(s) authoring the graphic are solely in it for publishing glory. Leasing drilling beneath the gas pay zones waves as they move from one sensing station another..., and then erosion, and then, the oil & gas permanently. All you need for a sediment to form is a place with a sarc/tag a! 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