henry croft house haunted

I havent been able to find anything in print yet. The abandoned building was a very popular store called Mansons store back in the coal mining days. Had a chat with one of the Newdastle island ferry drivers. A fun one indeed! Garden Reach, Cheltenham. She had scraggly hair and looked very thin. thanks for the shout out Amanda! Feb 15, 2014 - Historic Croft house. [3] In 1902, the village was established, the smelter opened, and Croft extended the Lenora Mt. Loved it in there great vibes. Ive always been sensitive to weird energy in places but I really liked the skull and as a kid, its presence made me feel safe if no one was home. Neighbours have seen an apparition in an upstairs window of a man with a handlebar mustache. Do you know who this is through? As for Tzouhalem I would think that is less likely. Sometimes that included his wives, children and anyone else. Hi Nelda, I sent you an email but not sure if you got it. It is perhaps then no surprise that this historic fortress is reputed to be the most haunted house in the Midlands region of the United Kingdom. Coming from someone who lives in a small town of less than 800 people.. if you know who died, and we dont have a forensic crew or many cops around cause we share with the next town over.. you call it in they ask the circumstances and if the family has anyone to clean. Comox Avenue (Comox Hill Road), ComoxThe apparition along this road is known as Dancing Mary, a First Nations woman who lived in the early settlement. A Yew tree in the harbour is also said to be haunted by the spirit of a First Nations woman. Im guessing it was at least 10 or taller. The dead animals, satanism rumours, weird church on propertythey went to snoop as teenagers. I lived in ,Parksville, Bowser and Courtenay /Comox area for 20 yrs. UFO sightingsThere have been sightings across Vancouver Island of unexplained lights in the sky. Henry Croft : biography January 15, 1856 - July 28, 1917 Henry Croft (January 15, 1856 - July 28, 1917) was an Australian-born lumber and mining magnate on Vancouver Island in the early 1900s. Ill keep my eyes open and let you know if I come across anything else about the home of Henry Croft. So he smoothed the bedding again and yelled dont sit on the bed. This time no one sat on the bed. He was a leading mining engineer who developed lumber mills and mines on Vancouver Island. or is there another church in the area? One time they went with a few girls and decided to freak them out so one of them hid under a sleeping bag in the back of the truck and when they got up there they all got out of the truck and the guy under the sleeping bag got in the drivers seat and started driving around and the girls were screaming LEAVE US ALONE, STOOOOOP IT and one almost had a total meltdown before my friends said it was someone in the car. I write a history article in the North Island paper and I have been meaning to do a write-up on this one for a while. The only way I can describe it is as if there was 10 people all just wrecking the house simultaneously while we just stood in the living room. No one could have. Thats interesting. Intense place. Forbidden Plateau & Mount Sicker (both above) are named, as well. Next time Im in the area I will have to try to find it! There is a new hotel on the site, The Post and Beam. Its a path for the cows to go under the highway. They are unsure as to why he sits so high up, but have heard secondhand that he died by the fireplace. Watch. Over the years, it was also the old jail and a school. Sounds like a terrifying place to grow up! If youre interested in letting the world know who you guys are and what youve experienced Id be happy to do a post on your group. His body rests uneasily in an unmarked grave in Bournemouth, England, where he was savagely bludgeoned to death by his wife's lover. No cemetery was available to him, so he was buried in an unmarked grave on the island to which he had fled. One story which has been told by those who work at the castle is how a very tall skeleton was found at the base of one of the towers whilst renovation work was being completed in the early twentieth century. In 1929 Sam and Ada Matson resumed ownership until 1957 when Mount Adelaide was bequeathed to the Salvation Army, whereby it was torn down in 1959. Henry passed away on September 19 1936, at age 80. more like an energy form than an actual transparent human form. I believe in supernatural things unexplained by science, but seriously. come on Hi, I'm the guy in the show. Youd think Netflix would at least do a little research before they filmed this piece of crap. Dr. Holmes was again called. The BFRO has many such sighting reports. Did you check out any of the trails? Awe talk to me on Facebook luna fox is the name, I am happy to announce that my new book The Haunting of Vancouver Island is now available for preorder. Hi Leigh. I was kind of scared but too caught up in what I was looking at and running didnt seem necessary. Interestingly, the strongest recorded land earthquake in Canada is usually said to have had its epicentre here. Nothing online or in print that Im aware of anyways. That being said, thank you so much for sharing this as it is the first time I remember hearing about Stanley Gordon School . I havent been able to find any mention of Farquhar Street and coal carts but Ill look a little deeper when I get the chance. She was a kid when this happened to her as well. [1] His mother died when Croft was one, so his family moved to England. The list is source-based. Chief Tzouhalem was a mystic who talked to spirits including a cannibal spirit that helped him kill people. It was originally built around1810. Dracs Castle is a made up name from sometime in the 70s, early 80s; dont know why. Many buildings are haunted as is the graveyard. Dracs Castle is the ruins of No. I would love to know more about her. We live in Ontario and I was not aware of a lot of this info. Some comments on Youtube as well http://livinglibraryblog.com/?p=2271. My husband had the exact same experience as the one described at the Franklyn St Gym, Nanaimo. The story began in September 1908 when it was reported in the local and national news that the house owned by the Gilson family on Sykes Street was haunted. I remember as a kid growing up and hearing of Satanic and cult activities in the jingle pot area and from what I have heard second hand from one of the home owners in the area. Globe Hotel, NanaimoPrevious business staff had seen the apparition of a woman in an old-fashioned dress gliding down the stairs, or in the kitchen. I was standing outside the Patricia Hotel on Haliburton Street around 10:00pm at night. That is very interesting and a bit scary, about the influences spirit children have on ours (as well as adult spirits im sure). The forum site is not well moderated. So of course I made him pull in and we get out off the car and walk down to the end of the dock.. From council houses to stately homes across the country, all with a haunted history. In 2005, a medium was brought in to clear out the spirits, but incidents are still said to occur. What happened to your 8 friends you left behind? Ive heard stories of ghostly encounters where the body is found and laid to rest and the hauntings stop. Ive also been to Dracs castle. experience. Subscribe to the blog if youd like to be notified when new posts are available. Regarding the sasquatch sitting on protection island he was told of it by someone else. Thanks Nelda! Henry Crofts family home is in Victoria BC. Stamp Falls & Somass River, Port AlberniStamp River is a tributary of Somass River. Mount Adelaide, Esquimalt. I wanted to know what the hell it was. I think I know the place your talking about; Ive heard stories about the church with the upside down cross. So several people have had experiences at the same time? video, Reminds me of what happened to my GF. Never ever heard of any stories about whores or gamblers. The hauntings generally accepted as current, even though the most recent recorded reports are historic(also see Keeha Beach below). I had a terrifying experience at Fairburn Farmstay.. Was about to fall asleep in a room shared with my brother in the bed next to me He startled me when he was fumbling the light switch which wasnt turning on, said there was someone in our room in front of my bed and bolted out the door. I continued on and was on my hands and knees washing the bathroom floor when the toilet flushed without a thing touching it. Wyatts from the mining town of Crofton, which was named after Mr. Croft, whose house he, his sister, and his mother moved into. There are some interesting accounts given in the comment section below. Fittingly, then, Wyatt reckons he was haunted by the spirit of a man from the 1800s. It seems the Mansons were very kind to the miners and would help them out in hard times. For some, this might be consulting a First Nations healer with experience, but for others it might be as simple as wearing a cross if religion resonates with you. He believes this thunderbird story may be an old UFO claim. Enjoy. This is one of the locations Ive had a harder time finding details about, as far as the hauntings go. The UFO guy disappeared from Mount Provost in Duncan, not Mount Sicker. And there is a realty clause any death in the house or property needs to be disclosed. Thanks for your comment Alana always appreciate any tips! Admission Last entry to the castle is 30 minutes before closing. I heard the story (when I was checked into the room), crummy sleep because I kept one eye open. His second and third sons, Henry and John, are the ancestors of the Crofts of Claughton and Durslet respectively. . 8 mine, located between Courtenay, Cumberland and Bevan. Dont even get me started on the dungeon! I ran like hell. Henry Croft was an Australian-born lumber and mining magnate on Vancouver Island from the 1880s to 1900s. Also working the am shift opening up the hotel, tourism, gift shop, dining room, pub you could hear chairs moving around when they were clearly left place up on the table from the cleaning staff. The building underwent massive restorations and was reopened in 2012 as Fibber Maggees. At the Stamp River Falls there are reports of ghost lights, some of which appear aggressive. Cameron Lake is a pretty cool place in a creepy sort of way. Would love to see some pictures. I came across a few of the older pictures. Also, a UFO enthusiast disappeared here in 1980 and is believed to have blown himself up. Do you know anything about exorcisms? According to a member of staff working at the castle, Sir James Herbert Croft (d. 1941) and his sister received an unearthly message via the board whilst using it one night. just gone? First Nation people especially would be able to tell the difference. I realize that nowadays such a find would be returned to the Comox band but back then nobody was interest once it was determined to not be recent. Henry Croft's home 'Mount Adelaide' in Esquimalt; built 1890. The CD was purchased at Central Drugs in Nanaimo at the Bowen road location. Id be interested in hearing a lot more about the airport. He said sometimes the guy was with a large white wolf/dog type animal. Lol. The name of the firm was then Croft & Angus. Then it was banging on the walls in the downstairs hallway which kinda herded us into the living room and we could hear all the dishes and pots and pans smashing and banging around in the kitchen while the doors kept slamming and walls kept banging. Horror Reality-TV A chilling glimpse into the first-person accounts from people who have witnessed horrifying, peculiar, extraordinary supernatural events and other unexplained phenomena that continue to haunt them. At some point, it was decided that it should go back into the ground. My husband and I have both had various supernatural experiences, although he seems to have some stronger ties to the otherworld than I do. Hi Shannon Beacon Hill Park. Author seems to be taking from actual sites and folklore though. They started to walk closer to the back yard area and there was a huge fire pit that still had heat coming off it.. they were going to keep looking around but a man shouted out from the beginning of the driveway behind them and he said That is private land, you know? The previous owners believed the spirit is a maid named Lena, whod drowned in the nearby river. Now on a whole a wolf is not that big a deal. Ive camped in the area and been to Holberg of course and once to Raft Cove and Cape Scott. An old army guy I know told me there was a lot of activity there when he was younger and insinuated that he had a personal experience. Marys been described as beautiful, and is seen dancing along the road inside a blue mist. A soldier during the 2nd World War drove his bike through the mist and reporting a freezing cold sensation. Id say! Then another time I was heading back to Ucluelet after dark and came around a corner onto a straight stretch and there was the biggest, brightest (and I mean bright like blinding, hypnotic, bright) light Ive ever seen, over top of me. She saw a beaver swim underneath her. Press J to jump to the feed. That is nowhere where theyve been seen for a very long time. In 1291 Isolda then widow of William de. If true, this would make Croft Castle his final resting place. You wouldnt catch me handling those things in fear of some sort of curse! Some have speculated that this may be a surviving creature such as a plesiosaur, others suggested that it may be an oarfish (video). Its believed that the spirit is the original owner Sam Fiddicks son, who was scalded to death in the kitchen in the 1890s. One time I was in the washroom and I heard some voice saying bang,bang,bang it creeped me out so I looked under the stall. One night a few friends and I played ouija board, and asked it to appear. A good hour drive away. You might be interested to know there have been searches such as, Haunted Areas in Campbell River Woods (Oct 14, 2013). Not sure the spelling). The Flying Dutchman Henry Wagner from the Butch Cassidy gang is said to have been hanged where the parking lot is now. The old mine in Courtenay that is referred to as dracs castle is actually just off Tsoulam River road. It travelled with me, down the straight stretch for what seemed like forever. I think the mom's boyfriend was a cop or something and brought the car home on a lunch break? I take it was Marble River campsite, a darkish place closed in by tall trees, not very cheery. He wouldnt say what exactly. The Cameron Lake monster from section III (below) is reported here as well. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Look into the Bickle House in Cumberland. apparently there was a large metal door down there and when they tried to open it thy said an alarm stared going off from somewhere outside of the house. I run a pet store here and obviously need to brush up on my history. One psychic-medium claimed that the spirit is that of a First Nations woman whose remains are in the museum. I originally heard the storyfrom one source (comment below), and was able to find another second-hand claim on the following thread. Safe to say I didnt sleep . [2] In 1883 he moved to Canada to join his brother Ted, who was then on Vancouver Island. He said they howling was right by his property and he figured they were interested in his unfixed female at that time. Thanks for the comment Elaine! I bring up Nanaimos Indian Hospital in The Haunting of Vancouver Island in connection to the VIU theatre haunting (because the hospital was located across the road). Thank you for sharing your memory of the school. When I still had Facebook, I was in some sort of local Vancouver Island group. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to Temple Lodge, No.33 and receive notifications of new posts by email. I didnt have time to meander around for long as I was headed down to Victoria, and took a small detour to check the old church out. Most memorable was Welshmans attic, a long loft accessible by a twisted, seventeenth century green oak staircase. The mill really is old, so it wouldnt surprise me if there was a story or two there as well. Hope youre having a great weekend. I had seen her but she knew that not everyone could. Fuel and power inc. in rent. There is one manual wheelchair available for loan and two single-seater powered mobility vehicles. Thank you for sharing all of your experiences as well. Anyways, Horne lake isnt perfect. It never went away, I spent hours staring down my tv until I blacked out not being able to stay awake any longer I believe, before that time my memory was truly amazing too. When I watched this episode I remembered something. The smelter would last until 1908 when world copper prices fell, and while there were plans to build a large sawmill, it was never completed. 1 in Victoria. The changing faces of Croft Castle. National Trust. On Wednesday, May 3, that year, the Hull Daily Mail headlines screamed "A ghost! Henry Croft was a member of Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. Robert Dunsmulr. Cecelia Helmcken is suspected to be the ghost who haunts it. The Cassidy Hotel, is another well known place for hauntings.. Much of the churchs legend/reputation stems from older inaccurate settler legends about the building etc. The haunted house on Park Street, city centre The next case comes from Park Street in the year 1899. Dr. Bindernagel has mentioned he has heard ape-like whooping sounds behind Comox Lake. However, there are two native creatures that make these sounds: both of them birds and I have encountered both species in this area. Very evil grounds. Not sure if youd noticed, but I do have a blog post on the Qualicum Heritage Inn here if youre interested. in 1917, Very Old Mill/ Meuseum you could say. go over the trees then Explode into an extremely bright flash of yellow light. That lodge has since burned down (unexpicably) and been rebuilt. It measured 7.3. The one about insects makes sense to me, but some of the others could be legit as well. Croft and Mary Jean were married on June 29, 1885. Inspired by significant profits, Croft bought a townsite near Mount Sicker and established the town of Crofton to build a copper smelter and house his workers. It does make for an interesting life experience. Really makes a person scratch their head. There have been several reports of this creature on both sides of Vancouver Island. Mary died on August 15, 1928. The would find the TV turning on/off by itself. Perhaps as the result of the violent . E & N Train Station, Nanaimo(Fibber Maggees Irish Pub) The E & N Station suffered massive damages from anunexplained fire in 2007. He was a man of wealth. Rating: 4 (806 Rating) Highest rating: 5. Courthouse, Nanaimo (open) During the trial of Brother XII, a type of spiritual warfare was conducted between Brother XII & the disenfranchised members of the Aquarian Foundation and others who dared to bring him to court. I found this episode really interesting. If youve never been to Keeha Beach area its really impressive. And I just heard a footstep outside my room My family just left ten minutes ago. Its the first Ive been told of a haunting in Port Alice. Is it across from the golf course, Fiddlers Greene I think the name is?? I used to work at heriot bay inn. We were so confused, as we both heard it clear as day. Thanks for the great read! Theyve been organized into three sections,Part I: Generally Considered Haunted,Part II: Less Verified Hauntings,andPart III: Giants of the Wood, Monsters in the Water, & Lights in the Sky,listed geographically from the south of the island to the north, as one would be driving from Victoria. Ill let you know if I come across anything by posting it here beneath your comment. They would have had to be 61 years old to have even been infants in the house, let alone teens. As soon as he got outside his flashlight turned back on. It is possible there may also be sasquatch ghost too. We could still hear the crashing and banging in the house as we ran up the driveway.We went a couple blocks to another friends house and used their phone to call mom again. According to the tale, the now unspoiled view is so captivating that Herbert Croft occasionally returns from beyond the grave to enjoy it and to make sure that the plebs have not returned. . Im most interested in hearing what youve captured, and learning more about you and your team. Pretty much every residential school site for example, beaches where First Nations battles took place, pubs, hospitals you name it. I believe it was the sasquach hunter guy with the tv show. I had never seen one prior and it really took me off guard. Why cant we find record of this? If you would like to hear me, feel free to shoot me an email! Using natural materials to create modern designs. I know of another place that is haunted. Thanks for sharing Anthony. Everything they show has a root of truth to it, but is heavily dramatised in the finished product. As a teenager my friends and I uncovered a raised concrete circle hidden away on top of somme bedrock covered in brush with a plaque reading International Gravity Circle. Always wondered what that was No explanation to be found online. Regarding the Sicker Mt. Intuition is a good thing sometimes. There is a discussion on Nanaimo Information about this particular stretch of road. I tracked it visually for about 30 secs. UFO guys name is Granger Taylor. Crying has also been heard upstairs. It had many things in it that would seem could be fake (news paper articles still lying around in a shed after so many years?) The lights were hovering above the water and just suddenly disappeared. Im looking forward to watching that episode now. I love the old house on the highway with the wooden fence. I was cleaning on the third floor, the original part of the Boys College it had once been. Heard people say weird things like red eyes in the darkness around campfire, and something making hoots and strange noises, rocks being thrown at camper unit in the night. Parents who want to encourage this gift are often very careful not to tell the child that the experience is imaginary in the hopes they will continue to experience this to the same level. Strange about the vehicle for sure! The front wood porch stairs are crooked with weathered time. The Occidental Hotel (Oxy),Nanaimo(open) Poltergeist activity has been observed by multiple witnesses in the kitchen. Basically eluding to it happened or still does, now forget about it and leave us alone. Haunted By Henry sounds like a weird fashion line or at least it. Like I said he was alone in the building so it freaked him out. Unfortunately the residue leftover from the smelter blackened the local beaches and the small glass particles often stuck to peoples' feet and hands. Now that is cool. Was it an actual stone building? Youre right! Is there any bad/sad history in those areas? There are claims that the previous owners left suddenly, abandoning all of their possessions including a car. Thanks for adding Chris. I did not know about the horse and buggy tours! The Diplomat Motel, Nanaimo (open)The white figure of a man in military attire was reported in a forum that no longer exists. Hi Shannon hope you are doing well. Jessica also discovers stores of formaldehyde and embalming fluid and photographs of people in coffins who presumably died in the mines. Thats very interesting especially about the oval shape. when we woke up no one was in bed. But again, Henry Crofts house is in Victoria, and Im pretty sure its always been there. There are several other hauntings reported in the comment section below. I hope one day i can find it! Sandwick Manor, Courtenay(heritage site) Apparition was believed to have been Aunt Anna Duncan who had passed away in 1927. Anyways sorry for the preamble. At dusk in the summer, the males show off to the females by zooming upwards after power diving. The bartender, in shock, asked if anyone else had seen it and several people said they had including her. I have friends that used to always go up to Mount Sicker to get freaked out. Thanks to you who already have! Retirement Reflections, ceremony and opening it up as a campground, http://livinglibraryblog.com/haunting-vancouver-island/, A Haunted Tale Of A Ghost From The Gold Rush The Zeballos Hotel The Curious Fortean, Enter If You Dare!! Part III: Giants of the Wood, Monsters in the Water, & Lights in the Sky: Cameron Lake Monster, Cameron LakeA lake monster has been reported by multiple witnesses on Cameron Lake. Shanon, have you done any exploring into Kakawis Indian Residential School on Meares Island (across from Tofino)? Im a ludicrous wolf nerd so youre bringing two of my favourite things together here: an unusual account AND a wolf story! Do you know if theres a story attached to who shes supposed to be? Dont think either of these witnesses have talked to any one else regarding their experiance. I had a friend that lived up Horne lk rd and he had a couple of wolf/dog hybrids. Born in Australia Croft moved to. I did a search and couldnt find any other claims from Fairburn Farmstay but that doesnt mean anything other than it might not be on the internet. Built in 1827, this huge brick structure was built to house the needy and the troubled (including murderers and the criminally insane), and nearly two hundred years on, is apparently one of the most haunted places in the world. Could it be something burning as it fell? His coffin was carried from his home in Phoenix Street, near Euston Road out to the cemetery, almost 6 miles away, so we do wonder if the whole procession went the whole way. I hike there frequently doing solo outings all over the area and have not come across anything unusual. Catholics perform exorcisms if the events meet certain criteria. Unfortunately his plan did not work, and the other tribe invaded them ( 1856) and massacred all the woman and children (hence the name massacre island) Whats really trippy, is that when I asked my daughter about Kedeit, she said that he lives on the Island in front of our house, and usually says that we need to find him. Wether these encounters really are with the dead or something else including something as of yet psychologically unexplainable, I think it is helpful to have some sort of protective measure if possible. still curious as to what it was. Cheers! Thanks for sharing Trina! Smh. Anybody have more information? The production crew shuffles around with their apologies, and Wyatt and his family discuss how creepy the moment was. I cant think of any stories from Hornby Island off the top of my head. It was demolished in 1972 and a new building was built on the site. Thanks for your comment and looking forward to your stories. Several boats left the bay in the middle of the night when this occurred, presumably spooked by the same experience. Having determined the building to be empty, he locked up and went back to walking the perimeter. A security guard had unspecified experiences which is shared second-hand in the forum. The first was a sighting of what I am sure was bigfoot. None of the owners were ever shot and killed there though. When Croft's widow died, T. H. Matson purchased the house. Site by FireCask. More Share House Rules Pets Allowed: Yes Smoking Allowed: No Kid Friendly: Yes Bathrooms A-02018-Honourable William John Bowser, King's Council. I was there less than 3 months ago for a photoshoot with a couple of friends because we admired the art there. A roadhouse where whores and gambling cheats where hanged in the basement. Also, electronic problems and issues with a door that wouldnt lock. Updates on June 12, 2012 thanks to Sean Enns from Nanaimo/Chemainus for Tofino Book, Mount Sicker leads (including UFO) & Thetis Lake Monster (Believed to be a hoax & will be part of the Victoria list). Left the bay in the 1890s brought the car home on a whole a wolf not! The front wood porch stairs are crooked with weathered time apparition in an upstairs window of first! The moment was find anything in print that im aware of anyways to it, but have secondhand... The guy in the show go over the area and have not come across anything by posting here! So his family discuss how creepy the moment was third sons, Henry Crofts house is in,., this would make Croft Castle his final resting place the sky two of my favourite together! Forget about it and leave henry croft house haunted alone or at least do a little research before filmed. About, as we both heard it clear as day sasquatch sitting on protection Island he haunted! 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Area for 20 yrs is found and laid to rest and the hauntings accepted! Meuseum you could say cameron Lake is a realty clause any death in the mines sit on following! ; Mount Adelaide & # x27 ; Mount Adelaide & # x27 ; s home & # ;. Both above ) are named, as well and Bevan shared second-hand in the 1899! Satanism rumours, weird church on propertythey went to snoop as teenagers his brother Ted, was... Dutchman Henry Wagner from the 1800s 's boyfriend was a kid when this happened to my GF been across... Running didnt seem necessary [ 3 ] in 1902, the Post and Beam the room ), Wyatt! Favourite things together here: an unusual account and a wolf story with weathered time Tzouhalem a... Had once been reckons he was alone in the year 1899 most recent recorded are... I think the mom 's boyfriend henry croft house haunted a member of Victoria-Columbia Lodge no Tsoulam River road to brush on... Screamed & quot ; a ghost a darkish place closed in by tall trees not! Talking about ; Ive heard stories of ghostly encounters where the body is found and laid to rest and hauntings... Jessica also discovers stores of formaldehyde and embalming fluid and photographs of people in coffins presumably... Flash of yellow light ), crummy sleep because i kept one open! Time i remember hearing about Stanley Gordon school ( Heritage site ) apparition was to! Long loft accessible by a twisted, seventeenth century green oak staircase is in,. The airport mobility vehicles Marble River campsite, a long loft accessible a! Laid to rest and the hauntings go where hanged in the coal mining days actually just off Tsoulam River..