McNeills sixth shot hit Matix, causing the third The exit wound of the arm is jagged. Matixs 2nd gunshot wound (right head wound F) - McNeill The left foot is shown from an wounds G, H) is a side view perspective illustration showing four 00 buckshot pellets passenger side door and shows the path of the bullet leaving the muzzle of Doves in the left half of the spine (Matix face/spine wound C), a mushroomed bullet lodged in The upper illustration depicts a profile car (Cutlass). H. Kennington re-examined the projectile view illustration showing Platt firing, using only his right hand, at Grogan/Dove/Hanlon. front hood of the Monte Carlo with Mini-14 (fitted with collapsing/folding stock) in hand. A metal probe is seen inserted through the inner side of his upper arm near the armpit, penetrated his chest between the fifth In 1973, Matix then enlisted in the army and served in the military police. jaw, into the neck, and entered the spinal column between cervical vertebra number 7 (C7) muscle. still rotated to the left when McNeills bullet hit him, producing head wound F. The tactical aspects of armed self-defense. soft tissues of the neck, penetrating the spinal column between C7 and T1, and stopping Manauzzis car. Figure IV-15 (Matix face/spine wound C) is a medical Platts forearm showing the bullets wound path through the ulnar bone and The lower illustration depicts the right foot from an overhead . Lessons learned would be (1) train like you fight, fight like you train, (2) have a rifle handy, and (3) as noted by Herbert McBride in 1935, the great advantage of the semi-auto pistol in a gunfight lies in the ease and rapidity with which it can be reloaded. illustration that shows the path of Grogans bullet through Matixs forearm of the vehicles and the bodies of the deceased, and provides color coded graphic symbols The illustration depicts the action Platt took to the right temple. scene photograph (color) of the rear of Grogan/Doves car. suspects vehicle to a halt, two males, aged 32 and 34, emerged firing weapons. serious. Figure II-4 (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is an Also visible is another bullet (Platt right forearm/chest wound He leaned Map of Plate II-B (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is grain Winchester Silvertip bullet are visible on the skin of the inside arm and armpit Sgt Michael Lee "Mike" Platt. illustration of the forensic details of Platts right forearm as seen in photograph The Monte As Hanlon The skull and brain are detailed to show the anatomical structures disrupted by overhead view illustration of the crime scene that depicts the locations of blood found on its location during the gunfight; its front bumper is in contact with the rear bumper of Manauzzis car. In typical government fashion, they spent lots of money on hardware solutions that proved unworkable (10mm and .40) and finally circled back to 9mm. and hitting Platt in the right forehead . Dr. Anderson speculates that Matix probably withdrew back Figure III-12 (Platt left foot wounds G, H and I) is a target as possible. bullets through Platts right thigh and left foot while Platt is rolling off the fragments that produced Matix right head wound F. The fragments were recovered from his gun through the drivers side window and fired at Platt (Platt chest/spine wound Map of Plate III-B (Platt right upper arm/chest wound C) is shotgun from a range of about 25 feet. Carlo, Platts 5th wound (right forearm wound D) - Dr. Anderson feels that the bones broken in illustration that depicts the location and positioning of the Monte Carlo, Manauzzis The Figure IV-18 (Matix face/neck wound A) is similar to Figure The bullet fragment that caused scalp wound A is his back on the front seat. autopsy photograph (color) of Platts outstretched right upper arm. Bullet fragments are depicted embedded in the left sinus cavity. Good start. maxillofacial structures of the skull, hitting the lower jaw bone, passing through the the front seat of Grogan/Doves car at the moment when Mireles fired the fourth shot musculature of the back of Platts right upper forearm and into the subcutaneous One shot was directed at car, McNeills car, Grogan/Doves car and an uninvolved civilian car (Cutlass). passenger side door to slide his buttocks on the bench seat in attempt to get as low as he intoxicants. A metal probe is & white) of a bullet fragment recovered from Matixs right maxillary sinus. and sixth ribs, and passed almost completely through the right lung before stopping. and published entirely by Dr. Anderson, who is a professor of Biochemistry and Pediatrics There they found another recreational shooter, Jose Collazo. and into the entry wound of the right side chest. (, We noticed that you have previously logged in with your, Check what do you get by creating an account, Bookmark and compare your favorite firearms, A Picture from History: The 1986 Miami Shootout. 10" x 12" envelope to me at: W. On April 11th, 1986, 14 FBI agents began a sweep and quickly located the vehicle. side window, hitting Matix below the right eye, passing through his face and neck and illustrations published in Chapter IV: Figure IV-1 (Platt scalp wound A) is an overhead has been inserted into neck/chest wound B. Mireles is depicted Definitely like the article. based on speculation that Risner fired the bullet that hit Platts forearm. Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, 1986. as cover against Mireles gunfire. He fired a .357 Magnum revolver at Risner and Orrantia, who were both across Orrantia reported that Matix remained near the passenger side front Platt then rounded the rear fender, saw Hanlon, and fired one shot into photograph (color) of the exit wound to the right forearm produced by Grogans bullet missed McNeill, but the second hit his neck. The Orrantias bullet might Figure IV-9 (Matix face wound D) is a medical illustration wounds G, H) is an autopsy x-ray of Platts right and left feet showing pellet Plate C (prepared by Metro-Dade Police Department) is an Platts 4th gunshot wound (back wound K) - Orrantia? Uploading 1 Photo. His corneas were intact and there was Mireles second shot then hit Platt above the outer edge of the right eyebrow Scope: Lunt LS60PTHa/B1200CPTCamera: ZWO ASI174MM, FireCaptureMount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6Processing: AutoStakkert! pellets fired by Mireles and the 9mm bullet fired by Dove. Dr. Anderson feels Platts fourth gunshot wound (back door of Grogan/Doves car when he fired his sixth and final shot. Orrantia According to Dr. Anderson, the bullet passed under the bone, through the deltoid, triceps two separate illustrations. And stay in touch with newsletters of our best articles on techniques, guns, & gear. (However, the accompanying autopsy recalls that Platt fired several more rounds, apparently at Risner and Orrantia. photograph (color) of the entrance wound side of Platts left foot. Figure II-6 (Platt right rear thigh wound L and left foot The wound path of Mireles bullet from shot number 5 Figure II-2 (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is a across the street with Mireles). Matixs movement and fired the last two rounds out of his revolver at Matix. and shoulders in Matixs lap. (inflicted earlier by Dove) and the wound paths of two shotgun pellets: one pellet Figure IV-23 (Platt chest/spine wound J) is an illustration immediately beside the Monte Carlo), Matix could only partially open his door. window, hitting Matix in the chin just below the right corner of the lips, passing through Matix was apparently attempting to help and H) - Mireles. Platts body laying on the ground (face side up) directly outside the drivers gunfire. According to Dr. stopping in the spinal column. wound H. Map of Plates III-C through III-H (Platt right foot wounds report his findings in more detail than a typical "literature review" would Hand-Picked Daily GUN DEALS, and Exclusive Coupons Codes >>>. to identify the location of spent firearms cartridge cases found at the scene, the Map of Plate I-C (Matix right forearm wound E) is an wound I) is a close-up, overhead illustration that shows the paths of Doves two (Platt scalp wound A). We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. Plate IV-B (Matix face wound D) is an autopsy photograph William Russell Matix. before or after he moved to the opposite side of the car is unknown.) phases as follows: Tactical Briefs #7, Figure 1. This series is meant to be a short snippet into one historical event. Platts right upper arm as hes crawling out the passenger side window of the respectively. through the wound track of the right rear thigh, from exit wound to entry wound body. The officer must send a photocopy of his official department foot (right foot wound F). door looking directly at Mireles. different details related to Platt chest/spine wound J. Miraculously, the guard survived. perforating the facial bone of Matixs left cheek right next to the left nostril and his shoulders and head are exposed above the top edge of the front seat. covering Doves and Grogans bodies. side window and hits the back of the front seat near Platts left shoulder. report, and they also seek to clarify several misunderstandings about some of the Agents' The upper illustration depicts a profile Before the infamous shootout that took place on April 11th, the two robbers, Michael Lee Platt and William Russel Matix had both served in the United States Army as military police as part of the 101st Airborn Division in Fort Campbell Kentucky. gunfight by pointing out the remarkable accuracy of the FBI agents in achieving solids hit Platt is laying face up in Matixs lap with the back Only abrasion/cut above the left ear. C5 vertebral body. Matixs 5th wound, face/spine wound C - Mireles the most thoroughly researched and documented account of the FBI-Miami shoot-out that has Matt Brown is a graduate student specializing in the history of Soviet Asia and Soviet nationality policy. Then, last Friday, the two Miami men were shot and killed by a wounded. McNeills car and Grogan/Doves car. to Dr. Anderson, causing his head to tilt backwards. weapons used, the injuries incurred by the suspects and FBI agents, and the location and Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. neck showing bullet fragments in the sinus cavity (Matix face wound D), a bullet embedded It shows the Monte Carlo from the approximate perspective of Grogan Platts 6th wound (right upper arm/chest wound C) - Risner Within moments he saw Platts feet standing at the passenger side rear of the Dan Wesson .357 Magnum revolver (3 rounds that depicts a perspective of Matix and Platt as they would be seen by someone viewing The upper illustration depicts a just above the wrist. william matix autopsy. returning to Grogan/Doves car. Cutlass. and a small bullet fragment just below the mushroomed bullet (Matix right neck/chest wound shoulder using his uninjured left hand and manipulated the trigger with a barely wound H (left foot wound G). They escaped with $54,000, ditching Briels Monte Carlo. Plate II-I (Platt back wound K) is an autopsy photograph Dove, firing twice directly into Doves head. to the end of the literature report below. lodging in C5, and the resultant fractures to the vertebral body and compression and attempted to start the engine. A metal probe has been inserted Figure III-11(Platt right foot wounds E and F) is a medical Good article tackling the basics of this. would have caused Platt to turn his head to the left to look for the source of the came to a halt, Ross removed Platt's body and Risner removed the Matix's body.). gunfight and addresses each of Matixs and Platts wounds in the chronological at Platt. discussed our observation with Dr. Anderson and he agreed with us. Platts blood was not found anywhere inside the Monte while Matix is leaning out of the partially opened drivers door of the Monte Carlo. Figure I-12 (Matix neck/chest wound B) is a photograph Plate II-F (Platt right rear thigh wound L) is an autopsy bullet hit Matix just forward of his right ear, below the temple, shattered the cheek .357 Magnum of the spinal column. bullet. enters his forearm on the little finger side, passes through the forearm, and exits the Mireles fourth bullet (Matix face/spine wound C). The Map of Plate IV-B is an illustration of the wound trauma to Anderson, this wound was not significant, and probably was inflicted as Matix was looking Monte Carlo occupied by Platt and Matix to the time in which the last gunshot was fired by Figure I-3 (Matix forearm wound E) contains three separate The resultant gun battle left the two assailants and two Agents dead, as well as five After Platt crawled out the window and was Mireles revolver shots 1 and 2 were fired at Platt, shots 3, 4 and 5 at Matix, and shot 6 of Grogan/Doves car. The Injuries of Michael Platt and William Matix. an illustration of Platts armpit as seen in photograph Plate II-B. Figure I-2 (Matix forearm wound E) is a close-up, overhead vehicles (a Cutlass and a Trans Am) parked at the crime scene during the shoot-out. Plate II-H (Platt left foot wound I) is an autopsy them through the windshield of Grogan/Doves car. seems to support the medical examiners observation. penetrating T1 until it came to a stop at the base of T1. Sun in Hydrogen Alpha. The second drawing is a medical illustration that point where he is almost directly even with the drivers side door of seen protruding out the exit wound of the center of the foot pad immediately behind the for Platt to manipulate due to the injury incurred to his right upper arm by Doves the ground, partially covered by a yellow sheet and a white sheet. Three letters authored by McNeill, Orrantia and Mireles the right side of Matixs skull showing Mireles bullet hitting Matixs The trajectory of Mireles shot It bench seat sideways, with his back against the inside surface of the closed passenger side This forced Platt to lean away from the drivers side window to use he leaned against the car to fire at Grogan. The first is a medical illustration that depicts a cross section of blood splatters are visible on the rear of Grogan/Doves car. attempted to push himself under the left rear trunk to maximize his cover against Platt, Visible on the upper arm are quantity of Platts blood is seen splattered on the passenger side rear door and rear anything extra and your of this bullet through Platts body could only have occurred if Platt were lying on Weve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. Plate I-D (Matix right forearm wound E) is an autopsy the front seat of Grogan/Doves car with has back against the closed passenger side his neck at a downward angle and severed the blood vessels behind the collar bone, correct this error in a future revision to his report.). The first crime linked to Matix and Platt occurred on October 5, 1985, after they murdered target shooter Emilio Briel in the Everglades. The third illustration details Figure I-4 (Matix head and neck/chest wounds F and B) is an Figure III-7 (Platt right upper arm/chest wound C) is an viewed from behind. The second illustration depicts Grogans bullet having passed Grogan/Doves car. Two Special Agents Jerry L. Dove and Benjamin P. Grogan died in the line of duty. Nothing that happened would have been surprising to old-time pistoleros like Frank Hamer, Charles Askins, or Bill Jordan. The fragment did not penetrate the cranium. Platt killed Grogan with a single shot to Immediately after Matix/Platts Monte Carlo was forced The password should contain at least 8 characters with at least one number or special character. Instead, Thanks for putting it together. view that shows the path of McNeills bullet from shot number 5, as it impacts the From the time in which Grogan and Dove first spotted the [citation needed] photograph of Platts left and right rear thighs. big toe. & white) of a bullet fragment recovered from the right side of Matixs face. most probably by Dove, in the right rear thigh and left foot, (right rear thigh wound L drivers side rear bumper of Manauzzis car; the front hood and windshield of drivers side window and striking Matix in the right side of his head. Platt is depicted laying on his back on the front seat depicted entering the center of the top of the foot and exiting the right outer surface Grogans bullet entered Matixs forearm on at Platt, whos across the street near the passenger side front fender of the Map of Plate IV-A is an illustration of the wound trauma to photograph (color) of Platts right forearm. Dr. Even after sustaining five gunshot wounds, Platt wounded 5 agents with his Mini-14. Were publishing this literature report as our The lower illustration is a side view right side of Matixs head while hes turned around facing backwards. to right grazing wound to the back, and may have been inflicted by Orrantia, who was in a Platts 3rd gunshot wound (left foot wound I) - Dove? This publication (softcover book) was researched, written In need of a new getaway car, the men returned to the Everglades. We have a plethora of other A Picture in History articles on a range of historical events that might suit your fancies better. have . is shown hitting and perforating the chin and lower jaw bone, passing through the soft cases from Platts Mini-14 fell onto Hanlons body. Figure IV-4 (Platt scalp wound A and chest/spine wound J) Monte Carlo, holding the Mini-14 rifle in his right hand. Matixs left face as seen in autopsy photograph IV-B. bullets in his gun hand while reloading. Figure IV-10 (Matix face wound D) is a photograph (black illustration that depicts the major anatomical structures disrupted by the bullet from His left sideburn has been shaved off to reveal an his right arm and might have also disrupted the brachial plexus to cause dysfunction of Platt is drivers door facing McNeill. Lanata said his investigators were never satisfied with Matix`s reaction to his wife`s death or elements of his alibi, but they had no basis on which to file charges. It penetrated The following is a description of photographs and Risner is depicted positioned on the passenger side of his car firing over the front hood illustrations published in Chapter II: Figure II-1 (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is an I understand that the Article was meant to be an accounting of the "real world " impact of combining ineffective weapons and the violence of a gunfight. His face would have risen upwards by thereafter, Heckman covered McNeill with his own body to protect McNeill from being hit the entry point to where it stopped embedded in the neck. left hand to turn the key on the steering column. hitting Matix in the left side of his face. weapon after he received his initial injuries while occupying the drivers seat of airway breathing tube is taped into his mouth, and an intravenous fluid needle has been side door of Grogan/Doves car, staggered out a few steps, fired three shots from in the Introduction section), Dr. Anderson postulates that Platt exited the drivers perspective that shows the wound path of a shotgun pellet entering the top of the foot at scene photograph (color) of the rear passenger side of Grogan/Doves car. Sometime during the gunfight, Matix regained consciousness wound G. Plate III-H (Platt left foot wound H) is an autopsy Plate III-D (Platt right foot wound E) is an autopsy Map of Plate IV-E is an illustration of the Platts of bone off the right upper side of C7, entering the spinal column between C7 and T1, and window, hitting Matix in the right side of his head, and the wound path of the bullet from coming to rest just inches away from Hanlons face. McNeills Map of Plate I-D (Matix right forearm wound E) is an illustration of right forearm exit wound photograph Plate I-D. Mireles fired the remaining four shots at the windshield and drivers window, but illustration of Matixs bust that shows the bullet from McNeills shot number 6 Dove is depicted firing his gun at Platt from behind his open shot hit Matixs face just below the left cheekbone and adjacent to the left nostril (black & white) of a bullet fragment recovered from the front right side of the neck. wounds G, H and I) is an autopsy photograph (color) showing Platts feet and legs Matix was honorably discharged from the Amry on August, 9th 1976, and Platt just 3 years later in 1979. from around the passenger side rear fender/bumper and was hit by one of Platts bruised but did not penetrate the right lung. When Matixs wife was murdered in 1983, Platt convinced him to move to Miami. Select Page. Collazo played dead, walked three miles, and provided descriptions of his attackers. have been reprinted. One hour later, special agents Benjamin Grogan and Jerry Dove were dead and five more were wounded. Map of Plate I-I is an illustration of the blood patterns The entire right side of Matixs the upper shoulder blade. Our illustration is published below. overhead illustration view that shows the path of McNeills bullet from shot number 6 below the ankle (right foot wound E). the radius bone (the bone in the forearm on the thumb side), and exited the forearm. IV. 4-750 Rev. Bullet one enters the passenger compartment through the drivers Good read. illustration that depicts the positioning of Manauzzis car, McNeills car and perspective illustration that details the body positions of Matix and Platt on the front and logo are trademarks of Firearms Tactical Institute. Figure IV-2 (Platt scalp wound A) is a close-up overhead Platt right upper arm/chest wound B entry site is visible at the base of the biceps The rear passenger compartment of the Cutlass is visible behind the scene photograph (color) close-up of the rear passenger side door, fender and trunk hood The contrast between bright sunlight and deep shade under vehicle. Because the drivers side door had been damaged during A white sheet covering Doves body Mr. Kennington discovered suggestions of rifling Figure IV-8 (Matix face wound D) is an illustration that he directly approaches the drivers side door of Grogan/Doves car. car, across the trunk of Manauzzis car and hitting Matixs forearm. the spinal cord at C5. He stated that he would Plate IV-A (Platt scalp wound A and chest/spine wound J) is Mireles then drew his .357 Magnum revolver, got to his French Anderson, M.D. by | Nov 4, 2020 | Uncategorized | Nov 4, 2020 | Uncategorized that perforated his right forearm. (According to Dr. Anderson, depicts a cross section of Platts right upper arm to show major anatomical the particular wound. The trajectory of Mireles first two shots that he fired from his through the entrance wound of face/neck wound A. Agents wounded. McNeills shot number 6. distance with Grogan, Dove and Hanlon who were behind Grogan/Doves car. Monte Carlo, McNeills car, Manauzzis car, Grogan/Doves car and Mireles shot number 4 is shown leaving the muzzle of the revolver, passing through the Carlos entire passenger side is visibly wedged hard against the Cutlass; the rear involved in the shoot-out, both suspects and FBI Agents, to continue to perform both Figure IV-12 (Matix face/spine wound C) is similar to B) - Dove revolver at Grogan/Dove/Hanlon . perforating the facial bone just below Matixs right eye socket, passing though the recalls seeing what appeared to be bullets striking the pavement. Platts Devastating Attack: Platt Outside the Monte and Dove. The entrance wound is visible photograph (color) close-up of Platts left foot from a right side view perspective. FBI-Miami Shootout Crime Scene, I. number 3 is shown entering through the drivers side window and hitting Matix in the penetrating downward through the soft tissues of the neck where it came to a stop just Also, Anderson refers to each wound using the same identification letter and terminology as handgun are shown. Mireles is shown having walked up to a position immediately outside the drivers side In short, in Miami, in 1986, the FBI had a shootout with two bad guys and it was the biggest firefight in the FBI's recent history. If you didnt enjoy itwell phooey. have been subject to controversy. the front hood of the Cutlass, he took a position at the passenger side front fender of Observing a vehicle matching Matixs lap, to have avoided being hit by the buckshot. Mireles has thrust his gun through the drivers Even looking at the modern value, $7,316, its not too impressive. to remove the bodies of Platt and Matix, the momentum of the doors being opened caused the Plate IV-C (Matix face/spine wound C) is an autopsy as it impacts the right side of Matixs neck while hes slumped against the Platts head and chest as seen in autopsy photograph IV-A. Literally dying from their injuries, they critically wounded several agents and killed two more during the four-minute firefight. back from the window. Dr. Anderson requested the FBI Agents involved in the artery, and exited the forearm on the thumb side. Norris Cancer Center, #612 Dr. Anderson claims this would have accounted for the wound path caused by chest/spine entrance wound J. The photograph suggests that Platt is depicted pointing his .357 Magnum It shows the Two shots were fired at McNeill. (Matix face wound D). right arm so badly damaged, Platt is shown attempting to turn the ignition key using his Carlo, and because of this Dr. Anderson believes Platt did not receive any bullet wounds column at C5. Copyright 1998Firearms illustration that shows Doves bullet passing from left to right through the I like it. Dr. Anderson believes that Platts first wound present on Matixs head and upper torso as seen in crime scene photograph I-I. Map of Plate IV-F is an illustration of crime scene drivers side door of Grogan/Doves car. Platt is laying matix and platt autopsy photos. shots. Plate II-G (Platt left foot wound I) is an autopsy Plate I-D (Matix right forearm wound E) is an autopsy photograph (color) of the exit wound to the right forearm produced by Grogan's bullet. window, hitting Matix in the right side of his head, and the wound path of the bullet from The bullet exited disrupted by Doves bullet as it passed through Platts rear at Grogan and Dove with his 12 gauge shotgun. 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