shadow creek high school assistant principals

Lillian Rose Ellen Chandler, Clerical Officer, Department of the Environment. Gilbert Wood, Chief Chemist, Wimet Ltd, Wolverhampton. Norman Batrouney, of Albury, New South Wales. Harry Conlan, Area Manager (Enniskillen), Northern Ireland Carriers Ltd. John Alfred Eli Cook, Member, East Anglia Economic Planning Council. Professor Denley William Wright, Director, National Vegetable Research Station. Captain (Quartermaster) Robert Cecil Edger (485073), The. Robert George Miles, Senior Museum Assistant. Archie Graham, of Warrnambool, Victoria. For services to medicine and the community. For community service. Chief Radio Supervisor (S) David Owen, DOS8336F. Hannah Ivy Webb, Nursing Officer, Shabden Park Hospital, Chipstead. Margery Elisabeth Weekes. Lily May Bowles, School Crossing Patrol, Metropolitan Police. Marine Engineering Mechanician 1(P) Robert Donald Williams, K903361F. Samuel Prince Albert Abraham, Education Officer. John George Martin-Jones, of Chatswood, New South Wales. Norman Bisby, DL, Deputy Chairman, Yorkshire Area, Transport Users' Consultative Committee. Dorothy de Zalan, Secretary, Displaced Persons Welfare Committee. Ivor Forsyth Wyatt, of St. Ives, New South Wales. Joseph Anthony Cassinelli, Out-patient Porter, West London Hospital. For public and community services in Bermuda. Eric Albert Barratt Hammond, Executive Councillor. Margaret Burnett Moffett, Village Representative, Maud, Aberdeenshire, Women's Royal Voluntary Service. Thomas Wilfred Coppin, of Deakin, Australian Capital Territory. Cornyn hopes his ability to strike deals will help Congress achieve an elusive immigration deal. For medical and welfare services to lepers in. The recipients of honours are displayed as they were styled before their new honour and arranged by the country (in order of precedence) whose ministers advised the Queen on the appointments, then by honour with grades i.e. William Sadlier, BEM, Secretary, Submarine Old Comrades' Association. Raymond Sidney Gilbert, Sub-Officer, Dorset Fire Brigade. Nancy, Lady Fairfax, of Double Bay, New South Wales. Frank Albert Terry, DFC, Chief Probation Officer, Cornwall Probation & After-Care Service. For services to sport and youth. Janet Alison Hill, Principal Librarian (Zone Co-ordinator), London Borough of Lambeth. Hilda Plummer. Winifred Emily Grace Rogers, Deputy Leader, Truro Good Companions Club, British Red Cross Society. For service to industrial relations. For services to British commercial and cultural interests in, Penelope Joan Key. Leonard Alexander Thirkettle, Chief Petty Officer Instructor, Islington Unit. Robert Frederick Kenneth Jones, ED. John Wake Wright, Chairman and Managing Director, Barrhead Kid Co. Ltd. For services to Export. Frederick Cecil Bobbit, Clerical Officer. Share with Us. James Edward (Edward Alexander) Caswell, Senior Paperkeeper, Department of Industry. William Harry Pinfold, lately Chief Superintendent, Devon & Cornwall Constabulary. Major (Quartermaster) Hugh Oswald Bailey, MM, (479817). David Ormond Michel, Member, Post Office Users' National Council. David William Cornelius, Project Manager, Ministry of Agriculture, Malawi. Former State Manager. Eric Stafford Wright, Chief Superintendent, Merseyside Police. John Sinclair Macqueen, of Cremorne, New South Wales. For community services. PEARLAND Armin Ashton Hadi, a 17-year-old student of Shadow Creek High School in Pearland, was arrested Thursday and charged with threatening to bring a gun to school and kill students and police, according to court documents. Samuel Jenkin Evans. For services to agricultural development in Bangladesh. Major Roger James Ratcliffe Whistler, (Retd. James Archibald Kennedy, of Albury, New South Wales. Norman Hird, Superintendent, Metropolitan Police. For services to the British community in New York. For services to the furtherance of international understanding among journalists. Colonel Patrick Vincent Osborne Fleming, ED, (Retired), of Camp Hill, Queensland. Assistant Principal Dr. Christopher Brazzle Alpha Split De - Joh Social Studies Department, Technology, Shark University, and Junior Class Events Trenise Zackery, Secretary- (281)245-3182 Assistant Principal Dr. Erin Mayo Alpha Split Tre - Z Math Department, NHS, CBAs/Benchmark, Freshman Class Events, CIS, and Campus Testing Elizabeth Margaret Aston, of Epping, New South Wales. Apply to Education Coordinator, Licensed Vocational Nurse, Administrative Assistant and more! Ashley Allan Coops, of Sylvania Waters, New South Wales. Thomas Richard Blackman, Assistant Commissioner (Traffic) Western Australian Police Force. The recipients of honours are displayed as they were styled before their new honour and . Joyce Ellen Koch, of Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. Educational Leadership Lance Carroll Lance Carroll has been serving at Sand Creek High School since the 2018-2019 school year as Assistant Principal . Donald McDonald, Superintendent, Queensland Police Force. Norman William Currie, Chief Superintendent, Victoria Police Force. Leslie Joseph Clark, BEM, lately President. Kathleen Wooldridge, Higher Executive Officer, Department of Health & Social Security. John Mann, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Mid Glamorgan Fire Brigade. Chief Radio Electrician (A) John Anthony Copley, D055757W. For services to the community. For services to the Friends of, Richard Dilworth Buxton. Laurence Aelred Harris. Wing Commander Robert William Smith (5064046). Jugmohunsing Fulena, Commissioner of Police, Mauritius Police Force. John Stephens Pryor, of Katoomba, New South Wales. Master Air Electronics Operator David Gordon Richard Nicholls (Y3512397). Christina Smellie Baird Orr, Ward Sister, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh. Roy Evans Downing, Director of Civil Aviation, Hong Kong. For services to local government in Dyfed. Sitio oficial del Ente de Turismo del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Captain Geoffrey Eke Downs, Managing Director and Deputy Chairman, Wilson Walton Engineering Ltd. Eric Thomas Duke, General Manager, Government Training Centres, Department of Manpower Services, Northern Ireland. Jacqueline Cecil Elmore-Hammond, Information Assistant, HM Embassy, Paris. Joan Margot McCarthy, of Mosman, New South Wales. X4069076 Acting Flight Sergeant Philip Henry Pring. and then divisions i.e. Lionel Julien St. Paul. For services to the community. Peter Ward, lately Senior Principal Scientific Officer, Ministry of Defence. Group Captain James Donald Spottiswood, AFC, Royal Air Force. For public service. Major pedagogical shifts are redefining our learning cultureand supporting these dynamic changes means reinventing our educational spaces. Maurice Beevers, lately Area Distribution Engineer (North), East Midlands Region, British Gas Corporation. George Edward Fisher, Caretaker, Limpsfield Grange School, Limpsfield, Surrey. For services to the British community in, Harold Bennett. Marjorie Kathleen Phillips, of Paddington. John Walter Chaplin Ledger, Head Postmaster, Bristol, South Western Postal Region, Post Office. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Chief Marine Engineering Mechanician (P) Ian Maclachlan Midleton, K970634T. Squadron Leader Peter Augustus Clee (3519415). W/50802 Private (Acting Sergeant) Jeanne Norah Hewes Kick, Women's Royal Army Corps. Patricia Mary Kelly, First Secretary (Information), Hm Embassy, The Hague. Hilda Florence Hawnt, President, Northern Ireland Housewives' League. For community service. Kenneth Holman Holmes, Industrial Editor. The Reverend William Philip Basil Pitt. Reginald Carmel Frank Gallia. Isaac Robinson. You will be assisting the Principal in many different ways! Leonard Charles Grant, Secretary and Chief Accountant. George Harold Christian, Despatch Rider, Department of Finance, Northern Ireland. Maurice Davies, Foreman Grade 1, Area Garage, South Lancashire Area (Bolton), North Western Electricity Board. John Reginald Price, Craftsman Cutter Decorator, Stuart & Sons Ltd, Stourbridge. Gwendoline Alice Nunn, lately Headmistress, The Rodings Central Primary School, Essex. 24007385 Sergeant Royston Felix Nicholas Keightley, Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Major Lionel Frederic Edward James, MBE, Comptroller. For services to education and science. Nicholas Lourantus, of Sydney, New South Wales. Flight Lieutenant Robert David Cole (608147). G0593312 Acting Flight Sergeant Michael Phillip Parrish. 21142996 Staff Sergeant Guptabahadur Thapa. For service to sport. Hugh Mortimer Joseph, Commercial Director. Stanislaus Andrew Grieff, CPM, Commissioner of Police. Selwyn Edward Davis, MC, ED, of Cairns. For public and community services in, Geoffrey Barraclough. 443 (Basingstoke) Squadron, Air Training Corps. Aubrey Francis Saunders, of Kilmore East. For services to the community in, Cyril Debeausire Barnard. William Charlton Brown. For services to the fishing industry. Rose Elizabeth McCauley, of Cremorne Point, New South Wales. For services to medicine and to the community. Patrick Terence O'Kelly Gardner, MBE, lately First Secretary and Consul, HM Embassy, Montague Goodman. Knight/Dame Grand Cross, Knight/Dame Commander etc. Ka-wah Wong, Principal Fireman, Hong Kong Fire Services. Yeoman Bed Hanger Lancelot Victor Dawson. Griffith Anstice Collier Perkins, of Point Lonsdale. Henry Victor Foxcroft, Experimental Mechanic, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, Ministry of Defence. PI930761 Acting Flight Sergeant Raymond Derrick Sefton. Alexander Campbell, Gamekeeper, Armadale Estate, Sutherland, Department of Agriculture & Fisheries for Scotland. Jack Taylor Johnstone, of Red Hill, Australian Capital Territory. The Alvin ISD board of trustees unanimously approved the hiring of Kelly Hestand as principal for the new Shadow Creek High School at its May 12 meeting. Douglas William Buchanan, of Kardinya, Western Australia. Geoffrey Francis Anthony Sadler. For community service. Eric Leonard Jackson, Building Trades Foreman, West Midlands Region, British Gas Corporation. Hilary Ruth Barnard Hutton, lately Chairman, Scottish Pre-school Playgroups Association. 23473058 Staff Sergeant (Acting Warrant Officer Class 2) Robin Fortune. Joseph Edward Hulme. Albert Philip, Superintendent of Police, Royal Hong Kong Police Force. Alfred George Williams, Vice-Chairman, Wiltshire County Savings Committee. For services to local government in Clwyd. (If you cannot make it, please email your Resume to George Henry Moore, Chief Fire Officer, Lincolnshire Fire Brigade. William Wilkinson Closs, Foreman, General Services Coatbridge District, South of Scotland Electricity Board. For services to education and the community in Belize. Jean Hughes, Deputy Organiser, Citizen's Advice Bureau, Horsham. Frank Malcolm Learmonth, Commissioner of Irrigation & Water Supply. For services to the. Edna May Edgar, Member, Norfolk District Committee, Eastern Electricity Consultative Council. Major (Quartermaster) Dora Edith May Nightingale (441496). David Leslie Pithie, Leading Fireman, West Midlands Fire Brigade. For service to the media. Stewart Archibald Lindsay, of Warrnambool, Victoria. For community service. Councillor John Alan Chisholm, of Wendouree. For public service. Phylis Rosina Raisbeck. Somwati Sheila Nandan. Warrant Officer Margaret Gladys Sharp (H2023254), Women's Royal Air Force. Ronald Alfred Dingwall-Smith, Under Secretary. Hilda Muriel Oddie (Sister Phillipa OHP). E0571199 Flight Sergeant Gordon Frank Brown. Hadi is being held at Brazoria County jail on a $100,000 bond. Councillor Gerald Laurence Basterfield, of Moorabbin. Captain (Adviser Infantry Weapons) Ronald Glenville Church (493312). Ernest Beresford Basford, of Essendon. For public service. She has served students in multiple leadership capacities both as a campus and district level administrator. Major Andrew Gawen Goodman, TD. Philip Hugh Edwards, of Kingswood, South Australia. For services to the community. Ridley Harrison, Headmaster, Bolam Street Junior School, Newcastle upon Tyne. Michael John O'Shea, Assistant Works Manager (Development). Charles Legh Shuldham Cornwall-Legh, OBE, DL. Derek John Rivers, Commercial Administration Manager, Metal Box Ltd. Clovis Maidston Roach, Member, North West Conciliation Committee, Race Relations Board. Frank Ash, Deputy Chief Constable, Cambridgeshire Constabulary. For services to youth and church organisations. Acting Chief Petty Officer (OPS)(S)(SM) Roger Edward Pescodd, D0721S4U. Helen Dods Guscott, of Pennington, South Australia. For services to Aborigines. For services to the community. John Laughton Woodliffe, Senior Executive Officer, Department of Health & Social Security. John Fabian Brindley Jackson, Managing Director. For public service. William Neville Atwood, Deputy Collector of Customs, Bermuda. Teleport Zen is a personalized to-do list and moving guide.We've got you covered from job search and apartment hunting to visa advice. Mary Elisabeth de Beau Purves, Deputy Manager, The Design Centre. Wai-yau Shum, OBE. Walter William Robert Fleming, Commander, Metropolitan Police. John Linthwaite, Administrative Officer, Staff Grade, Hong Kong. Ruth Chamberlain, Councillor, Wyre Forest District Council. William Henry Storey, of Kingsgrove, New South Wales. Formerly President, Industrial Training Commission, Department of Labour & Industry. Hei-ming Ling, Detective Sergeant, Royal Hong Kong Police Force. For community service. Ida Roxana Anderson. The New Year Honours 1977 are appointments in many of the Commonwealth realms to celebrate the year passed and mark the beginning of 1977. Samuel William Craigie, Chief Project Engineer, Armaments, M. L. Aviation Co. Ltd, Slough. Richard Gordon Bridgen. Your e-mail address will be used to confirm your account. Squadron Leader Terry Charles Arthur Wilson (055536). David Michael Holdroyd, Superintendent of Police, Royal Hong Kong Police Force. For services to the community. For service to education. Kepueli Bulusese, Chairman, Kabara Tikina Council. Norbery Bridgalan Caryl Paterson, Engineering Assistant, Ministry of Communications and Works. Kenneth Ninian Hoare, Director of Administration and Secretary, P.I.R.A. James Charles Maybank, Chairman, Maybank Enterprises Ltd. Arthur Reginald Douglas Murray, Assistant Secretary, Department of Energy. Alfred Tayler, lately Director, British Textile Machinery Association. Robert Maxwell Taberer Phillips, MBE, Chief Project Officer, Rural Development Department. Reginald Bruce Copleston, lately Superintendent (Thames Tunnels), Department of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Greater London Council. Squadron Leader Charles Edward Slater, DFC, AFC, (1305635). George Van Nooten, of Yarrawonga. Squadron Leader Richard Henry Kyle (609247). Arthur Joseph Flockton, Chairman, Manchester Supplementary Benefit Appeal Tribunal. Wing Officer Leila Mitchell (407231), Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service. Lieutenant Commander (SCC) Edward John Franklin, RD. Ivy Agnes Lloyd, Member, Banwell, Avon County, Women's Royal Voluntary Service. Lieutenant Commander (SD) Richard John Buscombe. Robert William Roseveare, Managing Director, Policy Co-ordination, and Secretary. Edna Smith, Principal, Knuston Hall, Residential College for Adult Education. David McClymont. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. Henry George William Bucknell, Export Director, Multico Co. Ltd. For services to Export. Perch tutte le caratteristiche di questo sito possano funzionare, vengono usati dei cookie. John Patrick Holloway, CPM, Commissioner of Police. Joseph Chaika Doueihi. Leonard Herbert Smith, MBE. Sidney Chaplin, lately Chairman, Northern Arts Literature Panel. Petty Officer (S) Alan Parkin-Beresford, J889436R. Cyril Albert Denton, Tool Maker, Electrical & Musical Industries Ltd, Hayes. Lindsay Keith Fowler, of Rosanna, Victoria. James Hill, lately Secretary, Scottish Area. It also said Alvin ISD administration or police can be contacted with safety concerns. Samuel Baxter. Our friends at The Good Country Indexmeasure what each country on earth contributes to the common good of humanity, and what it takes away, relative to its size. Katharine Grace Daley, of East Malvern, Victoria. John Alexander Couldrey. For services to the friendly society movement in Scotland. Squadron Leader Arthur William Hayes, MBE. Lucy Bevan Lloyd, Centre Organiser, Bury St. Edmunds Centre, Suffolk Branch, British Red Cross Society. Hazel Finefrock, Civilian Administration Officer II, Ministry of Defence. Stella Marion Moloney. Stanley Herbert Hawkins. Walter Alexander Elliott, Chief Officer Class II. Joseph Clarence Bull, JP, of Metung. The Reverend Canon Fred Matthias Cubbon. William Vernon Smith, of Whyalla Nome, South Australia. Elizabeth Anne Horatia FitzRoy, Founder, The Elizabeth FitzRoy Homes for the Mentally Handicapped. Victoria Gudrun Dawne Hamilton Holliday. Minnie May Brown, Inspector Grade I, Reynolds Tube Co. Ltd, Birmingham. Sie knnen auch jederzeit, Google-Dienste anzubieten und zu betreiben, Ausflle zu prfen und Manahmen gegen Spam, Betrug und Missbrauch zu ergreifen. For community service. Leonard Thomas, Tax Officer Higher Grade, Board of Inland Revenue. Rex Linden Harnett, Administrative Assistant, Hampshire River and Water Division, Southern Water Authority. Buenos Aires, Argentina, is characterized by reasonably priced housing. Rene Anderson, of Carrum. Cypress Creek High School; Assistant Principals . Olwen Muriel Harvey, Production Control Manager, Garringtons Ltd. William John Harwood, lately Professional and Technology Officer I. Peter Paul Haughey, lately Telecommunications Technical Officer Grade "A", Civil Aviation Authority. The Reverend Canon Peter Ellice Paine, Member. For services to the Welfare of Overseas Students. William James Morgan, of Cairns. Oswald James Horsley Robinson, First Secretary, HM Embassy Bangkok. Harry Thomas Norfield, Head Messenger, Admiralty Experiment Works, Haslar, Gosport, Ministry of Defence. For services to the construction industry. For services to Export. Robert Henry Cummings, Chairman and Senior Managing Director, Robertson Research International Ltd. Marcus James Cummins, Member, Board of Visitors. James Edward Kidd, lately Mayor of Gympie. Thomas Lister, Chief Fire Officer, West Midlands Fire Brigade. Applying: Applications will be accepted June 18-25. Albert Barrow, lately Professional and Technology Officer III, British Sector, Berlin, Ministry of Defence. Richard Douglas Prince, Skilled Labourer, Appleton Laboratory, Science Research Council. For public services in. Low 49F. Corporal Amat Binnoore (3167608), Royal Australian Corps of Transport. Fai Sham, Senior Assistant Registrar, Registrars Department, Hong Kong. William James Kyle, Chargehand (Mechanical & Electrical), Property Services Agency, Department of the Environment. Wing Commander Gordon Thomas Tripp (4082007). William Walter Bowrey. Frank Davis Bull, of Griffith, Australian Capital Territory. John Yock Hon Lum. John Hales, lately Charge Nurse, Burns Unit, Withington Hospital, Manchester Area Health Authority. The New Year Honours 1977 are appointments in many of the Commonwealth realms to celebrate the year passed and mark the beginning of 1977. For services in social work. Donald Thomas Colebrook, Chargehand Maintenance Electrician, Brooke Marine Ltd, Lowestoft. For public service. Winifred Rabbitt, lately Women's Welfare Officer, Tag Construction Materials Company. Ethel Margaret Lole, School Caretaker, Limbrick Wood Junior School and Limbrick Infants' School, Coventry. Caratteristiche di questo sito possano funzionare, vengono usati dei cookie Edward john Franklin, RD betreiben, zu. Hales, lately Senior Principal Scientific Officer, Cornwall Probation & After-Care Service students in Leadership! Elmore-Hammond, Information Assistant, Ministry of Defence Property services Agency, Department of Health & Security... Experimental Mechanic, Royal Hong Kong Police Force of Lambeth Fire Officer, Department of Health & Social.! 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