I, personally, was fortunate to meet Dr. Mullis twice, once at a meeting of AIDS patients in Plummer Park in West Hollywood, California and the second time was at a hotel in El Segundo, California about seven years ago where we shared a three-hour dinner and visit. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a serious breach of the Convention. [scoll down for full video] A, Unvaccinated patients who require transfusions can now access pure blood thanks to a new service, I am persuaded that the Claimant has a right to choose whether to accept any medical, After WWll many Ukrainian Nazi collaborators fled to North America. Nuremberg Code # 10: The researcher must terminate the experiment at any time if there is a probable cause for injury or death. It's a $35 billion lawsuit against the Pope, GAVI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Premier Ford, the Prime Minister and several other parties. Let's hope these crimes against humanity cease soon. All Parents Wanted Was Vaccine Free Blood, UNDRIP: The UN Captures Vancouver BC. In the EU, more than 7,000 deaths and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. Today the vaccine industry with limited to no liability if well over $60B per year with projections to reach approximately $100B by 2030. Kim Reynolds on Thursday signed a bill to ban mask mandates in the states public schools, as well as in cities and counties. Freedom Truckers Ottawa A Preemptive SOS, Worldwide Trucker Freedom Convoys 2022 #freedomconvoy2022, Emergency Video TRUCKERs, Dr Paul Alexander, Dr Roger Hodkinson, GiveSendGo Donate Convoy to Ottawa Tamara Lich News Conference GoFundMe Update Feb 3 2022, Maddie de Garay Age 13 Life Altering Injuries Pfizer Trials, Maxime Bernier Canadian Freedom With GB TV News, This is Sheer Madness, I dissent Kyle Kemper, PM Trudeaus Half Brother. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, WINDSOR, Ont. Shaun Rickards Federal Travel Ban Lawsuit Canada Update, Dr Robert Epstein Search Engine Manipulation, Privacy, Unseen Dictatorship, Reiner Fuellmich Phase 2: Actual Trial & Enforcement of Judgement, WHO is Getting Nations Health Ministries to Authorize Override of Constitutions, Justice, Trust in Vaccine Industry: Corona Investigative Committee, Only 1 Of The Major Parties Shows Financials PPC, Taking Back Our Freedoms With Maxime Bernier, Dr Ardis, Water? To see Dr. Rancourts data, first go to the NVIC conference site at the link below, glance down the array of presenters on Session 1, and click on the video file below Dr. Rancourts photo and presentation title: From masking to mortality rates: COVID-19 and what the science tells us., His mask commentary begins at about minute 36:20. This is a deception and fraud that has all the components of scientific and medical malpractice the likes never seen to this degree. The CDC is fully aware that the use of leaky vaccines facilitates theemergence of hotter (more deadly) strains. The CDC acknowledges that tests over 28 cycles are not, This invalidates over 90% of the alleged Covid cases. Just over 200 union members, B.C. Double-vaccinated people infected with Covid have also died. Required fields are marked *. WEF Cyber Polygon Exercise July 8 2022: Rogers? Edward Dowd joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the evidence, This woman chants Peace love and Happiness just before being trampled! They are NOT FDA APPROVED. This gene therapy skipped animal trials. Hopefully this new Nuremberg Trial will put an end to this crime against humanity. Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in an exclusive interview with James Delingpole. . For crimes against humanity, thousands of lawyers and physicians have joined forces, reports Joe Hoft of The Gateway Pundit. It is long overdue to bring these inhuman obsequious sycophants to justice. Maajid Nawaz with Joe Rogan, how this system will deny you access to going where you want and when. The most important thing in a lawsuit is to establish the facts that is, to find out what actually happened. Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death - as fraud. 3) Reduces deaths due to viral infection. So let me get this straight COVID-19 is a nemesis pathogen that has virtually replaced both pneumonia and infliuenza. Many stores such as Walmart & drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene therapies to the uninformed public. Shocking Email Release FAUCI LIED about COVID-19! A team of about 100 lawyers and many medical experts led by Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. As many of you are now aware, a class action lawsuit was filed in Superior Court in Ontario back on January 11th, 2021. In the meantime, however, the anti-corona measures have caused, and continue to cause, such devastating damage to the world population's health and economy that the crimes committed by Messrs. Drosten, Wieler and the WHO must be legally qualified as actual crimes against humanity, as defined in section 7 of the International Criminal Code. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, alongside thousands of Doctors and Lawyers, was going to publicly put the CDC,. Take a look at the video below and hear the latest news: Source before it's news Rumble F**K BIDEN - AND THOSE WHO CHEATED - TSHIRT, Mr. Drosten, virologist at Charit hospital, https://abcnews.go.com/International/lawsuit-filed-handling-coronavirus-outbreak/story?id=70264726. Hopefully, this new Nuremberg trial will put an end to this crime against humanity. The CDC acknowledges that tests over 28 cycles are notallowed for a positive reliable result. The committee has been led by Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.https://peoplesworldwar.com/corona-committee-foundation-report-short/In the next 2 or 3 weeks there will be a number of very big lawsuits starting, and then well see if the legal system in completely under the control of the other side, which I doubt. Canadas Deputy Prime Minister says she plans to make her emergency powers permanent. Any time any monopoly becomes so big and so powerful that the basis for its unimpeded survival is billing at the expense of life and run by coercion and deception this is about as dangerous as anyone can imagine. Yet they have ignored thiswhen it comes to humans, Nuremberg Code # 7: Preparations must be made for even remotepossibilities of injury, disability or death. The use of leaky vaccines was banned for agricultural use by the USand the EU due to the Marek Chicken study which shows hot viruses andvariants appeartomake the disease even more deadly. Anything? Background to the new Nuremberg Trials 2021 : A large team of more than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts, led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Another part of the agenda is the destruction of the middle class. A 2002 study on SARS-CoV-1 spike proteins showed they cause inflammation, immunopathology, blood clots, and impede Angiotensin 2 expression. This week we are Live from Ottawa, in support of the incredibly courageous and exciting FREEDOM, Senator Ron Johnson is the only member of Congress holding hearings on COVID plandemic. Purpose of, World Wide Freedom Rally was founded in 2021 in response to the massive coordinated infringements, Great Reset-advancing World Economic Forum lists four major vaccine manufacturers as official, Veteran virologist Judy Mikovits documentary Plandemic, has been seen by over one billion, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.s blockbuster bestelling book The Real Anthony Fauci is now a full-length, The Government of Canada, Air Canada and two major Canadian airports have partnered with the World, by the Fauci created synthetic tripartite viral bioweapon monkey virus SARS COV2. A large team of more than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts, led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Dr Malone Comments, Exposing Canadians of Influence Tied to WEFs Great Reset Agenda, CDC Confirms Withholding Gene Therapy Injection Data From The Public, It Has Been 2 Years Canada! This gene therapy does not provide immunity and those with the double vaccine canstill catch and spread the virus. This includes mandatory and mandatory vaccinations. Nuremberg Code # 8: Experiments must be carried out by scientifically qualified persons. Can Canada Rise? Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Rand Paul, the U.S. 5) Reduces the transmission of the virus. They are NOT FDA approved. The lawsuit for global crimes against humanity filed and accepted by the Superior Court of Justice of Canada (see link below) has begun. little shop of horrors (1986 mp4) pacific soup recall heavy is the head that wears the crown 0 Comments pacific soup recall heavy is the head that wears the crown 0 Comments Nuremberg Code # 9: Everyone must have the freedom to end the experiment at any time. In mRNA research used by Pfizer a candidate study on mRNA with rhesus macaques monkeys using BNT162b2 mRNA and in that study all monkeys developed pneumonia but the researchers considered the risk low because these were young healthy monkeys from 2-4 years of age. Reverso Context: Despite the lack of a genocide verdict, Adham said that the crimes against humanity conviction still left the possibility of a civil lawsuit to seek compensation for victims and victims' families.-"lawsuit to seek compensation" The. Dr Peter McCullough Stand Up & Say No The Vaccine Is Not Safe or Working, Freedom Convoy 2022 Organizers First Live Press Conference, CB Audio Truckers Convoy To Ottawa *Listen Live*, Brigette Belton, Convoy Trucker Interview #truckersforfreedom 2022, Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Update On The International Criminal Trials Crimes Against Humanity, Taking Back Our Freedom Brian Peckford (To Ottawa), Sen Ron Johnson Hearing World Renowned Doctors & Medical Experts, CDC Finally Acknowledges The Power of Natural Immunity USA, Covid-19 Primary Pathogen is Spike Protein Not Corona-Virus, Ghana President Nana Akufo-Addo exposes PLANDEMIC, Worldwide Freedom Rallies Jan 22 & 23, 2022, Ronald McDonald House BC: Evicts Family Due to Vaccine Status UPDATE, Sen Rand Paul for Kentucky The Narrative is Collapsing, 145 Country Study Shows Sharp INCREASE of Transmission and DEATH After Introduction of Covid Vaccines, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Nuremberg 2.0 Update, Dr Mike Yeadon Vaccine Lot Numbers Are Evidence of Murder, Urgent Stop Trudeaus Hate Crimes 5 Minutes of Your Time, Canadian Covid Care Alliance Pfizer Shots More Harm Than Good, Dr Peter McCullough Plan to End the Pandemic With Joe Rogan, Defeat Mandates An American Homecoming Jan 23 Dr. Malone, Dr Steven Pelech UBC Stop Covid Shots for Pregnant Women & Children, 1 Million Signatures to Remove PM Justin Trudeau, Dr Robert Malone: Truth About COVID & Medical Fraud, 2022 Year of Truth & Humanity Something Brief & Inspirational, Stephen Archer Head of Queens Medical School Got it Wrong, More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions, Dr Pelech UBC Immunologist Petitions Canadian Government To Stop COVID-19 Vaccination, Aviation Safety Airline Flight Delays: The Real Story, 150+ Studies Masks Do Not Work To Control The Virus, Its Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas, Dr. Zelenko Exposes Global Genocidal Event, David Martin PhD: Covid Fraud & Illegal Dealings, Harry Wade University of Western Ontario Student Arrested, Dr. Peter McCullough: Drop All Vaccine Mandates & Pause The Vaccines, Dr. Peter McCullough, Senator Ron Johnson, Brian Tyson, The Corona Fraud Scandal. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protectedpersons is a serious breach of the Convention. RSV, Covid, Injections & Fear. Call For Witnesses, Farmers Affected: Farm Credit Canada Embraces ESG/UN Principals Of Banking, West Virginia Deems 5 ESG Financial Institutions Ineligible For Banking Contracts, Governor Ron DeSantis Second Inaugural Address Powerful & Patriotic, Catherine Austin Fitts: Malone vs. Breggin Lawsuit, Digital Identity Or Digital Dictatorship & Social Credit Score Aman Jabbi, Australia Senator Gerard Rennick & Ed Dowd on Vaccine Harms & Lies, Dr. Vernon Coleman What Is Coming In 2023, First West Credit Unions Sign UNEP FI Customers Leaving, Jordon Peterson & Danielle Smith on Alberta & Canada, Transgender Health Services Are Hurting Our Children: Chris Beck Detransitioning, SafeBlood Donation Service Growing in More Than 16 Countries, Unemployment Insurance Win For Unvaccinated Woman in Ontario. In 14 minutes, he explains the timeline of how we were fooled. All PCR tests monitored by the CDC are set at37 to 45 cycles. Protects recipients from getting the virusThis gene-therapy does not provide immunity and double-vaccinated can still catch and spread the virus. This needs to stop. During the Nuremberg trials, even the media was prosecuted and members were put to death for lying to the public, along with many of the doctors and Nazis found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. The CDC Caught Changing the Definition of Vaccine and Vaccination. Vaccine damage, death, andadverse side effects of mRNA gene therapy far outweigh this risk. Airlines Warning COVID-19 VACCINATED NOT TO FLY! Canadian Supreme Court has accepted the case for Crimes Against Humanity presented by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, R.F. Cary died from pneumonia one of the top causes of death in elderly patients and I find it quite ironic that the number of cases of pneumonia has dropped by more than 97% since the beginning of COVID. This list of accusations is circulating globally on many concerned websites by people searching for valid answers to this crisis. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. The layers and doctors sue these idiots and globalists for their crimes against . Crossing ten provinces and three territories; thousands. Experimental update shots are planned for every 6 months without any recourse to the growing number of deaths and injuries already caused by this experiment. 1,000 Lawyers PLUS 10,0000 Doctors Suing For Crimes Against Humanity! Tuesday, December 14, 2021 16:34 Dec 3 GAYS AGAINST GROOMERS, Groomer School Series: Whats Going On In Schools- James Lindsay, Kits House Kitsilano BC Drag Queen Story Hour Ages 3-10 Stop Manipulative Grooming, !Attention Moms! This group claims the tests used to identify COVID-19 were faulty and was used to commit crimes against humanity. Overall, we stressed that farmers who producehealthy food are the foundation for building immune protection from all diseases. The pharmaceutical companies own clinical phase studies will not end, until 2022/2023. Israel has used Pfizer and the International Court of Law has accepted a claim for 80% of the recipients having pulmonary inflammation from being injected with this gene-therapy. During the Nuremberg trials [following WWII], the media were also prosecuted for lying to the public, along with many of the doctors andNazis found guilty of crimes against humanity. Democrats & BLM Takes Huge Hit From Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax, Florida: DeSantis Takes Action Against Schools that Force Mask Mandates. In addition to the incorrect tests and fraudulent death certificates,the experimental vaccine itself violates Article 32 of the GenevaConvention. Examples: Ivermectin. Geneva Convention standards for a vaccine against viral disease: This is a leaky gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid, and claims that they reduce the symptoms, but double-vaccinated are now. Nuremberg Code #6: Risk Should Never Exceed the Benefit, Covid-19 has a 98-99% recovery rate. Legal proceedings are progressing, evidence has been gathered, and alarge, growing group of experts is sounding the alarm. In mRNA research that Pfizer used a candidate study on mRNA with rhesus macaques monkeys using BNT162b2 mRNA and in that study all the monkeys developed pulmonary inflammation but the researchers considered the risk low as these were young healthy monkeys from the age of 2-4. Share this information. Hopefully, this new Nuremberg trial will put an end to this crime, Nuremberg Code # 10: The researcher must terminate the experiment at any, time if there is a probable cause for injury or death, It is clear from statistical reporting data that this experiment leads, to death and injury. Nuremberg Code # 2: Yields fruitful results that cannot be produced, As mentioned above, gene therapy does not meet the criteria for a, vaccine and does not offer immunity to the virus. I cant go out, Transgender Navy SEAL Detransitions: Going Trans Destroyed My Life. Freeland. Go Truckers! Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death - as fraud. This gene therapy skipped animal experiments and went directly to humanexperiments. Yet, this has been ignored for human use by the CDC knowing fully the risk of new deadlier variants emerge from leaky vaccinations. Many media, political and non-medical people urge people to take theinjection. They offer no information as to the adverse effects or dangers of this gene-therapy. Honestly, its been 2. Get the, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, an ex-WHO employee, in an alarming new report, predicts a power grab by, The Corona Committee was formed by four lawyers. Arbitrator Rules: Unifor Local 444, Stellantis Vaccine Mandates To End, Ruling In Favour For Nurse Who Was Fired For Refusing Covid Jab. In an early-December 2022 Parliamentary speech, Gerard Rennick, senator for Queensland, Australia, Who is ready to understand, see what is happening, and help to stop this? Shared from: Taking Back Our. Ron DeSantis lashed out at Disney executives on Tuesday one day after, Crimes against humanity update. RT @ArtistJohns: CVS sent an email today with the following content: "CDC Recommends Updated Booster to Help Protect Against COVID-19 Variants." The genocide agenda continues! This is the organizers first press conference. Its truly remarkable article, I have got much clear idea about from The pharmaceutical companies own clinical phase 3 studies will not end until 2022/2023. Israel has used Pfizer and the International Court of Justice hasaccepted a requirement that 80% of recipients with pneumonia should beinjected with this gene therapy. The vaccine fails to meet the following five requirements to be considered a vaccine and is by definition a medical experiment and trial: Provides immunity to the virusThis is a leaky gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims to reduce symptoms yet double-vaccinated are now 60% of the patients requiring ER or ICU with covid infections. Covid-19 has a recovery rate of 98-99%. Examples: Ivermectin. Dr. PETER MCCULLOUGH: The vaccine is not safe and obviously not working! As listed above, the gene-therapy does not meet the criteria of a vaccine and does not offer immunity to the virus. A team of many lawyers and medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Nuremberg Code # 8: Experiments must be carried out by scientificallyqualified persons. Previous research on mRNA also shows several risks that have been ignored for this current experimental gene experiment. Candice Bergen MP Portage-Lisgar When Will Trudeau Listen to The Freedom Convoy? Another Chapter of Fake Science is Unfolding. In the name of all humanity let it be done and an era of true evolutionary independence and freedom under creative rights and human potential be the next step in a journey in resonant consciousness. And to those who continue to proclaim follow the science virtually all of the fraud being committed is anything but science and in direct violation of international laws under The Nuremberg Code. Reduces transmission of the virusThis gene-therapy still permits the transmission of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid cases / infections tracked by the use of this faulty test. This gene therapy still allows transmission of the virus because it doesnot confer immunity to the virus. Nuremberg Code #2: Yield Fruitful Results Unprocurable By Other Means. This gene therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Nuremberg Code #3: Base Experiments on Results of Animal Experimentation and Natural History of Disease. Dr Steven Pelech Ph.D. President & Chief Scientific, Join MOM Army, DAD Army and Gays Against Groomers in a nationwide protest against Balenciaga and, Join Gays Against Groomers and other child protection organizations at a rally to end the war on, The critical race theory (CRT) movement is a collection of activists and scholars engaged in, | Kits House Vancouver | Terryberry Hamilton Public Library | Protect Childhood Innocence |, For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world , Weve got to stop this insane fear of nothing says Judy A. Mikovits, Ph.D. on todays Good, DearAction4Canadamembers, With the recent talk of reintroduction of mask mandates in, Children of any age can seek MAID, without their parents knowing. More info Below, The World Economic Forum hosts Cyber Polygon, an international technical exercise to prepare for a, A coalition of gay people who oppose the recent trent of indoctrinating and sexualizing children, In his own words Robert W. Melone States: Dr. Zelenko last wrote to me on June 10 asking help in, Public Health Experts or Public Relations Experts? The US is the biggest single donor to the Geneva-based WHO. This gene therapy skipped animal experiments. grain valley municipal. The pharmaceutical companies own Phase 3 human clinical trials will not conclude until 2022 /2023. Weve constrained ourselves from extensivereporting of Covid-related news. Listen to Kid, Governor DeSantis hosts a roundtable with physicians nationwide on ending COVID theater once and, Digital New Brunswickis a strategy that will help improve the way the government serves New, Sodium azide, according to the CDC,4 the chemical acts rapidly and is potentially deadly. It contributed more than $400 million in 2019, roughly 15% of the WHOs annual budget. Here is a link to the pdf document, Rally 6.0 of our movement is resolved upon shared objectives, shared principles, and shared, A young Kelowna family says it is being evicted from Ronald McDonald House (RMH) in Vancouver where. They are the globalists who constantly destroy humanity! But the researchers considered the risk low becausethese were young healthy monkeys from 2-4 years of age. As a, On Albertas constitutional jurisdiction Smith:I cant set up military bases. HUGE Lawsuit Against CDC, WHO, Fauci & Gates! Home; Members; News; Results; Events; About us; Links; Media; Contact; 27 Nov 2020 All you hear from them is safe and effective and benefits outweigh the risks. Countries are using lockdowns, duress and threats to force people to take this vaccine or be prohibited to participate in free society under the mandate of a Vaccine Passport or Green Pass. I'm not going to lie, I can't say that I disagree with this. Despite the call from over 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists and epidemiologists the experiment does not end. In its, former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd, is speaking out about the real motivations behind, Pfizer Knew That Vaccine Would Kill Thousands. In addition to the incorrect tests and fraudulent death certificates, the experimental vaccine itself violates Article 32 of the Geneva Convention. Fuellmich promised that We will get them!. Wodarg said youre probably right, I cant make a lot of sense of it right now but it reminds me alot of the swine flu. Despite the outcry of over 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists and epidemiologists the experiment is not being ended. But not all politicians, pharmaceutical companies, and so-called experts make an attempt to stop this gene therapy. Pilots Cody Flint and Greg Pearson share their, And they can be harmful to children. petco carob chip training treats; orthopedic doctors in carlisle, pa; boston magistrates' court cases this week; duval county court zoom; . Has been gathered, and so-called experts make an attempt to stop gene. And those with the double vaccine canstill catch and spread the virus impede Angiotensin 2 expression gene therapy does end... They can be harmful to children the adverse effects or dangers of this faulty test going lie. Scientific and medical malpractice the likes never seen to this crime against.... & BLM Takes Huge Hit from Jussie Smollett Hate crime Hoax, Florida DeSantis... Yield Fruitful Results Unprocurable by Other Means the use of leaky vaccines facilitates theemergence of hotter ( more ). Chants Peace love and Happiness just before being trampled yet, this woman chants Peace love and Happiness just being! 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