They conduct "elections" in New Orleans at the same time the rest of us do and their "votes" count too. In response, Virginias Congressman Goode stood up and loudly asked his colleagues if they were willing to restart the Civil War. Their candidate running against Larry Bucshon, the six-term Republican incumbent, was a gun-owning farmer named Ray McCormick. Republican members wore buttons that said THOU SHALT NOT STEAL. They stood on the steps of the Capitol and sang We Shall Overcome., This is legislative apartheid, said Rep. Michael Strang, of Colorado. Anyone who has spent any time around elections knows theres no such thing as just counting. Tuesday morning, all three faced a judge and were all. Frank McCloskey (top) had gotten elected in 1982 with 52 percent of the vote. | The republic was saved and the Republicans took the White House, but only by selling out Southern Black people for the next hundred years. It was just an astonishing bit of we have the votes, and you dont, so you know what you can go do with yourself, said Rich Galen, the father of the Lincoln Projects Reed Galen and a longtime GOP strategist who at the time was a consultant for the NRCC. By Woody Jenkins, Central City News - Central voters will play a major role in filling vacancies in two important judgeships on the ballot on Saturday, Dec. 10. Starting in March, lurching into April, the auditors fanned out across the district. | And fixing our broken Electoral College by revising the 1877 Electoral Count Act that followed the election of 1876 couldnt hurt (taking the Electoral College out of the Constitution altogether, the best solution, is an unrealistically big lift for today). Democrats tend to forget that Donald Trump received about 10 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. Its time to stop this before it goes any farther. Why is that important? McIntyre, though, was a formidable foe. Gretchen Whitmer are top GOP targets next year. And on Jan. 22, 1985, the full recount confirmed the result of the partial recount Simcox had certified. Ex-Trump adviser Steve Bannon seeks to change attorneys in fundraising fraud case Echoing Jan. 6, he also told reporters the recent Brazil election was "stolen." By Aaron Katersky January 12, 2023, 10:29 AM 0:29 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon claims Brazilian election was 'stolen' Sign up for the newsletter. I asked him by how much he figured he would win. He is the author ofLandmark Debates in Congress: From the Declaration of Independence to the War in Iraq, andLandmark Legislation: Major U.S. Acts and Treaties 1774-2012. Talk of electoral theft ran rampant. Three times House Republicans tried to seat McIntyre at least provisionally until the task force was done with its job. When McCloskey was sworn in on May 1, 1985, Indianas congressional delegation was more evenly split two Republicans in the Senate, but one of them was the notably bipartisan Richard Lugar, and five Republicans and five Democrats in the House. They steal from us, Gingrich ally Vin Weber said. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. The presidents video, which he tweeted from his account, was flagged by Twitter. It is difficult to imagine a clearer case, Scalia wrote in his opinion. Trump on possible DeSantis challenge: 'We'll handle that the way I handle Did Biden just give Trump a get out of jail free card? A lot of people, he said, just arent going to vote anymore.. Indiana 8 became a rallying cry that almost instantly transformed Newt Gingrich from a lightly regarded nuisance on the GOP fringe into the central figure in a revolution that would culminate 10 years later with his own ascension to speaker. Multiple rightwing media outlets, however, including 1,500 rightwing English-language radio stations, several hundred Spanish-language rightwing radio stations, and three rightwing television networks, picked up Trumps claim of a stolen election and echoed and amplified it as if it were true. | Its a red river, Vanderburgh County Council candidate Karen Reising told me this past election night. Up until this point, the generally more congenial, bipartisan-minded GOP leaders in the House mostly considered Gingrich a rabble-rouser on the right who typically was too confrontational to be productive. Here in a district thats sometimes synonymous with an election Republicans say was stolen, the current Republican member of Congress talked about the consequences of a loss of faith in elections. Raised by a single mother who was a waitress, McCloskey was the unassuming, not especially charismatic, brainy former mayor of Bloomington who listed as his heroes Robert F. Kennedy and a monk. Please consider making a one-time contribution to Vox today. 203 Eureka Street; Central City. BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) The office of Brazil's prosecutor-general has presented its first charges against some of the thousands of people who authorities say stormed government buildings in an . Mary Schenk. Apparently, denying the presidency to Al Gore, the guy who actually won the most votes in Florida and won the popular vote nationwide by over a half-million, did not constitute irreparable harm to Scalia or the media. But that isnt what happened, he said. Indiana's 8th District ran from the largely liberal university town of Bloomington shown above circa 1987 to the north to the union-heavy, medium-sized industrial city of Evansville in the south with more reliably conservative terrain of small towns and silos in between. The overall total in. On the other side, Democrats in Congress charged that Union soldiers had intimidated Southern Democratic voters, suppressing their vote. Is it all over tomorrow, and its business as usual, you guys argue and everythings over and you go off hand in hand and do Gods work?, Republican members on the floor of the House today said they wanted to cry, said the congressman from Michigan. There was not one House Republican who didnt feel that this was stolen, Dave Hoppe, who was Kemps chief of staff, told me. Twitter's " civic integrity policy " says it will. | She previously worked at Regions Bank and Bank One (Chase Bank). Denny Simmons/The Evansville Courier and Press via USA Today Network. That group of people, I just tell them, when they ask me, Im just, like, Look, yes, there might have been some issues because of Covid, and changing the rules at the last minute and all that but it went to court. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. Here are the 10 states with the least healthy populations. He replaced Pro-Tem Wade Evans who was elected mayor. TRUMP SLAMS PENCE, SAYS HE 'DIDN'T HAVE THE COURAGE' TO DECERTIFY ELECTION RESULTS. Its why hes still a potent political force in America and around the world. Note: if reading this fact check makes you want to contact us to complain about bias, please check out our Red feed first. And although he has not yet endorsed a candidate in Georgia, he has vowed to unseat Republican Gov. He tweeted. Only now by more the margin was 418. More Republican leaders embracing Trump's 2020 election lies, vowed to unseat Republican Gov. ", "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long," Trump tweeted. Solomon Pena, 39, was arrested Monday [] "Best pollster in Britain wrote this morning that this clearly was a stolen election, that it's impossible to imagine that Biden . Talk to a rape victim, he would tell the Los Angeles Times. Thats just scratching the surface. A grave injustice, said Minority Leader Bob Michel of Illinois. Really surprising, Thomas said sarcastically. The unseated McIntyre railed. So consider this a preview of the next four years: A key news resource for much of the country, trying to toe an imaginary line between inciting violence and offering sympathy to the violent. And I base this, Wright went on, upon facts and statements which I consider to be reliable. There would be plenty of time, hours and then days, weeks and then months, to debate the facts as well as their relative reliability. The NRCC ran full-page advertisements in the papers. Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing and changing us. I dont think there was the mistrust in the elections then like there is today, he said. As a result, at least 22,000 Florida voters, most Black men with similar names to Black felons in Texas, were purged from the voting rolls just before the election. And Fox and Friends host Brian Kilmeade had at least part of an answer: It was a frustrated electorate who felt they havent had their day in court., Foxs Brian @Kilmeade: This was a culmination of four years of them denying the President won the election and claiming the Russians flipped votes. I can just see us in these crowded little clerks offices, with the throngs of people, and the vote-counting attempting to take place, and all the histrionics., Hand-counting paper ballots and punch-card ballots is a grueling process, Stephen Nix, now the senior director of Eurasia at the International Republican Institute, then the Midwest field director for the NRCC, told me. I asked him about Indiana 8. Consciously or not, voters could render a final judgment on the conspiracy theories that Trump and his allies have spent 11 months nurturing. Im hopeful that he doesnt run. And Bucshon is hopeful Trump doesnt run because Trump still hasnt accepted that he lost. If you have ballot questions, you can contact the Gilpin County Clerk & Recorder: Gilpin County Clerk & Recorder. President Trump said "these are the things and events that happen,"referring to violent protests that sent the U.S. Capitol Building into lockdown, when a "landslide victory" is"vicously stripped away from great patriots," while urging America to "remember this day forever. In the preceding decade, the district had picked five different representatives, toggling from a Republican to a Democrat to a different Democrat to another Republican to McCloskey. Recounts, said the three attorneys who wrote The Recount Primer Tim Downs, Jack Young and Sautter, have played a decisive role in countless elections over the years, some even changing the course of history. They called Indiana 8 The Ultimate Recount until, of course, 2000. People called it the Bloody Eighth because of its penchant for kicking out its members of Congress. Roger Stone and his friends pulled together another stop the steal event on January 6th to prevent the certification of Joe Biden as president, using the same sort of rhetoric about sore loser Democrats that had worked so well for them in Florida 20 years earlier. Protesters from the pro-Trump rally descended on the Capitol, clashing with police and leading authorities to lockdown the buildings. And, just like in 1876, when you exclude the contested states neither candidate hits the 50%-plus-one electoral votes needed (now 270) to win the White House. Click here, for more. On May 1, 1985, though, not quite four full months after he told McIntyre to sit as he administered the oath of office to the others, Tip ONeill administered the oath to McCloskey. They nodded to what was to come. But thats not what he did. Thom Hartmann: Democrats tend to forget that Donald Trump received about 10 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. [A] switch of only some 43,000 votes in three states (Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona) would have reversed the outcome.This is why Republicans at the state level have supported laws to make it difficult for Biden or another Democrat to replicate the 2020 electoral map.Also reaping lots of money from the Stop the Steal narrative is conservative cable television networks and talk radio shows, as well as entrepreneurs who after the election created new web sites where they solicited online donations. Im not conceding, McCloskey said to a local reporter a little after midnight. The fever swamps of the internet and social media are even worse, letting unhinged conspiracy theories like QAnon thrive unchecked. Its just the right size, he said to a reporter from the Evansville Press. The nation nearly exploded, wrote Monroe: The feeling of mutual hostility had been greatly intensified by party leaders, orators, and presses. I dont know what Panetta would say. I didnt think this at the time, but in retrospect, I think the House should have ordered a special election at that point, Chris Sautter, a McCloskey aide in 84, an attorney whose expertise in recounts had started growing in 85, McCloskeys campaign manager in 86 and one of the three authors of The Recount Primer, told me. Everyone who lives in objective reality understands that Donald Trump did not win the 2020 presidential election. Under this precedent, the election certificates of any and all House members can be invalidated on the strength of mere innuendo and political rhetoric, he said. The eight Senate seats most likely to flip in 2024, George Santos gets two committee assignments. Because if that falls apart, the whole thing falls apart.. Facebooks algorithm pushed Trumps false claim into millions more American homes. Trump claimed that the election was "stolen" in part by a voting equipment and software company, Dominion Voting Systems, he suggested is biased against him and also has "bum equipment." Facts. The 8th of Indiana was the only House district in which Reagan that fall landed Air Force One to campaign. According to more than 40 interviews with current and former members of Congress, local and national operatives from both parties who were involved and prominent elections attorneys and recount specialists for whom the drama shaped their early careers, Indiana 8 became a rallying cry that transformed Gingrich from a more lightly regarded nuisance on the GOP fringe into the central figure of a revolution that would culminate 10 years later with his own ascension to speaker ushering in once and for all an era of unabating partisan ferocity. We dont want anyone hurt. Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot and killed in the Capitol Wednesday, appears to have been a QAnon adherent. Trumps own Justice Department as well as his former attorney general, William Barr, found no evidence of widespread fraud.Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, two-thirds of GOP voters and just over one-third of all voters, now believe the 2020 election was stolen. | People who worked in Indiana 8 in 1985 and then in the aftermath of the election of 2000 tracefrom one to the other and indeed to now an undeniable line not invariably straight, but never not there. Even after Wednesdays riots, more than 100 lawmakers supported a futile attempt to overturn the election. For now, though, ONeill, the liberal kingpin from Massachusetts, simply directed McIntyre to stay seated and silent as the more than 430 other congressmen and women stood to swear to support and defend the Constitution.. Theres zero chance that Fox will use the tactic that Twitter and Facebook just wheeled out making a public, belated break with Trump in the last hours of his presidency because it needs Trump supporters to stick around for the next show. Pitched battles break out between Trump and Biden supporters, as cities are set afire and hundreds die from gunshots. ", Trump added: "So go home, we love you, you're very special, youve seen what happens, youve seen the way others are treated that are so bad, so evil. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. This was a stolen election. Simcox, 77 and retired in the suburbs of Indianapolis, said McIntyre would have been the more obvious winner on Election Day but for the error in Gibson County the county with the double-counted precinct. The non-profit ministry offers a beautiful home-cooked meal Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. He sat in what again and officially was his congressional office and leaned back in a big leather chair. The big city machines are corrupt. He is a writing fellow at the Independent Media Institute. President, Central Ulema Council of Sindh Religious scholar Maulana Azad met Additional Inspector General of Police : Karachi Javed Alam Odho at Karachi Police Office on Tuesday. Of course, said Bucshon, who didnt vote to impeach Trump but also didnt vote to object to the certification of the Electoral College counts in Pennsylvania and Arizona. It revealed to anybody paying attention and prone to cynicism the corrosive effects of partisan, post-vote wrangling, of counting, recounting and re-recounting, of quarrels over which ballots are valid and which ballots are not and why the sorts of inquiries that even in good faith paradoxically raise as many questions as answers, almost unavoidably injecting into the minds of voters not more certainty but additional suspicion. Trump, say the Republicans in Congress and on the Court, is to be sworn in as president a few weeks after the votes are certified on January 6th, 2024. Brian Kemp. "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. | Trump's own Justice Department as well as his former attorney general, William Barr, found no evidence of widespread fraud. | Now Republicans hold seven of the states nine House slots. In most elections, the margins are wide enough that in some sense none of that matters. All across the country, people begin pouring into the streets. They havent technically called my race, but right now I have 65 percent of the vote, which is 35 percent more than my opponent, so I think were gonna be OK, he said. The crowd of a couple hundred people drank red and white wine and Michelob Ultra and ate sliders and meatballs and other steam-tray snacks. I try, he said, to promote confidence in our electoral process. Mandel, for example, visited Maricopa County during the audit and has won endorsements from Wendy Rogers, an Arizona state senator who championed the audit, and Jenna Ellis, a former Trump attorney known for promoting false election claims. They'd been calling on the military to restore Bolsonaro to power, even though he lost his reelection . Lana Harris/AP Photo. Will you support Voxs explanatory journalism? You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! And when that was corrected, he said, I certified. He wasnt sure, either, he said, that the recounts in all the other counties would be finished by January, and time was of the essence the new Congress, he believed, would want to have somebody certified. In 2020, by contrast, the Court said No, so mainstream media clearly saw and reported that Biden had won the election. For the rest of the year and into the next, Republicans tried in federal court to overturn the outcome, arguing in part on grounds of equal protection and due process the terrain on which the Supreme Court would put a halt to the recount in Florida in 2000. In the last two elections he hasnt even had a primary. Multiple GOP candidates who won Aug. 2 primaries believe 2020 election was stolen By Aaron Navarro, Fritz Farrow, Mary Grace Newman Updated on: August 5, 2022 / 12:15 AM / CBS News At least. The data from The Times shows the time, expressed as UTC, or Uni- versal time, which is Greenwich mean time in England. The committee's June 9 opening hearing presented new evidence that Trump's top advisers told him directly that the election wasn't stolen. Different counties have different machines, different clerks, different customs. | So I called him. The issue is particularly animating campaigns for secretary of state the office that in many states oversees elections in electoral battlegrounds that narrowly backed Biden over Trump in 2020 and will be hotly contested again in the 2024 presidential election. He likes to go beyond just debunking trending fake news stories and isendlessly fascinated by the dazzling variety of psychological and technical tricks used by the people and networks who intentionally spreadmade-up things on the internet. Republicans added that because the 12th Amendment also says that The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the [electoral] votes shall then be counted that the president of the Senate should be the one to make the call as to which states contested votes were legitimate. This stealing of a seat, Vander Jagt pledged, would create a stench that will permeate our every deliberation., The Capitol building on Jan. 13, 1985, 10 days after what would become a turning point in the history of U.S. elections. The reality is this, Panetta countered. personale i vor folosi tehnologii precum modulele cookie pentru a afia reclame i coninut personalizat, a msura performana reclamelor i coninutului, a genera statistici despre public i a dezvolta produse. That afternoon going on four decades ago at the Capitol, Republicans raged at what they were unable to stop. Is the difference in where they have been physically located sufficient to treat them entirely differently?, These became scrambled when they went to the precincts. Donald Trump drives it. Fact Check: Atlanta Warehouse Does NOT House Counterfeit Fulton County, Georgia Ballots, Fact Check: Trump Did NOT Literally Beg Georgia Secretary Of State To 'Invent' 11,000 Votes, Verified signatory of the IFCN Code of Principles, Facebook Third-Party Fact-Checking Partner. Thirty states are Republican controlled and submit their 30 votes for Trump, with Biden receiving the remaining 20: the House declares the election goes to Trump. I hear a lot of people at our lunch counter, Daniel Fisher, the manager of the downtown Woolworths in Evansville, told a visiting reporter from the Chicago Tribune. A carbon copy, Mike Vandeveer, the mayor of Evansville in 84 and 85, told me recently, of those images out of Palm Beach County., Broward County canvassing board member Judge Robert Rosenberg uses a magnifying glass to examine a disputed election ballot in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. on Nov. 24, 2000. In Georgia, Trump is supporting Rep. Jody Hice in a Republican primary to oust Brad Raffensperger, the secretary of state who resisted Trumps pressure to rig the states 2020 vote in his favor. But President Biden calls a press conference to tell the nation that the states that submitted dual ballots were behaving with corrupt intent just to allow this very scenario to play out. They wanted to weep. Bucshons was the most perfunctory victory speech I think Ive ever seen. Lead Stories is a U.S. based fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, misleading, deceptive or A plaque honoring Kunta Kinte, the enslaved African at the center of Alex Haley's 'Roots,' was stolen two days after it was unveiled at the Annapolis City Dock. Local and national operatives did the same to monitor their ballot-inspecting efforts. Stephen W. Stathis was a specialist in American history for the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress for nearly four decades. Governors races have also caught Trumps attention. However, as far as Lead Stories was able to determine this exact data was not present on the website of the New York Times. Or, at the very least, it could have been stolen. The presidents tweets come as pro-Trump protesters stormed the Capitol, sending Congress into recess as they attempted to certify the results of the presidential election in favor of President-elect Joe Biden. The Stop the Steal, narrative has also been used as justification for making voting harder and rolling back access to voting across the country. "No violence! Liz Cheney (@Liz . The Metropolitan Police Department told Fox News that victim has died. Why are so many Americans still impervious to reality more than a year after a pro-Trump mob attacked the U.S. Capitol intent on disrupting the joint session of Congress that was convened to affirm the election results?Have they forgotten that the Jan. 6 desecration of the Capitolresulted in the death of four rioters and at least one Capitol Police officer, injuries to an estimated 140 law enforcement officers, charges against hundreds of people, and millions of dollars in damages? In some of our cities it took all the terrors of the police court to keep Democrats and Republicans from breaking the peace., The 12th Amendment, ratified in 1804, had a simple solution to the problem of neither candidate winning a majority of electoral votes. And the Supreme Court may again play an illegitimate role in it all. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. It took a process that should be ministerial and turned it adversarial., Then-President Donald Trump in Evansville in 2018. Latest News. Market data provided by Factset. There is no better case to demonstrate how and how not to conduct a recount, according to The Recount Primer, a seminal 1994 self-published book by a trio of recount-specialist attorneys two of whom worked on behalf of McCloskey and all of whom worked for Al Gore in Florida. This fact check is available at IFCN's 2020 US Elections #Chatbot on WhatsApp. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton joins Fox & Friends ahead of Congress joint session to vote on certification. , was a gun-owning farmer named Ray McCormick on Jan. 22, 1985, the shot! Broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed 1982 with 52 percent of the internet and media! And the Supreme Court may again play an illegitimate role in it all overturn! 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