Singing together vibrates one intention. May Eludumare and the Orisas continue to travel with, protect and enrich you on your lifes journey. "[9] African women, the direct biological and spiritual progeny of Od, are said to all inherently bear various aspects of her signature force: j. According to ifa and orisha spirituality, there are three types of iyami aje (witches) energy available in the world. Iyami Osoronga is a Yoruba term of respect and endearment used to describe a Woman of African Ancestry who is considered to be a Woman who wields myriad arcane creative biological, spiritual, and cosmic powers. About Chief Ifawole Idowu Awominure: Chief Ifawole was born and raised in Ile- Ife and comes from the Agesinyowa compound. The feeling is that in order to fulfill her role properly she must possess such power. 3 ratings. THESE TWO BABAS ARE VERY DEAR TO ME,IN MY IFA LIFE,PLS FIND THEM FOR ME ,My name is Prince Babatunde Ifagbemiro in south Carolina,USA,Aboru aboye nile IFA o,ase, Now, some women receive Iyami Pots as a complement to men who receive Odu pots. Ive had a number of people approach me about Iyami in the last month or so. Reading it now offers much greater insight and holds far greater value, evidence to me alone, that I am indeed growing in my understanding. Iyami Aje is a Yoruba term of respect and endearment used to describe a woman of African ancestry who is considered to be an Aje, a woman who wields myriad arcane creative biological, spiritual, and cosmic powers. It is impossible to truthfully make these claims. Ifawunmi Oyatoke Adegboyega, Good morning all, pls i will like to be advised, is it good to seek help from Aje funfun and hope it has no commitment or anything like repercussion from seeking them. Calling out all mothers, the power you play with transcends water, earth, fire, and wind. So long story short it is the betrayal of the human being that till this day the iyammi aje have the ability to attack humanbeings since the day they both came to earth. Interesting and informative. Trusting together builds a bridge. The power itself may be lodged in the roots of a tree or even in a young child. [24] Other origin texts suggest that Yemoja is the leader of Iyami as well as the founder and owner of Gelede, a society devoted to Iyami. There is some obscure fundamental relationship between witchcraft and menstrual blood. Trust & Dynamic action in truth love joy justice mystery intention balance acceptance in community. I have learnt a lot reading this. Old Saying: The Witch bird chirped yesterday, the child dies today. But in modern times it is much more difficult for identifying the (iyami) within society again hence it difficult to know who possess this energy as some people who possess this energy have channeled it into other religions institutions either in form of a prophetess or seers etc. This girl really showed up and showed out, per usual! So Primordial Iyami examine you before you are conferred with power or knowledge. She is the one who issues the Birds, the power of Aje. One of the many praise names for the j collective is gb gb, which means a collective of equals. Thanks. You are Hoodoo! Anybody who possesses power of iyami aje whether male or female can use the following methods I will explain below to carry out their mission: Agogo Enu (power of the tongue), ofa aje tita (shooting iyami spiritual arrow), omusu aje (spiritual vagina force of women), igba iwa (sacred calabash with iyami bird), awopa aje (staring to kill), ase . He explained that I am a child of Esu and also a witch. It is through this bird that the person who owns it go to Udi (witches meeting grounds) or carry out other missions whether good or bad. Im not asserting that this is absolute truth. "You are optimistic, inspiring, outgoing, and expressive. Black Witches, African Priestesses, Wise Women and the Convergence of the Black Feminine in Spirituality, African Soul Therapy / Spiritual Life Coaching, Spiritual Awakening and Higher Consciousness, Healing from Depression, Navigating the Underworld, Orisa Is a Tree of Life Best appreciated for its Roots and Branches, its Leaves and Fruit, Living Your Life on Purpose- Soul Lessons, Goals & Life Paths, The Multidimensional OSUN (Oshun, Ochun, Oxum), The Divine Purpose of Life Struggles and our Destiny, Ifa , the Law of Sacrifice, and Keys to Living your Best Life. But through metaphysical power, one can identify any women that posses the power of iyaami aje (the witches). We are happy to help you. It is a 3 day event that consists of various rituals to remove curse both cast and born into, cleansing of the aura field, natal chart cleansing, And one . The aboriginal inhabitants of Ile-Ife distinguished themselves from their Yoruba migrant-guests by calling themselves Onml, which means "owner of the land." The Onml . The three Iyaami that primarily guide Olodumare are called: These three Iyaami not only guide Olodumare, but they empower the Aje on the earth. A person can buy witchcraft power or may, as well, inherit it from another person. She represents Women in court and settles disputes. "[19] Washington defines the meaning of Odduw, as "The Immense Womb or Pot (Od) of Infinite Depths and Blackness (Dd) that contains all Attributes, Characteristics, and Identities. There are Male sorcerers, by the way, called Oso (Osho), but they arent as powerful as the Women. [39] In gbgb ti sn Yorb, C. L. Adeoye states that the gb's members take their work so seriously that they all adhere to the following diktat: "That the eyes should see / That the ears should hear / That the mouth should be silent. "[18] In The Architects of Existence: Aje in Yoruba Cosmology, Ontology, and Orature, Teresa N. Washington states that "as the galactic Mother of All, Od is logically the source of all w (identity, character, existence) which finds its origin and apex in the undiluted power of pure cosmic Blackness (Dd). The Gelede festivals helped to ensure the reverence and praise of Iyami Aje would not be vanquished or silenced. Sign up with your email address to receive 10% off your next order. You certainly cant give what you dont have and you cant speak on what you dont know or have never been taught so I will leave that. Orisha. Mysteries of womb space and vaginal space, space of pleasure and of birth, are the mysteries of Our Arcane Mothers, Iyami Aje. They can only punish or make human being to suffer. The Aje Pupa, also known as Oso, kill people directly. Destruction is not always a bad thing. Lastly there are Iyami who are cosmic and stellar in nature and not confined to earth, this solar system or Galaxy. One can even find individuals touting what they claim are "Aje" products (such as soaps, oils, medicines, rocks, and pots) and "initiation" into j: it is important here to refer to the principles of j detailed above. "[49], Recently, in the diaspora, interest in Yoruba culture and a rise in initiations into Ifa and Orisha have led outsiders to question whether or not one can acquire j from an external agent and whether or not one can be initiated into the gb j. Talent analysis of Iyami by expression number 3. This is a reference to the ability of the Iyami to astral travel. The tree is used both for the Ancestors and for Iyaami. Witchcraft bought with money is not given directly, it can be given through foods such as baked beans Akara , Kola, Porridge, red Yam, and many other native foods. They are the gynecologists, obstetricians, general practitioners, counselors, psychologists, diviners, physicists, mathematicians, architects, scientists, navigators, and agriculturalists of their communities. When she dies, she vomits out the invisible witchcraft and it passes to her daughter. When God made me, It created a gem, because it fashioned me in the likeness of Her and Him. Hand Work Of Witches: One of the most common deeds attributed to Witches is interference with reproduction. Women have Aje, a form of Ashe. Iya means (Mother) In Yoruba West African language culture. Washington finds that the concept of color-coded j was created and used by people and organizations to protect themselves from racist religious and political persecution. Hoodoo In My Bones: How To Hoodoo For Beginners is the tell of Hoodoo from the perspective of it being the essence of black culture. Male among the Aje Pupa is called Olb (knife user) they are the one slaughtering whoever they wish to kill. We average over 600 users that access our free Heritage Website with nearly 100 articles and pages each day! Odu Ologbojeis the one who received the power over the world in the Calabash, the power itself symbolized by the bird. Why do we say Aboru Aboye Abosise to Babalawos and Iyanifas? Please help me find him and BABA Prof,Jose Mendes Ferreira of Sao-PAULO ,Federaquq de Codomnle in brazil.\ Aje energy is represented and symbolize by a birds some specific ones like that of owls , vultures and even cats are a few symbolic creatures that embody or represent there energy in the physical word. Witches take part in some obscure nocturnal orgies for which one member of the Witch party must supply a human child. Its history is significantly older than the introduction of Ifa as we know it, although there is some evidence to suggest the binary signatures and process derived from a feminine concept, one of which is that the dus are connected to the moons transitions from new moon to full. I recently learned through a spiritualist that my uncles wife, who is a marine witch, made an agreement with some T-junction witches and placed a curse on my baby brother. There are three types of earthly Aje: Dudu, Funfun, and Pupa. The influx of Abrahamic faiths and the European witch-hunts of Europe during the 1700s coincided with the influx of Islamic and Christian colonialism and the slave trade in West Africa. Like causing their victims delay marriage, infertility, lack of promotion in work and business, causing their victims sickness etc. They account for 50 percent of iyaami aje cult world wide. 0. When we mention these Women, we touch the ground as a gesture of respect. As custodians of the earth and keepers of the physical and spiritual essence of creation, they work to ensure societal, political, and cultural . Iyami Osoronga is s IyamiAje (Iya Mi Aje My Mother Sorceress) also known as Iyami Osoronga, Awon Iya Wa (our mother), Eleye Aje ( bird of power) refers to the primordial mothers and divine feminine among the Yoruba people in West Africa and adherents of the Ifa Orisha tradition in the diaspora. Aje means "Witch". The Woman in a Basket 5Then the angel who was speaking to me came forward and said to me, Look up and see what is appearing. 6I asked, What is it? He replied, It is a basket. And he added, This is the iniquity of the people throughout the land. 7Then the cover of lead was raised, and there in the basket sat a woman! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); IFA NI AFINIMONA ARAYE High John The Conqueror Hoodoo Doll [Green] from $55.55 Quick View Irete Meji teaches us that Iyami was present with Ela when chosing our destiny this lifetime. Heart's Desire number. Awon Agba = Elders of the Night Bringing everything Black folks know and believe to be true to the forefront of the Black consciousness for an "ah ha" moment when you realize this magical practice we call Hoodoo that's been demonized is the core of blackness. She is the originator of existence and the womb of all origins: Yoruba spiritualist Samuel M. Opeola states that, "j actually is Od. But with state of modernity, some offices, vehicle parks and even many churches premises are being used by this energy to hold meeting and stage their operations. Thanks. Energy often just means a quality, in common . After so many patriarchal perspectives on Awon Iya Wa, women have grown tired of the fear, negative stereotypes, and masculine impositions on wombanhood. how to call on the iyami ajeirish norman surnames. Those who possess aje funfun dont kill, they dont drink blood or eat flesh. They spread their initiation easily than others type of Iyaami. Its about doing the work Doing the work in our communities. I believe its important to know a little about Iyami as they inquire further. This is how corruption is avoided because while some will initiate you for money or politics, true Iyami in the ancestral and spiritual planes will look at your character first. There are odu Ifa that specifically give instructions on how to make an Iyami pot. Iyami Oxorong por Caryb; Iami[ 1] ou Iami-Aj ( Iy Mi Aj = Minha Me Feiticeira) tambm conhecida por Iami Oxorong ( ymi Oxorong) - a sacralizao da figura materna, por isso seu culto envolvido por tantos tabus. I even had an owl fly to me as I walked my dog and spoke to me. Consequently, j work together, as a collective, to learn, teach, evolve, expand, and restructure on personal and communal levels. I find with the witches I know, they are extremely powerful with their projected creative thought. Mothers are our first teachers, our first doctors, our first protectors, and our connection between the ancestral spiritual world and the physical world. It is a machete-shaped bell that is sounded during propitiation to witches. I wont be identified by the parts that make up my physique. It contained the Ashe of Kingship. ASE (DO AS I SAY): This is natural power given by OLODUMARE to them from heaven but excessive use of it can make Olodumare withdraw it from witches in most cases. As a nonprofit, Heritage The Vision Continues, every bit of support helps. -- Ifa, you really deserve praise! Child born to the deepest of Mothers. anyone who knows their names; any one who call their names; they will. They belong to the Orisa Oko cult. Dancing together allows all to be honored. IGBA IWA (SACRED CALABASH) as explained earlier, the symbol of iyami aje witches power is represented by birds. . Orishas (singular: orisha) [1] are spirits that play a key role in the Yoruba religion of West Africa and several religions of the African diaspora that derive from it, such as Cuban, Dominican and Puerto Rican Santera and Brazilian Candombl. IFA IS THE GUIDE ON THE PATH OF LIFE. Aje is both a spiritual power as well as the humans who exercises that power. The Aje Funfun tend to provide messages of knowledge and blessings to those that they help. When the Iyaami came from heaven to earth they were all women.. It is love & acceptance, patience & justice, peace & completeness, balance (from our counterparts) and full truth honoring all. Some require that a woman be an elder, while others accept menstruating women. Some initiatory processes are also explained in the Ifa Literary Corpus under the odu Osa Meji where the Iyalode initiates women of the town.[51]. Required fields are marked *. They belong to the Orisa Oko cult. These three Iyaami not only guide Olodumare, but they empower the Aje on the earth. "[33] The Onml (also known as Iml and Ml) way of life was grounded and structured by j, balance, and reciprocity rather than the hierarchical stratification and ritual obeisance for which many African cultures, including that of the contemporary Yoruba, are known. They can prevent human being from attaining desire success. While they are mentioned and incorporated into the Ifa/ Orisha system of spiritual development, they are not inherently an Ifa/ orisha based tradition. The book, Iyanifa: Women of Wisdom notes that the contradiction of suggesting no one can initiate or claim to have been initiated while simultaneously saying only Iyami can initiate demonstrates the fallacy of the statement itself. Samuel M. Opeola states that j is rooted in three primary principles: 1. Iyami Aje (@iamiyamiaje) on TikTok | 1.3K Likes. The witches will never stop recalling the incidents which in most cases can put his or her victims in jeopardy in the society. Contents. It is all about the individual and how they may use the power based on their level of spiritual maturity and development. Ifa, at its roots begins with the earth Onile, itself. If one is intentional, abundance and blessings become real.Divine creator of life. This too, is layered. Iyami Osoronga: Divine Femininity. Iyaami translates into : (my mother) another alias or aka as "aje": (witches) the babalawo will refer to them as such. Your donation is tax deductible. He also warned me that "We do not call that name". It is an image of women's secret societies. The mother's role They are wrong. AntibalasDaptone Records' Rhythm Showcase BMIReleased on: 2020-02-07Artist: AntibalasAuto-generated by Yo. Anybody who possesses power of iyami aje whether male or female can use the following methods I will explain below to carry out their mission: Agogo Enu (power of the tongue), ofa aje tita (shooting iyami spiritual arrow), omusu aje (spiritual vagina force of women), igba iwa (sacred calabash with iyami bird), awopa aje (staring to kill), ase (do as I say power). All these aforementioned names were used in ancient times and up till now to avoid conflict between those who posse Aje energy (witch power) and other human being. Hoodoo In My Bones is the tell of Hoodoo from the perspective of it being the essence of black culture. They are the ones that originally sent the Aje to the World. These can then be further validated through divination. Prior to meeting Baba, I had one of the most vivid dreams I can remember. There are Male sorcerers, by the way, called Oso (Osho), but they arent as powerful as the Women. Iwa is not just a concept. However, they are also needed for all creative pursuits. Seu grande poder se deve ao fato de guardar o segredo da criao. It is felt that Women of any age are potential Aje who possess Eiye the bird power.. .There are also secret society and womens Egbes who have induction processes. 10Where are they taking the basket? I asked the angel who was speaking to me. [38], j cannot be bought, sold or commodified. The Gods who are synonymous with Aje are Od and Odduw, and in Olodumare: God in Yoruba Belief, E. Bolaji Idowu defines Odduw as the "self-existent . I was also born on a Wednesday. And in most cases it leads to physical sickness in real life. : It is my prayer that all of you who read this text will be truly blessed. Made a bath, the moon is waxing so I'm calling in all my blessings , calling for protection , calling for more love , my hands are clean and ready to receive . They punish their victims and give no room for forgiveness even up to their own children. 11He replied, To the country of Babylonia to build a house for it. Thank you a hundred times over for the wealth of knowledge you share on the traditions of Ifa and the Yoruba peoples. iyami.aje This Full Moon in Pisces Reading, we're asking Spirit "WHERE THE CASH AT ", August was a drought but September gon' make you remember, who you are and why you do what you do Pick a card Bae , enjoy the reading, if it resonates drop a comment . Those are divided into those who are Aje by virtue of being a woman born with a womb, those who carry Aje "powers" naturally and may not know it, and those who are conscious and inducted as Aje through ceremonies. It is described as being at once invisible and ubiquitous. Better to call Mothers, Iyami, Awon Iya Wa or Eleiye (owners of birds). If someone claims to have an Iyaami shrine, can give a shrine, to have been initiated to Iyaami or wants to initiate you, they are speaking falsely. I know so many things I wanted to know quite a while now. Women are seeking their ancestral mothers for support, healing, empowerment and guidance in their lives as they reclaim divine wombanhood. Please email, mail, or call us. So when we say Iyami, its a loaded word full of numerous meanings and not just one. The three Iyaami have supreme power over Aje on earth and they are the ones who initiated and spread Aje throughout . One process is through Ogboni Societies. Because of its scope and power, Aje is feared and revered by many. Iyami Aje is a Yoruba term of respect and endearment used to describe a woman of African ancestry who is considered to be an Aje, a woman who wields myriad arcane creative biological, spiritual, and cosmic powers.. We feed others. She is an Iyami and guides character and development. Thank you Baba! SANTERIA = Enlightenment & Transformation, Vulture (Igun) & Eagle (Awodi) = Earth Magic Spirits. According to our elders the word ymi means "my mother". To feed the Aje one must either feed them through Esu, Orita meta (3 road junction) or the Iroko tree. Many focus on the destructive power of the Mothers, giving the impression that they are destructive. Aje is nothing than a supernatural phenomenon inherent in nature which when tap into by human or manifest itself in human it can be use to achieve either good or bad end depending on the motive and character of the possessor. Thank you so very much for the information. Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode The Witch will then return the Mans penis but it will be altered in some way and may not be able to function. Where are they getting it from.thru Esu.and dreams would Give information to do certain rituals. How do you know you were accepted? [17] In his article "The Spider, the Chameleon and the Creation of the Earth," Oduyoye finds that Odduw means,"Oracular utterance created existence. When the house is ready, the basket will be set there in its place. In Jesus name, Amen! The Dominant Force At Midnight. The Iyaami are the women that guide Olodumare. But according to ifa spirituality, ifa scripture makes it clear that it is not God that allows witches to torment human but it is human beings that betray the witches in the first place. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Available in Paper Back. However if the party is held by Babalawo or a knowledgeable initiate, he or she must recognize them and pay his or her respect to them in a way he or she knows how to and also in way as not to reveal their identity. She is head of the market place, and a priestess of Oya. In a Yoruba village, Iyalode is a title bestowed on a Woman who is head of the Women of the community. "[14] Using the term "witch" is especially dangerous because in many African communities the accused can be ostracized or lynched because of false accusations. No one can choose to initiate Aje-Iyaami; they choose who they want to initiate. No one can say they have initiated to Iyaami or say they can initiate you. How they may use the power you play with transcends water, earth, solar... Accept menstruating women now, some women receive Iyami Pots as a complement to who! Power as well as the women passes to her daughter feeling is in! Posts by email Esu and also a Witch child of Esu and a. Examine you before you are conferred with power or knowledge Vision Continues, every bit support... Outgoing, and wind who initiated and spread Aje throughout must supply a child. The iniquity of the women of the most vivid dreams I can remember the. 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