If you configure this policy, a protocol will only be permitted to bypass being silently blocked by anti-flood protection if: If either condition is false, the external protocol launch may be blocked by anti-flood protection. If you disable this policy, the user can't use spellcheck and the SpellcheckLanguage and SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist policies are also disabled. Users can't override this policy. If you enable or don't configure this policy, users may use remote debugging by specifying --remote-debug-port and --remote-debugging-pipe command line switches. Allows users to import browser settings from another browser into Microsoft Edge. Allow Microsoft Edge to issue a connection to a web service to generate URL and search suggestions for connectivity issues such as DNS errors. Note: This policy currently manages importing from Google Chrome (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS) and Mozilla Firefox (on Windows 7, 8, and 10 and on macOS) browsers. The 'default_logo' should have proper contrast against a white/black background while the 'light_logo' should have proper contrast against a background image. If you enable this policy the one-time redirection dialog and banner will never be shown to users. From the Azure portal menu, select + Create a resource > Networking > Route table, or search for Route table in the portal search box. Go to the All resources page, and Stop any running virtual machines, applications, or other services. This policy determines the page that's opened when new tabs are created (including when new windows are opened). In the left navigation, select Azure Active Directory and then select Conditional Access to open the Policies blade. The user must be signed into Microsoft Edge with a valid work or school account for reports to be sent, and the user's account tenant must match the tenant specified by the policy. This is also the default behavior if you don't configure this policy. Enabling this policy does not force quick links to be visible - the user can continue to turn quick links on and off. If this policy is not configured, the default configuration for the audio process will be used. Note that other restrictions may still apply. If you enable this policy all the specified data types will be excluded from synchronization. Note that some features may not be available if a policy to disable this feature has been applied. If you enable this policy, profiles run in ephemeral mode. For example, using an operating system feature or another application. However, users can change it to the other option, which is 'Once every browsing session'. To open the shared calendar, follow these steps: At the bottom of the navigation bar, select Calendar. If you set this policy to "Limited", the OS Regional format will only be shared if its language part matches the Microsoft Edge display language. This policy is only supported on Windows 10 devices. apps and PWAs. If you enable this policy or leave it unset, the window.opener property is set to null unless the anchor specifies rel="opener". PluginsAllowedForUrls and PluginsBlockedForUrls are checked first, then this policy. If you don't set this policy, the global default value will be used. To control which websites are allowed to run Adobe Flash, see the specifications in the DefaultPluginsSetting, PluginsAllowedForUrls, and PluginsBlockedForUrls policies. Enable this policy to send reporting of usage and crash-related data to Microsoft. If you configure the preceding policies and this policy, all browsing data is deleted when Microsoft Edge closes, regardless of how you configured AllowDeletingBrowserHistory or ClearCachedImagesAndFilesOnExit. It was released separately from Windows XP and provides a separate support lifecycle to address the unique needs of industry devices. If you enable this policy , the selected values will use the most recent choice in Print Preview . If you enable this policy, the Extensions check box is automatically selected in the Import browser data dialog box. This policy is deprecated because we are moving to a new policy. Set this policy to True to show the Cast toolbar icon on the toolbar or the overflow menu. If you enable this policy, users can't take screenshots using keyboard shortcuts or extension APIs. Forces data synchronization in Microsoft Edge. OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 86. Setting the policy to 2 blocks sites from using the clipboard site permission. If you set this policy, do not set the ClearBrowsingDataOnExit or SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled policy since that prevents history from being saved which also disables the dialog. Note: Though the policy can accept multiple items in entries, all but the first item are ignored. For origins not covered by the patterns specified here, the global default value will be used either from the InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed policy, if it is set, or the user's personal configuration otherwise. However, this policy is not considered If you enable this policy, the Browser settings check box is automatically selected in the Import browser data dialog box. In this section, you'll create an NVA using a Windows Server 2019 Datacenter virtual machine. If you enable this policy Microsoft Edge treats PDF files as downloads and lets users open them with the default application. If the source comes from the local system, intranet, or trusted sites zone, then the download is considered trusted and safe. Disable this policy to restrict Google Cast to Cast devices on RFC1918/RFC4193 private addresses. If you enable this policy, the Browsing history check box is automatically selected in the Import browser data dialog box. Devices running Windows XP Embedded reached end of support in 2016. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2094934 for more info on Microsoft Defender SmartScreen. This policy is used to manage access to the Outlook menu from Microsoft Edge. If disabled or unset, the web app at the given url will be installed normally. If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will launch the renderer process in an app If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses the provided directory regardless of whether the user has specified the '--disk-cache-dir' flag. In the confirmation dialog box, select Delete. However, the reports will not be stored in the Site Lists app. If you set this policy to the special value "*" or don't configure it, all file extensions are allowed. If you disable this policy, AutoFill never suggests or fills in address information, nor does it save additional address information that the user might submit while browsing the web. Set whether websites can display desktop notifications. If you disable this policy, saved passwords aren't imported on first run, and users can't import them manually. This setting works in conjunction with: If you don't configure the policy, users can choose whether to show the home button. For example, Browsing History suggestions will not be available if you enable the SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled policy. If the address bar default search engine is not Bing, users are offered an additional choice (use "Address bar") when searching on new tabs. Standard From the list of DLP policies, select an environment, and then select Delete Policy. This allows Internet Explorer plugins like ActiveX controls to perform additional critical work even after the browser has been closed. Users can still navigate to any URL by using the search option in the default New Tab Page, or using any link that leads to a web search engine. The Azure Application Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF) v2 comes with a pre-configured, platform-managed ruleset that offers protection from many different types of attacks. If you selected any other mode for configuring proxy policies, don't enable or configure this policy. This is the default behavior if you don't configure the policy. If set to 'ForceDisabled', the User-Agent string will not freeze the Edge TyposquattingChecker provides warning messages to help protect your users from potential typosquatting sites. ForceEnabled (2) = The User-Agent string will freeze the major version as 99 and include the browser's major version in the minor position. The "automatic" mode will send DNS-over-HTTPS queries first if a DNS-over-HTTPS server is available and may fallback to sending insecure queries on error. Note that if you use the --ie-mode-file-url command line argument for launching local mht or mhtml files, it takes precedence over how you configured this policy. Next steps. Warning: Setting this policy may delay application of software updates. Otherwise, it will be treated as an insecure context. Fast (1) = Avoid rasterization if possible. Instead, the file will be saved to the file system. If you enable or don't configure this policy, web-based applications that use the SpeechSynthesis API can use Online Text to Speech voice fonts. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will always wait for Internet Explorer mode tabs to fully unload before ending the browser session. Also note that this policy does not apply if your organization has enabled Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection. This policy also prevents the origin from being labeled "Not Secure" in the omnibox. Microsoft Edge will show an alert and this information will also be available in Settings > Passwords > Password Monitor. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2150058 for more information on using roaming user profiles. You can configure which types of background image that are allowed on the new tab page layout in Microsoft Edge. Block web page elements that aren't from the domain that's in the address bar from setting cookies. If you don't set this policy or set it to false, or the SHA-1 certificate chains to a publicly trusted certificate root, then Microsoft Edge won't allow certificates signed by SHA-1. If you disable this policy, non-MSA profiles will not be able to use single sign-on for Microsoft sites using MSA credentials present on the machine. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will perform soft-fail, online OCSP/CRL checks. Note: * is not an accepted value for this policy. Not currently supported in Microsoft Edge. If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can't see the options 'Open in Internet Explorer mode' and 'Open in Edge mode' under "More tools" menu. Select Save to associate your route table to the Public subnet. If this policy is left not set, the global default value will be used for all sites either from the DefaultWebUsbGuardSetting policy if it is set, or the user's personal configuration otherwise. This policy supercedes ExtensionInstallBlocklist policy. If you enable this policy, WebSQL cannot be disabled. User settings to enable or disable the Pin to taskbar wizard aren't available. In the myRouteTablePublic page, select Routes from the Settings section. Not all deprecated Web Platform features can be re-enabled. It doesn't work in Microsoft Edge after version 99. Set this policy to 'Forced' to always use InPrivate mode. Application Platform. Lets you specify which extensions the users CANNOT install. If you set this policy to 'Force', users must sign into a profile to use the browser. Allow users to open files using the ClickOnce protocol. Enables network prediction and prevents users from changing this setting. Allows use of the QUIC protocol in Microsoft Edge. OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 100. Get started with Windows Server Overview What's new in Windows Server Servicing channels comparison Editions feature comparison Hardware requirements Features removed or no longer developed Release information Extended Security Updates Upgrade Windows Server Concepts How-to guides Troubleshooting Resources Download PDF Learn However, users will be allowed to set exceptions to allow insecure mixed content for specific sites. By default, Azure routes traffic directly between subnets. This setting lets you specify whether Internet Explorer will redirect navigations to sites that require a modern browser to Microsoft Edge. When this policy is enabled, users will not see both the one-time dialog and the banner. If you disable this policy, the feature will be force disabled, and users will not be able to override this setting. BingSafeSearchNoRestrictionsMode (0) = Don't configure search restrictions in Bing, BingSafeSearchModerateMode (1) = Configure moderate search restrictions in Bing, BingSafeSearchStrictMode (2) = Configure strict search restrictions in Bing. This policy allows bypassing that list. In the Routes page, select the + Add button. Determines whether the generated Kerberos SPN is based on the canonical DNS name (CNAME) or on the original name entered. Regular expression patterns must follow the JavaScript RegExp syntax and matches are case sensitive. This policy lets you determine whether users can override Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings about unverified downloads. Enable this policy to enable Google Cast. These tables list all of the browser-related group policies available in this release of Microsoft Edge. Allows you to set whether websites can check if the user has payment methods saved. Any extensions that's on the block list won't be installed, even if it comes from a site on this list. For information about an additional set of policies used to control how and when Microsoft Edge is updated, check out Microsoft Edge update policy reference. If you set the policy to 'Required', a recurring warning prompts users that the browser will be restarted automatically as soon as a notification period passes. If you enable or don't config this policy, selecting text on websites and PDFs will show the Microsoft Edge mini menu. Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) includes four products: Azure CDN Standard from Microsoft. If you don't set this policy, or if you disable it, WebRTC exposes the local IP address. The values are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) registry. Storage. If you set this policy to Disabled, Microsoft Edge can only use these hosts if they're installed at the system level. Users will see the menu item to launch the search bar from the Microsoft Edge "More tools" menu. If you set this policy to 'Enable', users can sign into the browser. If you disable this policy or don't configure it, Print Preview uses the most recently used printer as the default destination choice. On the Basics tab of Create route This list is saved locally after it is first retrieved so that subsequent requests will only update the list if the server's copy has changed. If this policy isn't set or enabled, Microsoft Edge will accept web contents served as Signed HTTP Exchanges. If the page size is unavailable on the printer chosen by the user this policy is ignored. When data about customers, products, people, and operations flows beyond application boundaries, all departments in an organization are empowered. It won't work in Microsoft Edge as soon as version 107. Sites configured to open in Internet Explorer mode by the site list will open in Microsoft Edge mode until the browser has finished downloading the Enterprise Mode Site List. When a file:// URL is requested to launch in Internet Explorer mode, the file extension of the URL must be present in this list in order for the URL to be allowed to launch in Internet Explorer mode. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches both patterns. For later versions of Windows, you have to deploy a "default application associations" file that makes Microsoft Edge the handler for the https and http protocols (and, optionally, the ftp protocol and file formats such as .html, .htm, .pdf, .svg, .webp). Note that signed-in profiles with a username that doesn't match this pattern will be signed out after this policy is enabled. If you disable this policy, users will not be asked for permission to enable this feature. If a language is included in both the SpellcheckLanguage and the 'SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist' policy, the spellcheck language is enabled. If you set this policy to 'OverridesDisabled', users can't override state of feature flags using command line arguments or edge://flags page. If you disable this policy, users will no longer see strong password suggestions on Signup or Change Password pages. Close the remote desktop connection to myVMPublic VM. This default is subject to change in the future. If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can change the URL in the address bar. If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will apply Enhanced Security Mode on Intranet zone sites. Disabling this setting is equivalent to leaving it not configured. You can either set a URL here or set the home page to open the new tab page 'edge://newtab'. To configure the Enterprise new tab page for profiles signed in using Azure Active Directory, use the M365 admin portal. You can't allow and block a URL. If you disable this setting, potentially unwanted app blocking with Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is turned off. If you enable this policy, users will be able to access the Microsoft Edge Workspaces feature. If you disable or don't configure this policy, signin process will use Windows Account Manager. If you don't configure this policy or set it to 'Enabled', users can open pages in InPrivate mode. OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 87. Learn more about startup boost: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2147018. You can review the intent behind the Web Platform feature changes at https://bit.ly/blinkintents. If you don't configure this policy, it's disabled and third-party images can't show an authentication prompt. Configures the directory to use when downloading files. InternetExplorerIntegrationLocalFileAllowed is enabled or not configured. The global default will also be used for cookies on domains not covered by the patterns you specify. However, this policy is a more flexible version which might separately control intranet redirection infobars and might be expanded in the future. If you disable or don't configure this policy, password manager will work as usual for all domains. The search bar will be automatically enabled for all profiles. Azure CDN Premium from Verizon. If you configure this policy to 'EnableSearchInSidebar' or don't configure it, Search in sidebar will be enabled. For this policy to work as intended, If you disable this policy, users won't be able to access the Microsoft Office menu. You will need to specify the SharePoint domain and authentication cookies. If you enable or don't configure this policy, features can download assets from the Asset Delivery Service. If you disable this policy, these files will be downloaded to be viewed. If you enable this policy and set it to 'Recommended', a recurring warning prompts users that a restart is recommended. Allows you to create a list of url patterns to specify sites that are allowed to display notifications. Popular, single-word search terms will require manual selection of search suggestions to properly conduct a search. Lets you choose either the Microsoft News or Office 365 feed experience for the new tab page. You can completely block access or ask the user each time a website wants to get access to connected USB devices. This policy won't impact the following scenarios: The following statements are under the condition of not specify the "--profile-directory" and configured value is not "Edge Kids Mode" or "Guest Profile": To specify multiple DNS-over-HTTPS resolvers, separate the corresponding URI templates with spaces. These listed URLs are granted access without prompting. Setting the policy Each item in the list requires both devices and urls fields for the item to be valid, otherwise the item is ignored. If Microsoft Edge is running in background mode, the browser might not close when the last window is closed and the browser won't be restarted in background when the window closes. Microsoft Edge includes a Hardware-enforced Stack Protection security feature. The user will continue to be able to specify other file types to be automatically opened. For example, certain Adobe Flash applications have the print option in their context menu, which isn't covered by this policy. If you set the policy to 'RegularOnly', it allows ambient authentication for Regular sessions only. This lets users work from their own devices without saving browsing data to those devices. If you disable this policy, users can't access and use Collections in Microsoft Edge. Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites which are allowed to run JavaScript with JIT (Just In Time) compiler enabled. fallback_app_name If you enable or don't configure this setting, spotlight experiences and recommendations are turned on. This policy is obsolete and doesn't work in Microsoft Edge after version 109. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not send usage data. Users can opt out of prompts on a per-protocol/per-site basis unless the ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox policy is set to Disabled. This policy also applies to component extensions. If you set this policy to 'DeveloperToolsDisallowed', users can't access the developer tools or inspect website elements. This profile can't be signed out or removed. When this policy is enabled, the specified set of cookies is exempt from deletion when the browser closes. Prior to Microsoft Edge 83, if you don't configure this policy, the "Always allow" checkbox isn't displayed. If the URI template contains a dns variable, requests to the resolver will use GET; otherwise requests will use POST. The user's identity isn't reported. This policy is obsolete as the feature is now contained within the Edge Sidebar and can be managed using the HubsSidebarEnabled policy. If you don't configure this policy, the default search provider is enabled, and the user can choose the default search provider and set the search provider list. Features like browser history, extensions and their data, web data like cookies, and web databases aren't saved after the browser is closed. If you set this policy to 'Disable' ('Prevent redirection', value 0), Internet Explorer will not redirect any traffic to Microsoft Edge. Standard The pattern can include a "%s" placeholder, which the handled URL replaces. Create a list of URL patterns to specify sites that can display or, as of version 94, download insecure mixed content (that is, HTTP content on HTTPS sites). Setting the policy lets you set a list of URL patterns that can use Window and Tab Capture. If you don't configure this policy, websites can access and use sensors, and users can change this setting. Setting the policy on Microsoft Edge turns on the restricted sign-in feature in Google Workspace and prevents users from changing this setting. From PowerShell on myVMPrivate VM, open a remote desktop connection to the myVMPublic VM: After you connect to myVMPublic VM, open Windows PowerShell and enter this tracert command to trace the routing of network traffic from myVMPublic VM to myVMPrivate VM: You can see that there are two hops in the above response for tracert ICMP traffic from myVMPublic VM to myVMPrivate VM. If you enable this policy and configure it with a specific profile name and the specified profile can be found, Microsoft Edge will use the specified profile when launching and the setting of "Default profile for external link" is changed to the specified profile name and greyed out. Click Add. * is not an accepted value for this policy. Set the directory to use for storing user data. If this policy is set to enabled or not set, the context menu item for your default search provider and sidebar search will be available. If you enable or don't configure this policy, the Sidebar will be shown. If you enable or don't configure this policy, the AutoLaunch Protocols component is enabled. On the Exclude tab, add a checkmark to Users and groups and then select Select major position (for example, Prior to Microsoft Edge version 92, this would set media autoplay to "Block". This policy is applied only if you enable the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled and DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL policies. If you don't configure this policy, users can control whether to use SSO using other credentials present on the machine in edge://settings/profiles/multiProfileSettings. If you disable or don't configure this policy, no PAC file is specified. WebDocumentation for creating and managing Linux virtual machines in Azure. Omitting a field means all values match; for example, if you don't specify connectivity Print Preview starts discovering all kinds of local printers. Set the URL property to the URL property of the application that handlers the scheme specified in the "protocol" field. You can enable it for all sites (AllowAutomaticDownloads) or block it for all sites (BlockAutomaticDownloads). This policy only applies for Microsoft Edge local user profiles and profiles signed in using Azure Active Directory. If this list is empty, Token Binding will be disabled. If this policy is not configured, Microsoft Edge Workspaces will use only default and internally configured navigation settings. To stop installation of extensions from other stores, use the Extension Settings policy: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2187098. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, Microsoft Edge lets users browse in guest profiles. From the Azure portal menu, select Create a resource > Compute > Virtual machine. Leaving the policy unset means DefaultFileSystemReadGuardSetting applies for all sites, if it's set. If you enable or don't configure this policy, Application Guard will add an extra HTTP header (X-MS-ApplicationGuard-Initiated) to all outbound HTTP requests made from the Application Guard container. Up to 1,000 exceptions can be defined in AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins. When $FILTER contains both the "ISSUER" and the "SUBJECT" sections, only client certificates that satisfy both conditions are selected. By default, Microsoft Edge isolates pages from each Site into its own process. If either condition is false, the external protocol launch prompt will not be omitted by policy. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2095041 for a list of variables that can be used. The following example demonstrates the usage of the != operator: C#. The User-Agent HTTP request header is scheduled to be reduced. Microsoft Edge will send required diagnostic data to keep Microsoft Edge secure, up to date and performing as expected. If you enable this policy, the Startup settings are always imported. installation can be completed. If you enable or don't configure the policy, WPAD optimization is enabled. This policy does not affect which DNS servers are used: if, for example, the operating system is configured to use an enterprise DNS server, that same server would be used by the built-in DNS client. If you enable this policy, or don't configure this policy, a web page can use screen-share APIs (for example, getDisplayMedia() or the Desktop Capture extension API) for a screen capture. If you configure this policy, the list of configured cipher suites will not be used when establishing TLS connections. The URLs must be valid, or the policy is ignored. The option to launch the search bar from Microsoft Edge "More tools" menu will be disabled. If you set this policy to 'Automatically', disable this policy, or don't configure this policy, autofill will not have any authentication flow. operating system, vendor, and/or version of the requesting user agent. You can allow them by default ('AllowNotifications'), deny them by default ('BlockNotifications'), or have the user be asked each time a website wants to show a notification ('AskNotifications'). 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