Return to: Simon was born in Judea, and he was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. The Lives Of Faith: Simon The Zealot, Simon The Sorcerer, And Simeon Of Jerusalem. Quick Answer: What Apostle Began The Greek Church? The Cambridge History of Judaism. All the remorse in the world could not undo the damage he had causedhe had condemned the Savior of the world, the King of kings, to a cruel, shameful, painful death by crucifixion! the Zealot movement that wanted a revolutionary overthrow of the occuying Romans. TheNew Testamentlists all twelve apostles four timesMatthew 10:2-4,Mark 3:14-19,Luke 6:13-16, andActs 1:13-16. Once again, very little is known about him inside or outside of the Bible. Synonyms for Zealot in Free Thesaurus. It is unlikely that the Magi mentioned in the New Testament who were searching for the child King, Jesus, and the ones who crucified Jude were one and the same. God loves each of us as if there were only one of us"- Augustine. Its unclear when the group formally became known as the Zealots. Although the Jewish defeat at Jerusalem cannot be entirely attributed to Eleazar ben Simon, his inability to establish unity with John of Gischala and Simon bar Giora resulted in a bitter civil war that weakened the Jewish resistance against Rome. The Bible reveals nothing significant about this apostle. Also, consider one of Jesus' other disciples was a tax collector. Scholars generally believe he was killed in Jerusalem in 44 AD. Simon the Zealot (Luke 6:15, Acts 1:13) is also called Simon the "Canaanite" (Matthew 10:4, Mark 3:18). And I was delivered from the lions mouth. Generally speaking, a zealot is anyone who fervently supports a particular cause. Bartholomew is also known as Nathaniel and there is scarce little known about how he died but it appears that since he was martyred in Armenia, he too must have been involved in the Great Commission and taking the good news into that part of the world. St. Simon (Commonly Called the Zealot) John Kitto. He was called Zealot in all 4 places. It was actually politically risky for Jesus to recruit Simon as one of His disciples. According to The Golden Legend, when Simon and Jude commanded demons to come out of idols, the religious leaders killed them: And when the bishops saw this, they ran upon the apostles and hewed them to death anon. When he surrendered to Vespasian, he claimed Jewish messianic prophecies were about Vespasian becoming the emperor of Rome, and lo and behold Vespasian decided to let him live, taking him on as a slave. [1], Although the First JewishRoman War was doomed to fail against a seemingly insurmountable Roman Empire, the monumental death and destruction from 66 to 70 CE could have been avoided. There are several explanations for why he is called "less." Zealous defenders of the Law and of the national life of the Jewish people; name of a party opposing with relentless rigor any attempt to bring Judea under the dominion of idolatrous Rome, and especially of the aggressive and fanatical war party from the time of Herod until the fall of Jerusalem and Masada. Listen to the heartbreaking last words of Paul as he awaited his execution in 2 Timothy 4:16-18: At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. Although its worth noting, in theTalmud, Jewish rabbis advocated for peace as well, and the Zealots ignored them. There are no early church records of Simon the Zealots ministry, so its hard to say where he spread the gospelbut presumably, he did. This post is also available in: Since a zealot was a fanatic and eventually resorted to violence, Simon would have left this cause when he gave up all to follow Jesus. Despite his rejection from power, Eleazar remained in Jerusalem promoting the Zealot cause from his headquarters at the Temple. This alliance was rooted in their mutual dependence upon each other. Tradition also claims he died peacefully at Edessa. One day Simon saw Jesus walking on water toward him; he thought Jesus must be an angel so he asked him to do what Simon had asked God to do for him earlier that dayto rescue him from drowningand Jesus obliged by telling Simon to get into his boat (Matthew 14:28-30). The word apostle means one sent and so we can see that disciples and apostles are not the same thing. And so he was tied to a cross which was hung in an X shape instead of a T shape. Jesus saw this coming when He said, Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go. (This he said to show by what kind of death he was to glorify God.) that he grew up in Galilee, the center of Zealotry. When Jesus cleanses the temple in the Gospel of John, his disciples recallPsalm 69:10, implying that Jesus was motivated by zeal: His disciples remembered that it is written: Zeal for your house will consume me.. Itcouldmean he belonged to a Jewish sect known as the Zealots. Saint Jude Thaddeus is not the same person as Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Our Lord and despaired because of his great sin and lack of trust in God's mercy. It is not fair to call Judas Iscariot an apostle since he was never truly converted or commissioned by . But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. In the context of the New Testament, the Zealots were a party zealous for Jewish independence and throwing off Roman rule. May it not be held against them. As the Roman general Vespasian's armies terrorized the countryside of Judea and Galilee, thousands of Jewish refugees joined Eleazar's ranks. 2010 3 May. He is thought to have preached in Egypt and then to have joined St. Jude in Persia. As expressed in the First Commandment, God is a jealous/zealous God who requires the allegiance of the people. Others believe that he was crucified in Pella, Jordan. 10 - Simon the Zealot - bishop of Jerusalem after James; died of old age. Simon was transformed by the Jesus and his message. Contrary to the radical anti-Roman agenda of the Zealots, Ananus and the other moderate leaders of Jerusalem wished to stabilize the conflict and reach equilibrium with Rome. Once again, very little is known about him inside or outside of the Bible. He was present when Jesus performed miracles, such as walking on water (Matthew 14:22), healing lepers (Luke 5:12), feeding thousands with five loaves of bread and two fish (Matthew 15:32), raising people from the dead (Luke 7:11), and raising Lazarus from death after four days (John 11:1-44). St. Jude is the patron saint of hopeless causes. Hammond and Grotius think that St. Simon was called the Zealot, before his coming to Christ, because he was one of that particular sect or party among the Jews called Zealots, from a singular zeal they possessed for the honour of God and the purity of religion. We will now examine the historical evidence of how these men died. The apostle Simon, called Simon the Zealot in Luke 6:15 and Acts 1:13; and Simon Kananaios ("Simon" signifying "hearkening; listening", Standard Hebrew imon, Tiberian Hebrew imn ), was one of the most obscure among the apostles of Jesus; little is recorded of him aside from his name. The Acts of Philip document gives an account of his martyrdom. the causes of the war were many and complex: incompetent and corrupt roman governors, deteriorating roman policies toward jews, a determined jewish opposition to foreign domination, economic exploitation of peasants (the war was also a peasant revolt against the jewish elites), widespread banditry, apocalyptic expectations, the conviction that (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1886.) Simon the Zealot - aka Simeon or Kananaios, or Kananite s or even Simon - another brother of Jesus?. Accessed 8/08/2013. Little else is known of his life, but legend claims that he visited Beirut and Edessa. However, Josephus attempted to trace the groups origins back to a small uprising by a man named Judas of Galilee, who stirred up a rebellion due to a Roman census in 6 ADthe very same Roman census which Luke says led Mary and Joseph to Nazareth, where Jesus was born. The cause of his death in unclear because of the existence of two versions: (1) He was crucified in Edessa, Turkey; (2) He was clubbed-to-death and his body was either sawed or axed in pieces after (together with Simon the Zealot). They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. during the Roman-Judean War that one of the revolutionary factions came to identify itself formally as the Zealots. Saint Simon the Apostle. Researchers believe this is a form of the title sicarii, meaning "dagger-men," a group of ultra-Zealots who carried a knife with them at all times to be prepared to assassinate . Your email address will not be published. But heres what we know. After John was arrested by Herod the Great, Simon joined the Twelve Apostles of Jesus and informed them of John's arrest. Nothing else is known about him. Eleazar found himself in a similar situation of helplessness. Simon as a Member of the Zealot Party . Real Answers. This mistake led to the idea that Simon was present at the wedding in Cana in John 2, where Jesus performed his first miracle and turned water into wine,andthat he was the same person as Simon, the brother of Jesus (Matthew 13:55). [1] The fact that he was in Greece may mean that he was participating in the Great Commission and taking the gospel to the whole worldat least the known world. We know almost nothing about Simon the Zealot. His zeal once focused in the right direction must have made him stay on the straight and narrow path, although it did require new learning on his part! During his three years of ministry with Jesus, Simon the Zealot matured into an apostle empowered to spread the gospel in truth and love to all nations. as members of a sect called the Zealots.. TheApostle Paultalks about his own zeal and the zeal of the Israelites on multiple occasions (Philippians 3:6,Galatians 1:13-14,Acts 22:3, andRomans 10:1-4). Eleazar ben Simon's radical anti-Roman ideology derived from a lifetime of oppression in Israel under Roman rule. Although not vindicated from misguided leadership, Eleazar (and for that matter most of the Zealots) are no longer seen as violent tyrants who destroyed the city before the Romans got to Jerusalem. The Bible says that he betrayed Jesus and then being consumed with worldly guilt went out to hang himself (Matthew 27:3-8). [1] He was impaled by iron hooks in his ankles and hung upside down to die. Every apostle was a disciple but not every disciple is an apostle. According to Eusebius, he returned to Jerusalem in the year 62 and assisted at the election of his brother, St. Simeon, as Bishop of Jerusalem. Inspired by Eleazar and the Zealots' victory, rebellions arose in Galilee, only to be crushed in 67 by Roman forces. 543544. By association with John, Eleazar inherited much of Josephus' hatred of his political partner and became a victim of harsh and bitter desecration in Bellum Judaicum. I'm jealous, but . Disciples, There are different records of Simon the Zealots death. During the summer of 67, Eleazar ben Simon and his Zealots attempted to dismantle the moderate government of Ananus by imprisoning officials who remained from the procurator period before the revolt and spreading the fear that the moderate Temple aristocracy would undermine the Jewish nationalist cause. Although his early victory at the battle of Beit-Horon invigorated the Jewish revolt, Eleazar's rejection of moderate politics during an era of precarious Jewish-Roman relations and his inability to establish a united and stable Jewish resistance led to the violent collapse of Jerusalem in 70 CE and another six centuries of Roman rule, until conquest of the region during the Islamic conquests. The other James, James the Less, is named in Scripture only in each list of the apostles ( Matthew 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:14-16, and Acts 1:13) and as a secondary figure in Mark 15:40. During this period, John had distanced himself from Eleazar and the Zealots in order to avoid association with their tyrannical behavior and claim sole leadership. covers prayers, spiritual meaning, bible verses and dreams interpretation. James the Less was martyred in a fashion similar to James, the half-brother of Jesus, who was thrown from the pinnacle of the temple and then beaten to death. Judas was apparently killed as a result of his actions.. This disunity with other sects of Judaism confined Zealotry to its birthplace in Galilee. Simon the Zealot (died 65 AD) was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. Simonmayhave been a member of a rebellious group that was prone to violence. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ad634ae32895f7a376e75c82b53fb88c" );document.getElementById("e218d56cc5").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Simon of Cyrene (Hebrew: , Standard Hebrew imon, Tiberian Hebrew imn; Greek: , Simn Kyrnaios; died 100) was the man compelled by the Romans to carry the cross of Jesus of Nazareth as Jesus was taken to his crucifixion, according to all three Synoptic Gospels. Paul was abandoned by everyone as his execution nearedall that is except His cherished Lord. In the midst of his pain as he hangs on the cross, unjustly accused, sentenced, and condemned to death, he does not cry out curses and abuse on his tormentors, as do the dying "lestai." ( Matthew 27:3-5) It was too late. He is usually identified with the Apostle Simon the Zealot, with whom he shares a surname, or with the Apostle Jude. by | May 25, 2022 | camden county ga school schedule | cindy deangelis grossman pictures | May 25, 2022 | camden county ga school schedule | cindy deangelis grossman pictures The apostle named Simon the Zealot was mentioned only four times in the Bible, and the Synoptic Gospels (the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke) named him as one of the Twelve (Matt. Ancient writers tell us that he preached the Gospel in Judea, Samaria, Idumaea, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Lybia. Despite the Zealots' failure to achieve political and religious liberation, Eleazar ben Simon helped cultivate the idea of an independent Jewish state and ingrained a sense of fear in future Roman leaders in the Middle East. The Zealots were anti-Rome and were politically motivated. And I was delivered from the lions mouth. The Bible does not expressly give details about the ways in which the apostles died. [1] J.H. The period of early Christianity during the lifetimes of the apostles is called the Apostolic Age. Probably Christ Himself must have told him and he was preparing Timothy to take over for him. The Bible lists the names of the twelve disciples in Matthew 10:24, Mark 3:1619 and Luke 6:1316. He died after being crucified in Jerusalem during the First Revolt against Rome (also known as the Great Revolt). Peter, who refused to renounce his faith, was crucified, at his request, upside down. In 66 CE, the Zealots instigated the First JewishRoman War when the high priest Eleazar b. Ananius refused to give sacrifice to the Roman Emperor and slaughtered Florus' Roman garrison in Jerusalem. Each of these Simons is clearly distinct, and Simon the Apostle isalwaysreferred to with the moniker the Zealot.. One tradition is that he first preached in Egypt, before joining Jude and travelling to Persia, where both were martyred. Some sources say he was buried either in Northern Persia or the most accepted version that his remains are buried . Jesus later commissioned them and sent them out to proclaim the gospel. Saint Simon the Apostle, also called Simon the Zealot (flourished 1st century addied , Persia or Edessa, Greece? A second-century apocryphal text called Acts of Peter claimed that Peter was crucified upside down, at his request for he didnt feel worthy to die as Jesus did. Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 20 Bible Verses About Success: Study From Scripture, 25 Encouraging Bible Verses About Strength, Words of Encouragement: 30 Uplifting Quotes, Are You a Disciple of Christ? Cambridge University Press, 1999. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. His relics reside at Saint Peter's in Rome, at Rheims, and at Toulouse, France. Simon may have been crucified or hacked to death. Tertullian, a Christian writer in the second and third centuries, recorded that before the Romans exiled John, they brought him into a coliseum and immersed him in a barrel of boiling oil. Even though theBook of Actsand the epistles never describe Simon the Zealots ministry, as one of the Twelve, he wouldve been one of the most important leaders of the early church. His last thoughts must have been of His beloved Lord knowing that since He rescued him from eternal death by saving him, He would rescue him after his physical death and would be with the Lord forever. I realize that the brother of Jesus, James, was not an apostle but he was one of the early church leaders and the account of his death is horrific. With this knowledge of Josephus' conflict of interest, contemporary historians view Eleazar with less reproach and bitterness. A party called Zealots were famous in the war of the Jews against the Romans. Just as Ananus' forces had surrounded him, in 69 CE. As we mentioned earlier, Rhoades argues that Josephus work makes it clear that there was no formal group called the Zealots until about 68 AD. It is believed that most of the apostles died in the middle or late 1st century. Or he may have simply been zealous for the Mosaic Law. It records that he led a proconsuls wife to the Lord. Thus , both names for Simon mean the same thing; the first simply refers to his political background, the Later, during Domitians persecution in the middle 90s, he was exiled to the island of Patmos. First we need to establish exactly who Simon the Zealot was. Either "Zealot" is about the apostle's passionate faith, or his membership in a New Testament group called the "Zealots," or both. The apocryphal Acts of Thomas says this apostle was martyred in Mylapore, India, where he was stabbed with spears. According to the apocryphal book of Acts of Andrews, this apostle was martyred by crucifixion in the Greek city of Patras around 60 AD. Syrian Christian tradition postulates he was martyred in Mylapore on July 3, 72 AD. So whowasthis person the Bible calls Simon the Zealot, and what do we actually know about him? Amen. How heartbreaking. Due their fear that Ananus would betray the nationalist cause and surrender to the Romans in order to solidify his position of power, the Idumeans invested their support in Eleazar and John's coalition in hopes of establishing a more radical government to counter the inevitable Roman attack. Therefore, it is anachronistic to view people acting with zeal before 68 C.E. Precious little else is known about the process but it is enough to know how he died. Like many of the Zealots, it is probable Simon had initially followed Jesus for political reasons . The New Testament calls him Simon the Canaanite and 2 other places call him Simon. Amen. Your email address will not be published. Heres How to Know, Living a Life of Purpose and Meaning: Insights From the Bible, How Your Trials And Troubles Are Good For You, A Bible Study and Commentary on Romans Chapter Two, Christ Has a Unique Kingdom Life for Each Believer, 10 Inspirational Bible Verses to Start the New Year, Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies Movie Review, Phoenix Wilder And The Great Elephant Adventure Movie Review, The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island Movie Review. Bible Study, Luke replaces the name Thaddeus with Judas son of James (Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13). With growing support, Eleazar successfully appointed a puppet High Priest in Jerusalem to usurp power from Ananus and seized control of the Temple. The word translated "Canaanite" is of Hebrew origin and means "zealot". Not much is known from the Bible about Simon, other than before he had left everything to follow Jesus, Simon was a member of the. The word we translate as apostle (apstolos) literally means one who is sent.. Previous post: 10 Arguments for the Existence of God, Next post: 20 Bible Verses About Success: Study From Scripture. Your email address will not be published. There were many Magi in Persia and so the chances that it would be the same ones who sought Jesus were the same ones who crucified Jude is highly unlikely. [citation needed], The Zealot control of Jerusalem was confined to the inner court of the city and the Temple itself. Jude Thaddeus, patron saint of of desperate and lost causes, partnered with Simon the Zealot and they preached in Judea, Persia, Samaria, Idumaea, Syria, Iran and Libya. How did the Apostles die? I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Some contend that he died as late as 493 AD when he was more than 100 years old. Although there are various versions of his death, it is likely he served with zeal as a missionary in Persia and eventually died a martyr's death. He was introduced to Jesus Christ through Saint Philip and is also known as "Nathaniel of Cana . The apostle Simon is not Simon Peter (Andrews brother) but Simon the Zealot. From the first of these surnames some have thought that St. Simon was bom at Cana, in Galilee. The apostle Jude, who wrote the next to the last book in the New Testament by the same name, went all the way to Persia and it was there that he was crucified by the Magi. There are also two versions of his death: that he was crucified in Edessa, Turkey, or clubbed to death. The name Judas the Zealot ( Judas Zelotes) is mentioned in the Epistle of the Apostles (Epistula Apostolorum), written in the 2nd century. Simon of Cyrene (Hebrew: , Standard Hebrew imon, Tiberian Hebrew imn; Greek: , Simn Kyrnaios; died 100) was the man compelled by the Romans to carry the cross of Jesus of Nazareth as Jesus was taken to his crucifixion, according to all three Synoptic Gospels. He was around 76 years old. In the thirteenth century, Jacobus de Varagine compiled numerous biographies of the saints intoThe Golden Legend, where centuries after Jerome, the error was repeated: Simon is as much to say as obedient, or being in heaviness. Following his victory against Cestius' forces, Eleazar was deposed from power in Jerusalem by the High Priest Ananus ben Ananus. Required fields are marked *. Again, not very much is known about the method of Thomas execution but that maybe due to the fact that he was a missionary in India and was establishing a church there when he was stabbed with a spear and died from the wound. InThe Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, New Testament Scholar David Rhoades says: The evidence from Josephus suggests that it was not until about 68 C.E. John desperately needed Eleazar's funds to supply his followers, and Eleazar required the protection of John's large entourage to fend off Ananus. He is known as Simon the Zealot because he served as one of Jesus' twelve apostles and was devoted to the cause of Jesus. Lives and death of the Apostles after the Last Supper - post 3. If thats what the Zealot refers to, then likeMatthew the Tax Collector, the Apostle Simons presence among the Twelve represents a powerful picture of the gospel. Matthias He was the apostle chosen to replace Judas. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. Simon the Zealot ( Acts 1:13, Luke 6:15) or Simon the Canaanite or Simon the Canaanean ( Matthew 10:4, Mark 3:18; Greek: ; Coptic: -; Classical Syriac: ) [3] was one of the most obscure among the apostles of Jesus. Simon the Cananaean was also called Simon the Zealot. Jack has written 1277 articles on What Christians Want To Know! How will you diein your sins? This is the disciple that replaced Judas Iscariot (Acts 1:12-26) that betrayed Jesus and then hanged himself (Matthew 27:5). MacMahon. And after saying this he said to him, Follow me. (John 21:18-19). Therefore, he is the patron of desperate situations, forgotten causes, hospital workers, hospitals, impossible causes, lost causes, and the diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida. It is unknown how Eleazar ben Simon died. Sadly, most agree that he was basically flayed to death by whip, where he was literally torn to shreds. Known for: Little-known apostle of Jesus Christ. Because Gods holiness will not tolerate idolatry or other violations against the covenant (Exod 20:5;Deut 5:9), God will punish the whole nation for such offenses unless someone acts on behalf of Godzealous with Gods jealous angerto kill or root out the offenders.. Jesus preached a message of nonviolence (Matthew 5:39, 43-44; 26:52). FAQ: Where Was The Apostle Paul In Prison In Rome? Subscribe to the Newsletter: There are nine Simons mentioned in the New Testament: Simon the brother of Jesus (Mark 6:3), Simon Iscariot the father of Judas Iscariot (John 6:71), Simon the Pharisee who invited Jesus to dinner when the sinful woman poured perfume on His feet (Luke 7:40), Simon the leper who had Jesus over for dinner in Bethany (Mark 14:3), Simon from Cyrene who was forced to help Jesus carry His cross (Mark 15:21), Simon the sorcerer who tried to buy the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:924), and Simon the tanner who hosted Peter when he had the vision of unclean food (Acts 9:43). All that is known about his death is that he was also was crucified. Acts 1:20-26 reveals how this was done, and some scholars say it may have fulfilled a prophecy in Psalm 69:25 and Psalm 109:8. Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us Your Apostle, St. Simon, as an example of holiness. Following the defeat of Eleazar's Zealots and subsequent destruction of the Temple, the lack of centralized worship created a spiritual vacuum within the Jewish community that was filled with the spread of synagogue as the center of Jewish life. Matthew, like most of the apostles late in their lives, became a missionary and was arrested in Ethiopia. I'm grateful that Simon the Zealot, for one, was welcomed in. John Shelby Spong (Jesus for the NonReligious) points out that Mark's Gospel did not actually call Simon "the Zealot" - it called him . Our most detailed descriptions of who they were, how their movement started, and what they stood for comes from Flavius Josephus, a Jewish-Roman historian who lived during the first century. As time passed, the perception of Eleazar ben Simon and the Zealots shifted from the tyrannical despot whom Josephus portrays to a dedicated leader with flawed tactics. He was crucified, tied upside down in an x-shaped cross from where he preached for two days before he finally died. Simon was called by Jesus and was completely changed. All rights reserved worldwide. But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. PETA, Greenpeace, and NOW might all be considered organizations that are filled with zealots. He suggests that the Zealots were a fourth which sprung up as a result of Judas influence and caused the problems which led to the First Jewish-Roman War: For Judas and Sadducus, who excited a fourth philosophick sect among us, and had a great many followers therein, filled our civil government with tumults at present, and laid the foundations of our future miseries, by this system of philosophy, which we before were unacquainted withal., Your email address will not be published. Simon was such a man. From 68 CE to 69 CE this alliance between Eleazar and his Zealots, John of Gischala, and the Idumeans ruled Jerusalem with unstable leadership. Christian Truth. Bible Based. Although this is pure speculation, it is certain that Eleazar ben Simon's inability to establish unity with Simon bar Gioras and John of Geschala during the period of the independent Jewish state severely exacerbated and expedited the fall of Jerusalem. Simon and St. Jude, Apostles. Appointed consul at Rome in 143, he was the first Greek to hold the rank of consul ordinarius, as opposed to consul suffectus. One wonders how Simon felt about Matthew, who would have been considered a traitor by the Jews because he was a tax-collector for Rome. He was named Simon, son of Jonah or John. His apostolic symbol is a fish lying on a Bible, which indicates he was a former fisherman who became a fisher of men through preaching. At the Temple word we translate as apostle ( apstolos ) literally one... 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Casting a net into the lake, for one, was crucified in Pella Jordan. Probable Simon had initially followed Jesus for political reasons Bible verses and dreams interpretation and his message in 69.. And is also known as & quot ; is of Hebrew origin and means & ;... A prophecy in Psalm 69:25 and Psalm 109:8 the War of the disciples! Were famous in the First of these surnames some have thought that St. Simon son! To die or late 1st century addied, Persia or Edessa, Greece called Simon the Zealot died. Four timesMatthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:1619 and Luke 6:1316 may have been crucified or hacked to death by,! Us '' - Augustine and some scholars say it may have fulfilled a in... Are buried AD ) was one of Jesus? also, consider one of the occuying.. Arguments for the Mosaic Law and death of the revolutionary factions came to itself. Want to know by What kind of death he was to glorify God. countryside of Judea and Galilee the! Fought the good fight, i have kept the faith, Greenpeace and... And Psalm 109:8 Eleazar remained in Jerusalem promoting the Zealot cause from his headquarters the. Ignored them quot ; is of Hebrew origin and means & quot ; Nathaniel of Cana other... This knowledge of Josephus ' conflict of interest, contemporary historians view Eleazar with less reproach and bitterness reside saint... Surrounded him, Follow me to call Judas Iscariot an apostle Simon, son of Jonah or John collector! Interest, contemporary historians view Eleazar with less reproach and bitterness and apostles not! Was confined to the inner court of the Temple a disciple but not every disciple is apostle... Crucified, tied upside down surrounded him, in Galilee, thousands of Jewish refugees joined Eleazar 's.... Buried either in Northern Persia or the most accepted version that his remains buried! Successfully appointed a puppet High Priest Ananus ben Ananus the apocryphal Acts of Philip document an. Was hung in an X shape instead of a T shape [ citation needed ] the! 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