. For extraordinary acts of valor while under direct enemy fire during ground operations against a superior hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. Robert B. They do a pretty good job of laying out the criteria for each of the campaign stars, and if you want to dig deeper (some of them vary by service, for example), you can always use the references to read the regulations that underpin the information. |birth_place = Jacksonville, Florida. DeSantis was elected to Congress in 2012 and then became the governor of Florida in 2019. His policies mirror those of President Reagans, Peace Through Strength on national defense, supports a Dont Tread On Me foreign policy, and as his fiscal conservative voting record has supported the reining in of out-of-control and unnecessary federal spending. "[50] DeSantis supports a constitutional amendment to impose term limits for members of Congress, so that Representatives would be limited to three terms and senators to two terms. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. If you have more information people here have other resources to help you. Template:Governor If the Bronze Star Medal was for Meritorious Service this example shows you the kind of information which would be available in a typical US Army General Order for WWII. Further he directed helicopters arriving on the scene the next morning to target areas. DeSantis governs with a loose hand. Congressman DeSantis has faithfully been protecting and defending the U.S. Constitution, led efforts on the House floor to call attention to Obamas lawlessness, authored & passed the Faithful Execution of the Law Act to rein Obamas repeated violation of Federal Laws, and supported efforts to defund the unconstitutional executive amnesty of 5 million Illegal aliens. Your email address will not be published. Assuming responsibility for the lack of communications, he raced over 200 yards across uncleared and open terrain and streets, braving sniper fire and capture, to tell the platoon to cease fire. Under MAJ Xxx's demonstrated professional abilities and resourcefulness he scheduled and coordinated visits to numerous locations in the Area of Operations throughout Iraq to assist Army Reserve Soldiers and their commands. Thank you for posting your request on History Hub! MAJOR SMITH'S PERSONAL BRAVERY AND DEVOTION TO DUTY WERE IN KEEPING WITH THE HIGHEST TRADITIONS OF THE MILITARY SERVICE AND REFELCT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, MULTI-NATIONAL FORCE IRAQ, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. For his duty assignment with SEAL Team ONE in support of counterinsurgency operations in Iraq, Lcdr DeSantis was awarded the Bronze Star Medal (Meritorious), in previous assignments he was awarded the Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal (Gold Star in lieu of 2nd award), the Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Medal, and various Service and Campaign Medals. Thank you. Major Xxx s leadership and professionalism exemplify the Army values and his actions reflect great credit upon himself, the Multi-National Corps-Iraq, the United States Army and the Department of Defense. Ron was awarded the Bronze Star and Iraq Campaign Medal while in the Navy; was discharged from active duty in 2010 and remains a Reserve officer; and returned to Florida and ran for Congress in 2012. Unfortunately, there is no name index for Bronze Star awards. United States House of Representatives elections in Florida, 2012#District 6, Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Foreign soldiers, as well as . DeSantis and his wife bought a home in Palm Coast in July, 2016 after redistricting moved their home in Ponte Vedra . The American Conservative Union, Heritage Action, and Freedom Works give Congressman DeSantis an outstanding ratings for his voting record in Congress. Cpl. The DeSantis amendment would potentially cut off funding for the investigation by November 2017. Citation to accompany the award of the Broze Star Medal with V device: Yes typically the Higher Command would issue a General Order which would list the awards that were being issued such as SSM, BSM, PH, SM and so on. "[47] He is a co-sponsor of the Establishing Mandatory Minimums for Illegal Reentry Act of 2015, also known as Kate's Law, which would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to increase penalties applicable to aliens who unlawfully reenter the United States after being removed. Some websites, particularly Wall of Valor, only focus on the awards for valor, and won't list those awarded for achievement or service. DeSantis was elected to Congress in 2012 and then became the governor of Florida in 2019. On his campaign website, an entire page is dedicated to his Navy career. Ron DeSantis. I relied on him heavily.. In July 2022, we received mail from our readers that asked us to . The two rescue swimmers were yards from the ships propeller as it lifted into the air on 12-foot waves. Posted at 17:01h in queensland holiday vouchers 2021 by Sixty Days for . He is a combat veteran because he served in a combat zone. "As she faces the most difficult test of her life, she will have not . [42], In March 2017, DeSantis said that he wasn't ready to support the American Health Care Act, the House Republican effort to replace the Affordable Care Act. Serving ones country does not need clarification. His first words in the ad, as he introduced himself to Florida voters: "Ron DeSantis, Iraq war veteran." Three months later, DeSantis is the GOP nominee and continues to tour the state, trying to . Ron spentsix years in Congress; the extent of his time in politics to this point, yet Adam has been inpolitics since he was 22 years old. Adam went on from state politics to be elected to the U.S. Congress again as the youngest congressman from Florida and spent 10 years in Washington before returning to Florida and elected as ag commissioner where he served foreight years. Brown. |alma_mater = Yale University (B.A. Please type your message and try again. Since his election to, Congress he has led by example to reform Congress by declining pension and taxpayer-financed health insurance subsidies for Congress, authored a bill to end pensions for members of Congress, authored a bill to force Congress to live under Obama Care as it is written, supports term limits for members of Congress, and supports prohibiting Congress from exempting its members from generally applicable laws. Company D successfully attacked the rebel town of Yoquque and was successful in driving the main enemy force out. [74] In addition, this provision also would prohibit Mueller from investigating matters that occurred before June 2015, when Trump launched his presidential campaign. Best of luck with your research! Ron was awarded the Bronze Star and Iraq Campaign Medal while in the Navy; was discharged from active duty in 2010 and remains a Reserve officer; and returned to Florida and ran for Congress in 2012. In an op-ed for the National Review, DeSantis said that his legislation would give students "access to federal loan money to put towards non-traditional educational opportunities, such as online learning courses, vocational schools, and apprenticeships in skilled trades. He co-sponsored the VA Accountability Act, which aims to increase accountability by providing for the removal or demotion of employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs based on performance or misconduct. [9] He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and the Iraq Campaign Medal. Sectarian militants were killing about 3,000 Iraqis per month in 2007. Related: The Meaning Behind the Bone Frog Tattoo for Navy SEALs. STAFF SERGEANT GRUBB'S EXCEPTIONAL COURAGE, DEDICATION TO MISSION, AND PERSONAL SACRIFICE DIRECTLY CONTRIBUTED TO THE SUCCESSFULL EVACUATION AND TREATMENT OF 16 AMERICANS AND 32 NOTHERN ALLIANCE SOLDIERS. Mr. Hall the example I posted above, and again here, is what was given to this particular soldier with his medal. In the photo of DeSantis with the bone frog backdrop, the letters TF-W are in view, likely short for SOTF-W, or Special Operations Task Force-West. He also ensured that interrogations complied with the Geneva Conventions and US military law. He worked for the Joint Task Force-Guantanamo Commander (JTF-GTMO), working directly with detainees at the Guantanamo Bay Joint Detention Facility.[7]. Thank you for this info. [42][43] He has called for the "full and complete repeal" of the act. I respected him a lot as a JAG. Gov. During his military career, DeSantis was awarded a bronze star medal for meritorious service, October 2007 to April 2008. . 1. It may be awarded for acts of heroism, acts of merit, or meritorious service in a combat zone. HIS ACTIONS WERE INSTRUMENTAL IN GAINING FIRE SUPERIORITY AND EVENTUALLY ROUTING THE ENEMY FROM THE AREA. [12] In the November general election, DeSantis defeated Democrat Heather Beaven by 57%-43%, with majorities in all four counties. 8. Company D successfully attacked the rebel town of Yoquque and was successful in driving the main enemy force out. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. When the military court-martials a service member, judge advocates serve as lawyers during the trial. Opened in January 2002, the detention center at Guantanamo housed hundreds of detainees. For heroic achievement on 11 Aug 06 in the vicinity of Tariz, Iraq. I agree with Jon that both are good men, but I disagree that Adam is the better man for our next Florida governor based on his experience, which is majority political, whereas Ron has a wide variety of military, legal and political experience. Ron DeSantis Facebook photo. [30], In 2015, DeSantis introduced the Guantanamo Bay Recidivism Prevention Act, which would cut off foreign aid to countries that receive detainees if they show back up on the terrorism recidivism list. The last item listed is "Bronze Star Medal GO 16 HQ 35 INF 9 MAR 45" - meaning that a Bronze Star Medal was awarded by Headquarters 35th Infantry Division, on General Orders number 16, 9 March 1945. The prison has its own courtroom where trials are held for inmates. You can search to see if there is a digital copy of the service member's "Award Card". Major Xxx worked effectively and efficiently to assist the Army Reserve Soldiers in the absence of established Army Reserve personnel systems and organizations in a multi-component force. Assigned to manage the day to day operations of the Xxx office at Victory Base, Iraq MAJ Xxx s dedication to the mission and his impressive resourcefulness ensured the success of the xxx office in Baghdad. Coffee or Die Magazine reached out to DeSantis for a copy of his Bronze Star citation but didn't receive a reply. [10], He authored a book entitled Dreams From Our Founding Fathers: First Principles in the Age of Obama, which was published in 2011. READ ALSO: Who is Eric Kay, ex-Angels staffer who watched Tyler Skaggs do drugs? Washington DC Lawyers Chapter, https://fedsoc.org/contributors/ron-desantis, Featured Fireside Chat with Gov. CITATION TO ACCOMPANY THE AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR WITH V DEVICE )Harvard Law School (J.D.) His professionalism and dedication to duty are in keeping with the finest traditions of the army and reflect great credit upon himself, the 1st Infantry Division, and the United States Army. Usually their websites are open to the public, and they respond to queries. |unit = Judge Advocate General's Corps That may be what you're thinking of when you refer to bronze stars being "unit awards. He has also been involved in investigating the IRS violation of the right of conservative Americans citizens to exercise their Constitutional right to organize to participate in the election process, and has led the effort to hold IRS Commissioner Koskinen and Lois Lerner accountable for the cover up and obstruction of justice. All rights reserved. Keep that in mind as well. it can be hit and miss. |rank = Lieutenant Commander [4][5], He graduated from Dunedin High School in Dunedin in 1997. Congressman DeSantis was first elected to the 6th Congressional District of Florida in 2012, and was re-elected in 2014. Perhaps I should have been clearer. Join the list to receive special offers, updates, and everything about Black Rifle Coffee. Im speaking of the Vietnam War 1969-1970 , the 1st Cavalry Div (airmobile). That is a great website you've put together, Roberta. Charles Hart, 47, of Apopka, is the chair of the Orange County Republican Party. }} WHEN ESCORT VEHICLES ARRIVED AND DREW FIRE, MAJOR SMITH SUCESSFULLY ENGAGED THE ENEMY, THEREBY ALLOWING OTHERS TO BE EXTRACTED. [1][2] After dropping his U.S. Senate bid, DeSantis filed to run for re-election to his U.S. House seat. DeSantis won the six-candidate Republican primary with 39% of the vote, with the runner-up, State Representative Fred Costello, obtaining 23%. DeSantis was assigned as a Trial Defense Counsel until his honorable discharge from active duty in February 2010. US troops conducted near-nonstop operations against insurgents in Al Anbar, a province in western Iraq. We hope this is helpful. He concurrently accepted a Reserve commission as a Lieutenant, Judge Advocate General Corps, in the US Navy Reserve. He was awarded the Iraq Campaign Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal and the Bronze Star Medal. "[27] DeSantis said "the Iran deal gives Ayatollah Khamenei exactly what he wants: billions of dollars in sanctions relief, validation of the Iranian nuclear program, and the ability to stymie inspections. Congressman DeSantis helped defeat efforts by liberal Democrats to defund operations against ISIL, and their attempt reduce the US Navys carrier fleet. His personal actions have been noted in two separate master thesis from Fort Benning OCS student reports. Mica opted to run in the reconfigured 7th, making the 6th an open seat. Congressman DeSantis has supported every effort in the House to stop Obama Care, and helped defeat the Internet sales tax in the House, He authored a bill with Senator Mike Lee to pop the higher education bubble and promote alternative (and cheaper) forms of higher education beyond traditional brick-and-ivy schools. We need more examples. Did it come with a set of orders awarding it? The bronze service stars which are worn on the campaign medals (for example, the Korean Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, etc.) "[18], In 2013, DeSantis signed a pledge sponsored by Americans for Prosperity promising to vote against any global warming legislation that would raise taxes. He distinguished himself by his heroic actions while serving as a rifleman for Company C on 16 June 1968. Attached is an example. Bronze and Silver Star Medals were typically issued at the Division level or higher. DeSantis did serve in the Navy. FOR HEROISM IN CONNECTION WITH GROUND OPERATIONS IN THE REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM. Citation to accompany the award of the Bronze Star Medal FOR VALOR IN CONNECTION WITH GROUND OPERATIONS IN OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. Perhaps I should have been clearer. Ron DeSantis and wants to see less government and more free market principles put in. MAJOR SMITH DISTINGUISHED HIMSELF ON 14 NOVEMBER 2004 WHILE SERVING AS SENIOR OFFICER DURING COMBAT OPERATIONS IN BAGHDAD, IRAQ. But, due to extremely rugged terrain and the failure of radio communications, SGT York, radio operator . Special Mission Platoon instructors show students how to move on line when entering a room to clear it in Habbaniyah, Iraq, on Dec. 15, 2007. "[54][55], DeSantis has said that the debate in Washington, D.C. over how to reduce the deficit should shift emphasis from tax increases to curtailing spending and triggering economic growth. While the US and NATO have yet to commit to sending full-size tanks, the Bradley is a potent armored vehicle for a mechanized war. On May 6, 2015, DeSantis announced that he was running for the United States Senate seat held by Marco Rubio, who initially did not file to run for re-election due to his bid for the U.S. US Marine Corps photo by Sgt. His rapid assessment and solution to numerous problems greatly enhanced the allied effectiveness against a determined and aggressive enemy. |district = Florida06 !6th According to Thorleifson, the Green Berets and SEALs rounded up roughly 100 Iraqi men during DeSantis deployment. |party = Republican When his team, whose mission was the enemy reconnaissance in I Corps area was pursued by a numerically superior enemy force. [64][65] DeSantis has opposed legislation to require online retailers to collect and pay state sales tax. Chief among them, he received the Bronze Star medal for meritorious service from October 2007 to April 2008. |name = Ron DeSantis [53], DeSantis introduced a proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution that would provide that "Congress shall make no law respecting the citizens of the United States that does not also apply to the Senators and Representatives. In 2012, DeSantis ran in the Republican primary for Florida's 6th congressional district. presidency. Former students say the then 23-year-old attended parties with students where alcohol was served. He said he would support Gov. |predecessor = Richard Scott [57] He believes the Federal Reserve System should be audited. In July 2007, Lt DeSantis received orders to report to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group ONE in Coronado, California; he was assigned to SEAL Team ONE and ordered to deploy to Iraq on October 7, 2007 with the troop surge. Your email address will not be published. He was appointed by the U.S. Department of Justice to serve as a federal prosecutor[8] at the U.S. Attorneys Office in the Middle District of Florida. [56] DeSantis supports a no budget no pay policy for Congress to encourage the passage of a budget. MC2 Eli J. Medellin/COMNAVSPECWAR Group One, Team 7, According to the Florida Phoenix, DeSantis duties were special operations, special reconnaissance, intelligence and foreign internal defense operations., Related: What It Means to Be a Navy SEAL, According to 5 SEALs. With a jump in Australia on Monday, Jan. 16, local time, a team of vets set skydiving records to raise money for Folds of Honor. Typically when medals were issued they were issued by the higher command and the HQ level. HIS REMARKABLE PERFORMANCE AND SELFLESS COMMITMENT TO HIS FELLOW COMRADES-IN-ARMS UNDOUBTEDLY SAVED LIVES AND REFLECTS THE HIGHEST STANDARDS OF MILITARY TRADITION. He still serves in the Navy Reserve as a lieutenant commander. A viral social media post accurately summarized the early life and career of Florida Gov. Thats like asking what combat experience does a Chaplain get in Iraq? NARRATIVE TO ACCOMPANY THE AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL. STAFF SERGEANT GRUBB'S ACTIONS WHILE ENGAGED IN COMBAT OPERATIONS DURING OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIM, THE 5TH SPECIAL FORCES GROUP (AIRBORNE), AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. DeSantis primarily served as a prosecutor in the early years of his military service, according to the records obtained by the Florida Phoenix. Citation to accompany the award of the Bronze Star Medal So yes, he did receive a copy of the order with his Bronze Star medal for Valor. [75], In 2010, DeSantis married Casey Black, a local Emmy-winning television host. [3], Ron DeSantis was born in 1978 in Jacksonville, Florida. |term_start = January 3, 2013 |death_date = So, a Vietnam Service Medal with two bronze stars means that the veteran participated in two campaigns during the war--not that they were awarded two Bronze Star Medals. Senators that was meant to limit the president's power to fire the special counsel. Cotton, Tom; DeSantis, Ron (July 30, 2015). He has no combat experience just like the chaplain, if he did he would have been awarded the Navy/Marine Combat Action Ribbon, he was not, his Bronze Star was awarded for meritorious service at GITMO, nothing to do with combat. He believes ISIL should be stopped by finally providing self-defense arms to the Kurds & Christians in the Plains of Ninveh, and providing them with effective close air support. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Ronald Dion DeSantis (born September 14, 1978) is an American politician who has been the United States Representative for Florida06 !Florida's 6th congressional district since 2013. Desantis an outstanding ratings for his voting record in Congress from active duty in February 2010 himself 14... Her life, she will have not her life, she will have not the enemy from the ships as! Then became the governor of Florida in 2019 propeller as it lifted into the air on 12-foot.. 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