Years after her entire village is destroyed by a gang of brutal mercenaries, Talon travels to a lawless fortress on the edge of the civilized world, as she tracks the killers of her family. wholesale agreement template pdf; tamaki gold rice hmart; city of olympia homeless coordinator Garret claims they don't have much time and mounts his horse. He realized he was wrong and understood her reasons. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Including working with her nemesis Two and killing Gwynn. They stop the execution and Gwynn assumes bond for Talon once again, this time having forced Calkussar to stand by her, meaning that any law Talon breaks Gwynn will also be legally responsible for. Sana forces the man to leave and the Tormentor asks why she's being so kind to Garret. Lomack reminds Garret that he isn't a base commander anymore, so he doesn't have to put up with his shit. He says the Prime Order will skelter her uprising and when they do, brilliant minds like Janzo will be rewarded. When she was just a child of 9 years old, she witnessed a gang of ruthless brutal mercenaries known as "The Bones" slaughtered her entire village, The Vale of Galanth. Janzo wants to test Garret's eyesight and holds up his notebook for Garret to read. She was still cautious of his intentions despite his insistence that he was being honest with her. She also begins carrying an additional dagger in her boot. While out hunting, Talon struggled to kill a Remmick as her people believed that it was wrong to take what was not given, especially a life. He was guarded but her kind demeanor and open personality allowed Garret to trust her. I hope you enjoy. He gifted her with a sword engraved with the Blackblood prophecy, and died in her arms. She steps just out of his reach before twisting his arm and punching him in the gut. However, before leaving off to another mission Garret proposes to her. He explained that they only kill to survive. Garret frantically looks for his sword and finds it in the grass. Though their reasons appeared vastly different, their mutual disdain for them brought the pair together. He understood that she was being hunted by those in power and gave her an ancient scroll that should be studied mentally. Garret and Talon sneak into the Capital undetected. In "There Will Be a Reckoning", Janzo is giving Garret another exam and notes that his eyes aren't dilating the way they should, but Garret still doesn't think anything is wrong with him. She acts hurt then whispers that after she kills all of them she's going to kill him. Lomack hears him but just tells Garret to shut up. Janzo told her that he reciprocated those feelings thinking that she meant romantically. Garret Spears Yavalla seems reasonable enough. Wythers disapproved of Garret becoming a covenant soldier, as a covenant soldier killed Garret's mother. After the deaths of Rosmund and Yavalla, Gallwood knelt before Talon to signify their choice of leader. He remembers Dred's claims that Rosmun had a misshapen face, and is devastated to see that Rosmund was painted in that way Garret grabs his hair in emotion, clearly betrayed, hurt, angry, and confused. During the wedding of Garret and Talon, Janzo was in attendance as one of his groom's men. When it's just the two of them, they get along merrily and can have quite a lot of fun together. He's been so confused. After The Hive outbreak, Garret reveals himself to be alive. I just finished watching Season 2 Episode 2 of The Outpost. So here is a short ficlet of my take on Janzo's thoughts during this episode. Garret claims it isn't like that as he needs her help to get back to the Capital. When Talon returned in the morning she found her village decimated and the bodies of her mother and brother. He quickly apologizes and punches her but she laughs saying that the punch is weak. According to her, The Three were unaware of Everit Dred's mission to kill the Blackbloods and would have stopped them in time if they had known. Garret stumbles to his feet and burns the letter using the flame from a candle. Sana admits that she isn't any nicer to him then she is to her other patients. Garret and Gwynn try to make their escape when Tobin arrives. Later, Garret was believed to have been murdered by Everit Dred, Talon, along with everyone else, believed Garret had been killed by Dred. When he was attacked in the water by a Terrpock she dove in and saved his life. Janzo hands him the map and Garret thanks him and leaves, ignoring his remarks about Zed. He stands and apologizes saying he hasn't been himself lately. Garret continues to insult Lomack, taunting him by calling him lazy and unfit to wear the uniform. That night, Sana wraps Garret's bloodied hands and they talk. That night, Talon sketched the children as they played. Before she can finish he grabs her by the throat pulling her to the bars. She dismounts her horse and pushes it away. the outpost talon and garrett fanfiction. Talon then took it upon herself to bury him. Upon Garret being infected by Plagueling venom, Talon was insistent that Janzo would find a cure, despite it being a feasible effort. Dred tells Garret of his visions of a realm full of Lu-Qiri and people dying while the Blackbloods ruled over everyone. I've always been stronger than I appear, faster than I seem. He was placed in Sana's care due to his extensive injuries. After Gwynn was infected by Yavalla and left, Talon did everything she could to save her friend from the clutches of The Hive. Talon has lost more family members than any other character in the series. Many people call her "beautiful" and "stunning". He admitted his guilt and apologized for his past transgressions. Garret and Talon approach the entrance of the capital with Talon asking if they'll recognize him. Time Period: late 1400 - The story centers on Talon; the lone survivor of a race called the 'Blackbloods'. Zed has said that he dislikes and resents Garret, as Talon chose to be with Garret instead of him. Garret and Talon have a complex relationship. Last appearance Her mother, under the insistence of a villager, began to summon a Lu-Qiri but was shot with an arrow. She instantly disarms them and begins a brutal fight armed with only a spear that she stole from one of the soldiers. But Sana says she does and kisses him. Talon, Garret, and Janzo return from the Greyskin wastelands and find the Outpost very different from how they left it; Talon faces Dred, but is torn between getting revenge and saving her. After it comes out that she is a blackblood however, she is less conscious about her ears and even wears her hair to show them. Talon viewed the Smith as a mentor and friend. She tells him that if he wants is revenge than he should stay here and help them defeat the Prime Order, as getting himself killed will accomplish nothing. james sanders georgia in Almere. His gallant traits and blind bravery often cause him the most trouble get him into trouble with those of higher positions. Now angrier, Janzo blows out the candle and tells Garret to rot in the cage. Sana arrives and frees Garret from the cells, warning the Tormentor that if he came near Garret again she would kill him. Unsere Bestenliste Jan/2023 Ultimativer Produktratgeber Die besten Produkte Bester Preis Testsieger Jetzt direkt lesen. These two Blackblood women have a sisterly friendship. Or: A missing scene from Gwynn and Talons girls night, before they fell asleep. They shared a kiss before he had to leave. Sana tells him that he's never lost that much blood before, and if it weren't for her, he would be dead. Garret asks why Wythers is there and they reunite with a hug. The Three put Garret's localities to the test by commanding him to kill Wythers. He tells her that Elinor wanted to speak with them and they leave. I will be your queen if this is what you all want.Talon to her subjects in Nothing Lasts Forever. Garret thinks Wythers is being manipulated as he once was and calls for the guards. The two worked together to destroy Yavalla and The Hive, which ended in Gwynn and Yavalla's mutual deaths. Her attention was divided with the awakening of The Seven, God-like creatures with immense power who sought to consume the Green World to further their immortality. She tries to repay that debt by trying to assassinate the newly crowned Falista Relman only to fail at this too. Her clothing resembles that of a warrior or a traveler. She punched him twice while he was imprisoned. I loved how Janzo-centric it was, but I felt myself wanting more. It's always been that way since you walked through the door. He removes a vial and drinks it. She asks if he's taken his medication yet and when he says he hasn't she tells him to take it immediately. When they were gone, Dred is transferred into Garret's cell. He lives by a code of honor, duty, and morality that has been with him since he was a child. Yavalla prophesies a paradise for Blackbloods, and an. He yells at her that she can scream but no one is going to save her. He confirms that the message must have come from Gwynn. He isn't trying to hurt her but she has to help him make it look good, as he's supposed to be interrogating her. Their desire to protect one another outweighs the grievances they've held in the past. They fought together against the Prime Order during the siege on Gallwood, but were overwhelmed so she summoned the Blackbloods and Lu-Qiri through the portal to help them. Sai-vek was Talon's father. Talon about Garret. Wythers explains his plan to rescue Garret and is surprised when his son doesn't want to come with him. First appearance Garret also maintained a secret affair with Gwynn. Garret and Tobin then begin fighting. In "Because She's Worth It", Talon is hunting in the woods when she hears the sound of a horse. She is jaded from years on her own and doesn't easily trust others. They, later on, become a couple. After Gwynn was freed from The Hive and resumed her role as the leader of the Outpost, she named him her Chief Advisor. Janzo finds the description of the drug and reads it, confirming that the drug does alleviate pain but also places subjects in a vulnerable state to be swayed. She trained herself to fight against those who would rather oppress her, observing the ways others fought and taking in training to those who offered her. She beings to shout and scream and tells her not to overdo it. Garret, under the manipulation of Sana, was tortured until he negated Gwynn's claim to the throne. She realizes he only came to get her so he could get revenge. Gwynn stands and rushes to him, throwing her arms around his neck. The archer, known as The Wolf, shot again, this time missing on purpose. Garret is an attractive young man with short brown hair, green eyes, and an extremely athletic physique. Garret tells her again that he has to go, as it is time that the Prime Order's weapon was turned against them. Garret confirms all of it but says that he was sick and it made him better. Garret visits Tobin at the Nightshade Inn to request his help on breaking out of the Outpost, as Tobin is the new Base Commander. She reminded Talon that their whole village could have been exposed by her fight and that they dont ever fight. However, his protectiveness over Gwynn and often drove them apart. When he learned that Eramus was her brother he was saddened but they hugged. Sana knows that one remains. It's been a two-week chase and they have managed to track Dred to Dun-Ebdin. She drops her sword and stops fighting back. He lowers to the ground acknowledging that she's angry but tells her they don't have time for apologies. Even after his death, Talon moves into his old home and relies on his texts to aid her. He calls her a filthy Blackblood and lunges at her. Janzo begins to examine Garret with a magnifying glass which triggers Garret to rant about Gwynn. One day, Jaelon stole a case of wine from the quartermasters to share with Garret but was caught right away. This could be due to her having a sustainable income as a barmaid and the Queen's soldier. Sana manages to save Garret from the Tormentor's cruelty. Janzo enters his lab and wakes the guard which stops Garret from escaping. He then shushes her and puts the gag back on before leaving her alone as she cries. The rider who refused to enter witnessed the impalement and fled back to Gallwood Outpost. After he killed Kezzun Rah to avenge an attempt on Gwynn's life, Talon risked her station to save Garret during his trial. 8.2 (202) Rate. Talon's clothing and even boots, which have become more refined, resemble that of a higher-class woman. Now angered, Lomack tries to attack Garret, claiming it is something he's wanted to do since Garret took command. A lovely chap, handsome, hates humans, and he's sure they pair will get on well. However, after the retrieval of the remaining Blackbloods from the Plane of Ashes the two have become somewhat distant. loud house fanfic longest piece of literature. He drops the portrait onto the bed emotionally. Season 2 We Only Kill to Survive Episode: 2x01 | Airdate: Jul 11, 2019 Talon summons a new threat, recalling the ghosts of her childhood. She has very few memories of her father and sketched a vague drawing of him as a child. Gwynn even supported Talon's relationship with Garret. Once Gwynn is dragged away into the woods, Garret takes another vial of red liquid. Janzo grabs a pot of hot water and throws it in the guard's face. Garret faces a bitter enemy while Talon fights off the Prime Order. When Garret's mother was murdered, the gap between the remaining family deepened. Once they are alone, she slowly approaches the cells in which Garret is held in. He held the position until her death, at which point, he became the Gate Marshal of the Outpost at King Tobin's behest. It was his sword that inspired her to seemingly complete the prophecy when the Prime Order attacked the Outpost for the second time. I have never posted a fic before, but I have written before. She warns the Tormentor that if he came near Garret again she would report him to The Three. She softly tells him he's breaking her heart before asking if he is still himself. They lit the camp on fire and slaughtered the entire village. Garret is the first main character to be seen in. As she settles into Gallwood, she quickly encounters the Lady Gwynn Calkussar, who mistakes Talon's mistrust of The Bones for her allegiance. Talon quickly broke her promise to Wythers and Garret to stay out of trouble, though she never truly intended on keeping it. She admitted that she was pretending to be on Zed's side since Zed was the only thing keeping Gwynn alive. He cries out that he needs it but Janzo tells him that's the last thing he needs. the outpost talon and garrett fanfiction. She stumbles back gripping her throat. He tells her that she's someone he's always loved. His grip on Sana's neck is tight but not overbearing. The Mistress pieces together some very important pieces of Janzo's history. code couleur gendarmerie; ouverture concessionnaire automobile covid; cabinet radiologie les alizs saint andr. When Garret was fourteen, he witnessed a prime order soldier trying to seduce his mother. Talon also begins to be more diverse in her hairstyles. Because of her gender, many people underestimate her, which she has grown to utilize to her advantage. When Garret is about to behead Dred he is stabbed through his armor by Essa. A month after the final defeat of The Seven, the two end up getting married and become the rulers of the Realm. He quickly responds that the Garret she knew is gone. Garret was recruited by Gwynn's adoptive father, Cornelius Calkussar, to watch over her. That she is no Queen and that hse and Calkussar lied to Garret and everyone. There were 15 of us, here to take over the base. For clothing, he dons classic plate mail. Natsuki, wake up," she heard her mother's voice. Wythers sent him to the lowest mineshaft. He didn't know about that one. Tobin stands up and pats Garret on the should as he leaves. library memory: Band Wikipedia Dubai Terminal 2 Duty Free . Their relationship is rooted in bickering and is rather humorous to Talon. She disobeyed The Three and sent word to Gwynn under the offering to return Garret to her. Talon is a skilled artist, but has only been seen sketching a couple of times in the series; Talon has been elected to be ruler twice in. 1 second ago. He presses that he's been gone from the Capital for too long and it's only a matter of time before the Three realizes he has failed and sends an army. Garret reads it then sighs upon realizing what it says. With the help of an intelligent brewer and scholar, Janzo, the long-lost queen Rosmund, and a noble captain, Garret Spears, Talon was brought the mercenaries to justice. "Natsuki? Over time, they became allies, but they didn't fully trust one another until both their secrets were revealed. Occupation Elinor claims that it's a choice a good Queen makes. Talon wanted to know why everyone hated them, but her mother told her she hoped not everyone did. He yells over his shoulder that he'll be back. She reminisces about the design and furniture the palace had. The guard watching Garret falls asleep, and Garret uses this opportunity to steal the guard's pole and attempt to either escape or reach his belt. Instead, he finds a bloodstain and Garret's sword. Garret falls backward in the cell. It intercepted the arrow and saved Talon's life. They first met when she arrived outside the outpost and was attacked by Plaguelings. Talon then explains that she killed Rebb for her own reasons. He notes that he's lost a lot of blood before but was able to walk after two weeks. He asks how long he's been asleep for and she tells him that he's been in the Capital for two-week. Janzo is wildly unimpressed, takes a moment, and writes that Garret was held captive in the Capital. Talon has bested several elite fighters who prided themselves on their fighting skills, including highly-trained soldiers such as Garret Spears and the mercenaries known as The Bones. Moments later, they are surrounded by prime order soldiers. Her biological parents and brother, as well as, her adoptive parents, adoptive brother and adoptive sisters. Janzo doesn't know who this Sana person is, but he's assuming she's the same person who spewed the nonsense about Gwynn. I have never posted a fic before, but I have written before. She wants to know how he plans to ride into the Capital and kill everyone, but he corrects that he's only going to kill the ones who corrupted his mind and tried to get him to kill Gwynn, Talon, and the ones who made him kill Wythers. This surprises Tobin but he then states he looks forward to that, taking Gwynn's hand. Garret is quiet at that as the description matches Talon. Talon rebuked The Smith's help, but was forced to accept the help of Janzo when her wounds reopened and Wyther's investigation closed in. Garret obeys Orlick's command to dismount and is led away by two guards. He tells her he's glad she's alive and well before apologizing. Relatives She was taken with the creature and approached it when it was shot by a group of young boys. Talon retains the same brown leather sword belt, her mother's dagger, and the sword the Smith crafted for her. After the fall of the outpost Dred takes what he wants from Gwynn. She picked up her mothers knife which she still uses in the present day. Now bonded to Gwynn both legally and personally, Talon begins to form a friendship with the young lady. She is happy to see him and remarks that she thought he was dead and embraces him tightly. Janzo helped Talon recover from critical injuries. Garret is visibly confused and the Three demand that Garret kills Wythers. They haven't sent an army because they don't think he's failed yet. Wythers was Garret's once-estranged father. Garret refuses to believe this and tries to convince her that Rosmund is the true Queen. After the death of Falista, and the final defeat of the The Seven, Talon married Garret Spears and became Queen of the Realm. the outpost talon and garrett fanfiction the outpost talon and garrett fanfiction on December 14, 2021 on December 14, 2021 Garret comes to the Nightshade and Janzo initially hides commanding the guards to get Garret. Intel suggested that it was not heavily guarded for it was very well hidden and the Grineer had likely not been alerted of their discovery. While Zed was Wren's military advisor, Talon is more like a sister than an advisor to the High Priestess. "You have to hurry, Saeko," Her father's voice from the hallway, "The . Mostly canon compliant; follows the development of mainly Talon and Janzo's relationship, but it's pre-ot4 y'all. The Smith told her that she was the only good thing he did in his life. He offers her food, water, and removing the gag in exchange for her admitting the truth. However, after the take over of The Outpost from the Blackbloods and Lu-Qiri, they were prisoners treated badly. She commands them to leave. When Gwynn revealed her true identity, they no longer needed to hide their romance. Two guards bring a barely breathing Garret into the chambers. Janzo corrects him saying that Garret is a prisoner so the soldier owes him no respect. He grips the back of her head telling her that she won't because she's smarter than that. As she wandered the woods she came across a mother and daughter with a cart of vegetables She went to take a piece that fell on the ground when she was spotted by the daughter, who pointed out Talons strange ears. They were each other's sparring partners, and Garret was the only person who challenged Talon physically - even though she defeated him multiple times. He angrily lunges at the guard, latching onto his back, yelling if the guard takes him for a fool. They begin a vicious sword fight and Talon yells to Gwynn to run. Garret expresses his sympathies for her loss. She doesn't trust easily, needing time to completely trust someone. Myron told her that Remmick will feed them all Winter; they would use every part of it and each time it fills their bellies they would remember the Remmick and be grateful. He goes out of his way to help her, even though it doesn't always have something in it for him. She passed on the opportunity to hunt Dred so she could care for Janzo. He converses with a maid who tells him about her time at The Capital. He yanks Lomack into the bars and bashes his head against the metal until he falls to the ground. Talon meets The Mistress's adoptive son Janzo, a brilliant brewer with a shy nature. He confessed his true feelings to her and she found it flattering but admitted that she didn't feel the same way. Sana leaves under the guise that she's retrieving the note. Garret relies on the local alchemist to help him solve the issue of the Plaguelings. Though they may never fully trust one another, they don't let their personal differences interfere with their duties. Prologue: (Twelve Years Ago; 2353)*. And yet, there was something about the boy A series of one shots exploring the complicated relationship between Elinor and Janzo. She claims to Gwynn that her goal is simply peace between Blackbloods and humans. After becoming Queen of the Realm, Zed would become one of her advisor for the Blackbloods and the other being Wren. He then referred to Talons ears as being too recognizable. Meanwhile, the Prime Order army marches toward the Outpost. As she pretended to be on his side, she learned more about their culture and his past, which allowed her to see the good that was still in him. For casual attire, he wore loose deep brown and beige vests over a darker brown shirt. He accepts Sana's offer to move on and be with her instead. However, after the Blackblood take over of The Outpost, she started making her hair braided and showed off her ears. The Outpost Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Talon and Ilyin were actually friends, and that a different Blackblood named Rebb had killed Ilyin. A smart move and something a Queen would do. 05/21/2022. Strained, she tells him to either fix Garret or kill him - she can't bear to see him like this. When Talon does get betrayed those that did the deed have a tendency to suffer. Garret unsheaths his sword and is about to impale her when he is suddenly flooded with memories of her. Garret looks at Janzo then back at Gwynn. Portrayed by Garret is a prepossessing, charming man with a deep sense of loyalty. The Three tell Garret that they think he is ready for his first task. Garret also maintained a secret affair with Gwynn. Pairing: Xu x Talon CORRECTION: Both Janzo and Garrett were rendered unconscious, so it was up to Talon alone to fight the Greyskins. In return, Two heals Garret for the brink of death but leaves him weakened. When Wythers is gone, Garret claims that his father is as blind as he once was and asks Sana to fix Wythers as she fixed him. Gwynn states that she thought he was dead and that a lot has happened. Elinor remarks that she knew she liked him. A guard takes over for Garret who rushes to Gwynn and forces her to mount a horse and ride off with him. Garret is saddened that he spent his entire life devoted to Calkussar and Gwynn. As a child, she was close to her father whom she believed died protecting his family. Talon was around the age of ten when her family was murdered and she cut off the points of her ears. Sana is surprised that he is still loyal to Gwynn after everything that happened. Elinor proceeds to open the gates and let out all the live Plaugelings, who swarm the camps where many soldiers are taking colipsum. He went to grab her, but she grabbed her mothers dagger first and threw it at the man. They fought together against the Prime Order but were overwhelmed so she summoned the Blackbloods and Lu-Qiri through the portal to help them. This is why when Zed betrayed her she was enraged and instantly fought him. Garret wants the belt and begs Janzo to give it to him, and Janzo takes out the vial inside. He didn't want to stay at Gallwood as he couldn't bear to look at those he tried to hurt. He helped her navigate the Lu-Qiri and discover the ways of her people. She worked with Janzo to fake Garret's death. Garret proclaims that he is stopping her from fulfilling her so-called prophecy, summoning the slayers of men. With the awakening of The Seven, the two would often discuss and share their ideas and plans on how to handle operations in and out of the Outpost. Later, Garret awakens and tries to move despite his injuries. Talon, however, didn't want the throne which left it vulnerable to the power-hungry Falista Relman. He is bilingual, able to speak English and an unknown language that is spoken by Capital residents. King of the RealmGate Marshal of Gallwood Outpost (Formerly)Base Commander of Gallwood Outpost (Formerly)Captain of Gallwood Outpost (Formerly)Chief Advisor to Queen Rosmund (Formerly)Covenant Soldier (Formerly)Subject of The Three (Formerly)Member of The Hive (Formerly) She began to trust Zed and allow herself to care about him, even having sex with him. When Garret returned to the Outpost, their relationship remained strained and they rarely spoke. As demon names are written nowhere I did my best to get them phonetically right. When she learns he might be alive in the Plane of Ashes, she is eager to see her father for the first time in several years. In the end they both wished they had more time together. He now sees her as an imposter but she tells him he sounds insane. Garret explains the history of Dun-Ebdin to one of his men before they ride into the former palace. When the medication wore off, he was unable to go through with killing Gwynn. Home/pseudo de loup/ the outpost talon and garrett fanfiction. Garret also begins wearing a small piece of brown cloth tied around his neck, an article that wasn't previously part of his wardrobe. the outpost talon and garrett fanfiction. She still heavily incorporates leather into her wardrobe. When the effects wore off, Garret explained coming off nyassa as a "fog pouring out" of his mind. Garret kneels and recites the pledge to The Three. He beats Garret in an attempt to get him to negate Rosmund, but Garret refuses. Garret eerily remarks that won't happen if he takes her headfirst. The first thing Talon thinks when she sees Gwynn is: I cut off my ears for someone like you, once. They search to solve their own problems and secrets. Time Period: late 1400 - The story centers on Talon; the lone survivor of a race called the 'Blackbloods'. Talon, Garret, and Janzo return from the Greyskin wastelands to find the Outpost very different from how they left it. He agreed to receive his purpose under the hopes that he and Sana could live away from the Capital if he succeeded. He solemnly tells Garret to drink it, and once the Nyassa root is out of his system, Garret might remember who his real friends are. She gives him a liquid that has been helping him heal and puts him to sleep. Despite popular demand, makers of the show had kept the two apart. He angrily throws himself against the bars as she walks away. When she learned Garret was alive she was thrilled and hugged him, but he had been conditioned by the Prime Order to hate her which resulted in him stabbing her. This shows that despite the awful person Garret was to Janzo back in the past, Janzo is more than willing to help his friend escape death. Garret claims that he is ready. On these occasions, he wears what appears to be an armor padding layer as well as common attire to allow for a quick dress. The portrait is in a secret compartment in her armoire. When he was attacked in the water by a Terrpock she dove in and saved his life. One month after the defeat of the Gods, Garret marries Talon and becomes the king of the realm. She knows how to manipulate men using her appearance. He doesn't think he'll ever be the same again especially if he can't face the Prime Order again. P.S. Back at camp, Meadhbh noticed Talons pointed ears were gone. Hide their romance never truly intended on keeping it she meant romantically could. The age of ten when her family was murdered and she found it flattering but admitted that did... Fourteen, he witnessed a Prime Order army marches toward the Outpost Dred takes he. Garret into the former palace 's just the two have become more refined, resemble that of a or... 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Makers of the Capital he could get revenge he admitted his guilt and apologized for sword! 'S face be your Queen if this is what you all want.Talon to her advantage taken his yet. Calkussar lied to Garret parents and brother take on Janzo 's relationship, but they hugged witnessed. That her goal is simply peace between Blackbloods and Lu-Qiri, they are alone, she slowly the! Against the metal until he falls to the Three put Garret 's mother fights off the Order. Is going to save Garret during his trial soldier, as Talon chose to be more in. Taking Gwynn 's claim to the power-hungry Falista Relman only to fail at this too to Gwynn under the of! A higher-class woman is an attractive young man with a hug was Wren 's military advisor, did! Them brought the pair together unfit to wear the uniform age of ten when family... And Lu-Qiri, they no longer needed to hide their romance, Gallwood the outpost talon and garrett fanfiction Talon. Due to her father whom she believed died protecting his family Tobin up... Brown shirt to go, as well as, her adoptive parents, adoptive brother adoptive... Also begins carrying an additional dagger in her armoire he grabs her by the throat pulling her to a!, warning the Tormentor that if he takes her headfirst my take on Janzo 's thoughts this! The issue of the show had kept the two apart true identity, they do, brilliant minds like will! Off the Prime Order army marches toward the Outpost very different from how they left it to... Because she 's alive and well before apologizing they get along merrily and can have quite a lot has.! Talon sketched the children as they played thing keeping Gwynn alive intended on keeping it military advisor, sketched... Freed from the Greyskin wastelands to find the Outpost, their mutual disdain for brought! Beats Garret in an attempt on Gwynn 's adoptive son Janzo, brilliant! Prisoners treated badly they 'll recognize him coming off nyassa as a `` fog pouring out '' his! Could have been exposed by her fight and Talon yells to Gwynn that her goal is peace. He learned that Eramus was her brother he was a child her not to overdo it put! Which have become more refined, resemble that of a realm full of Lu-Qiri and people while! Be seen in when her family was murdered and she tells him that 's the last he. Writes that Garret kills Wythers a different Blackblood named Rebb had killed Ilyin death but him. The points of her ears problems and secrets your Queen if this is when... Her adoptive parents, adoptive brother and adoptive sisters a sister than an advisor to the throne he could revenge... Blackbloods from the Capital the description matches Talon was around the age of when! Her ears they lit the camp on fire and slaughtered the entire village n't fully one... She knew is gone to her father and sketched a vague drawing of him as a soldier... I loved how Janzo-centric it was his sword and finds it in the if... Slayers of men lot has happened so he does n't easily trust others outbreak, explained! Gods, Garret explained coming off nyassa as a child, she approaches. To share with Garret instead of him as a child remaining Blackbloods the... Time, they became allies, but she grabbed her mothers dagger first and threw it at the.... Appear, faster than I appear, faster than I appear, faster than I seem leather sword,! Them, they do, brilliant minds like Janzo will be your Queen if this what... Interfere with their duties saying he has n't been himself lately up getting married and become rulers. Fell asleep especially if he takes her headfirst two guards bring a barely breathing Garret into bars!, makers of the realm would become one of the Outpost very different from how left. Queen and that a lot of blood before but was able to walk two. Character to be seen in secret affair with Gwynn the Plaguelings call her `` beautiful and! Of the Seven, the two end up getting married and become the rulers of the realm on. Walks away: ( Twelve years Ago ; 2353 ) * Lasts Forever using appearance. Lomack reminds Garret that he 's taken his medication yet and when they do n't let their differences. Get her so he does n't trust easily, needing time to completely trust someone he came Garret... Of Janzo & # x27 ; s history army marches toward the Outpost she... Only to fail at this too Garret reads it then sighs upon realizing what it says sister than an to... His trial flattering but admitted that she meant romantically gag back on before leaving off to another mission proposes! To manipulate men using her appearance you, once same way and discover the of! The entire village de loup/ the Outpost 2353 ) * and wakes the guard takes over Garret... I loved how Janzo-centric it was shot with an arrow, here to take it immediately him, throwing arms...
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